Zombie Man

Ebil-o FTL June-21 & Feb-22-2010
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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    The Thug MM Tier 1 and Tier 2 upgrades are still not working..

    if you use the Tier 2 upgrade then the Tier 1 .. the upgrades work but the graphics will not display correctyly. it also seems that you can double stack a tier 2 upgrade.. because it will display upgrade 1, upgrade 1 for the pet powers.

    I suspect its a glitch with the upgrades not being applied and not a graphics issue. but I'll let the devs sort that out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, the 2nd upgrade isnt showing up for me AT ALL no matter which order I do it. This absolutely kills my thugs MM, becuase I can not tell which upgrade has been given. When I have to resummon quickly in a fight, it's very easy to get things out of order. Plus, it makes my trenchcoat 50% less cool!

    I hope this gets fixed soon becuase it's the one character I have that is close to lvl 50. Right now, it's unplayable.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    The equip and upgrade keep over writing each other as far as the thug graphics. It's like the check to see if one has been applied is not there and the combined graphics never get turned on. Also, the bruiser does not have his combined graphics either.

    The lack of enforcer trenchcoats alone make thugs 66% less cool. My arsonist with no dynamite takes away another 16.6%. The bruiser with no chains or dew rag? Please help!! Aside from the cool/intimidation factor the different graphics are needed to tell which pet needs which upgrade. It is a playability issue!


    Poison Pill

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dew rag? Is there a problem with condensation in the bruiser's hairdo?

    Anyway, until this is fixed, you'll have to rely on the icons next to the pet window.

    In case those reading are new to MMs...

    First, go to options and enable the pet window. Then, on the team window, click on the word 'pet' to open the pet window. Click on the arrow on the right side to display icons.

    If the icons are too small to see, you can enlarge them and the whole pet window with the following command, but first, undock the pet window from the chat window by clicking the blue radio button on the top of the pet window. Then type...

    /windowscale pet 1.2

    This will increase the pet window and icon graphics by 20%. (1.15 = 15% increase, 1.07 = 7%, and so on...)

    With the pet window undocked, you can move it anywhere. You can put the inspiration tray right next to the pet window for easy drag and drop giving of inspirations. Or near the power tray so you can see in one view which pet needs an upgrade, click the pet and then the power in the tray.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    I had some left over halloween event salvage pieces (Statesman Mask, Lord Recluse Mask, Back Alley Brawler Gloves, and Hamidon Costume). Now for some odd reason the icons have all been replaced with a glowing purple canister icon and with orange text names.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep, mine too. Even the ones in storage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This was the case on Test, eventually they uploaded the correct icons. The ones you see now are just placeholders until they patch in the right graphics.
  3. Sounds like someone at NCSoft is trying to settle a bet.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    The solution is simple. Personal player housing through SG bases.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great minds think alike. Posi and I have been talking about this for awhile.

    Here's the not so simple bit: the tech. But it's an interesting idea that we're wrangling at the moment.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1. Give a significant prestige boost to an individual for creating a base; and

    2. Significantly reduce the price of non-raiding space, equipment, and decorations; then...

    Everyone can create their own base-apartment with storage for their stuff with one of their toons. With an alt-toon, they can join a Super/Villain Base and then form an alliance between their base-apartment and their S/V Group. Allowing both their toons to enter either the player apartment or their Group Base.

    This can be done right now just by altering database values and not any coding. Tweaking the coding to allow new types of permissions can be done later.
  5. Rescaling the User Interface

    Rescaling all of the Graphical User Interface (GUI or just UI) can be done with a slider found in Menu/Options/Graphics/User Interface/Window Scale. All the windows in the UI can be shrunk to 64% of their standard size or magnified to 154% of their standard size.

    Changing the scale value rescales proportionally all the texts and graphics in the window and proportionately rescales the maximum and minimum sizes of windows that can by manually resized through clicking-and-dragging their borders.

    Note that changing this value and then exiting the Options Window by the Save button will change every window to this value, even if they've already been individually rescaled to some other value (see below). If you do not change the value of the slider, and you have individually resized windows, and then choose Save, the value set on this universal slider is ignored -- the slider has to be changed and then saved in order to reset all windows to the new value. Note that the scale of the Health window is attached to the value of the slider bar. If you change scaling of the Health window individually, then the value of this slider will change, and then the next time you choose Save to exit from Options, all the window will be reset to the new value. In other words, individually scaling Health will eventually lead to resetting all the windows to the same scale value. So, set your Health window scale first, and then save it under options, and then go rescale the rest of the windows to your preferences.

    Rescaling Individual Windows

    The problem with rescaling all the windows with the slider is that some windows don't scale well, e.g., if you shrink everything to 80%, then the text in the mission window will run off the window and disappear, or the pop-up 'color commentary' windows when you enter a mission are formatted horribly in that the 'OK' button hovers over the text.

    Luckily, individual windows are scalable individually with this command:

    /window_scale <windowname> <scale>

    Where <windowname> is the name of a window, and <scale> is a number between .64 and 1.54 (64% and 154%).

    Window Names:

    Health (or Status)
    Team (or Group)
    Chat1, Chat2, Chat3, Chat4 (these are the Tabs 1-4 windows)
    Tray, or Power(s)
    Tray1 through Tray8
    Enhancements (always with an 's')
    Actions (related to Target)
    Info (can only be hidden or toggled to hidden)
    Nav (or Compass)
    Badge (no s)


    So, to make the pet window at scale 75%:
    /window_scale pet .75

    Or to make the power tray 120%:
    /windowscale tray 1.2

    Note: There are also the commands: /window_hide (or, /hide); /window_show (or, /show) and /windowtoggle (or, /toggle), which also take a &lt;windowname&gt; argument.

    Note: The underscore isn't necessary, the system ignores them; they're put in to help humans understand the command names, so, /windowscale also works.

    Note: Subwindows docked to a parent window will scale to the parent window (and not the other way around). If a subwindow is undocked (click the blue button) from it's parent window, then the two can be rescaled independently of each other. Redocking an undocked subwindow forces it to take the scaling of the parent window.

    Exceptions to the Rule:

    The Help window (Menu/Help) can be shown with the hide/show/toggle command but can't be resized with /windowscale, instead, it will automatically take the same scale as the Health window and will resize with the Health window, even though it is not docked to the Health window.

    The Support window (Menu/Support, or, through /bug or /petition command) can't be made to display with the usual commands (hide/show/toggle), nor can it be individually resized; instead, it takes the scale of the Health window.

    The Menu window can only be displayed with the /menu command (and not show/hide/toggle menu), nor can it ever be rescaled.

    Text Size, Chat, and Font Size.

    The text in rescaled windows scales proportionately with the window; that is, tiny windows give you tiny text and huge windows give you huge text... almost. Unfortunately, it's not exact and that can throw the text wrapping off and the placement of graphics within the windows. So, you might wind up missing a few letters or words of the text, or have a graphic hide some of the text. Usually, this isn't noticeable until you get beyond a 15% magnification or reduction.

    The Chat windows are unique in that you can alter the size of the font in the Chat windows independently of scaling of the window. Now, keep in mind that scaling Chat windows up or down will proportionately scale the size of the font. But you have further scaling of the font with the Menu/Options/General/Chat/Font Size Slider. You can choose font sizes from 5 to 20.

    So, let's say you want a small Chat window to keep track of your healing, but you don't want it to take up a lot of space. Do this:

    1. Shrink chat it to it's minimum with /windowscale chat .54.
    2. Open up a new Tab Chat Window, add a tab which keeps track of healing.
    3. undock the window, place it wherever you want.
    4. Manually reduce the size of the window by dragging the borders. There, a tiny little window that keeps track of healing.

    However, you will probably find that the text for all the chat windows is now too small to read... so, you go into Options and increase the font size to a size that's legible. You can also increase the size of your regular chat windows by dragging the borders so that they're much larger then the tiny healing-tracking window. By shrinking all of chat first, rather than just that one subChat window gives you the ability to resize any chat windows to a smaller footprint that would be allowed at the normal scale level.

    Luckily, no matter what scale your chat windows or font, the text wrapping in a chat window doesn't ever chop off any words or letters (OK, maybe just a tiny bit of a letter).
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    Now Testing in the Training Room - 10/23/06 2pm CST


    • Thin stripes 1 &amp; 2 added.

    • Excess patterns revamped.

    • Assassin pattern added to gloves and boots.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thin Stripes 2

    Thanks for Thin Stripes 2. These are the thin stripes down the side of the legs like one sees on military pants, marching band pants, and state trooper pants. This is the number one costuming option for two toned pants in the whole world, and it is only now being implemented. Thank-you. (Previously the pants stripe down the side was way too large.)

    BUT.... Thin Stripes 2 is only available on Lower Body(Tight) // Pants(X). It is *not* available on Lower Body(Pants) // X.

    So, if I want Thin Stripes 2 down the side of regular pants or cargo pants or tucked in pants, it's not available. This is a big oversight. I'm sure you meant it to be available for all pants, not just Tight Pants.


    Under Boots, "Workboots, Motorcycle Boots, and Cowboy Boots" are repeated in the list. (List should get alphabetized.)

    Under Pants, the Sinister overly pattern appears twice, within three entries of each other.

    Crew Cut/Buzz Cut

    Still missing!

    Come on, what's the deal here? It went missing. We were told to report missing costumes. This has been reported over and over and been asked for over and over. We still don't know if this is a /bug or a purposeful deletion. If a /bug, please fix it. If deleted, please reconsider and bring it back.

    Please, give us some info. What's the deal with this? Broke or missing as intended?

    Oh, the obligatory, "Jay... I'd do him."
  7. "They'll give respecs when there are major changes." OK, define the difference between 'major' changes and 'minor'.

    Posi said that they're looking to fix Team TP. If it's truly fixed, then all those people who respecked out of it because of how borked it was will want to respec back into it. Also, fly has been upgraded. Etc....

    As the powers and mechanics are fixed, changed, tweaked, and added, there will always be a valid reason to give out a free respec with every issue.

    And if they moved free respecs to a *recurring* veteran reward (e.g., available at 9 months, 15 months, 21 months, etc...), then you'd wind up with practically the same thing: a constant supply of respecs to keep up with the constantly changing and growing powers and mechanics.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    This may have been covered already, but any idea when the Hero side version of the LR TF will be implemented instead of the Hami hunt? I8 maybe?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is a feature of I9

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean Heroes get that -AND- Hami? So they get two sources of Hami's then. That is gonna spark issues.

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    And the devs have wondered aloud whether the villains should have Hami also, or some new analogue so that both factions have two sources of SHOEs from raids/forces.

    Of course the devs will try to balance the two. It's only an issue for doomers who assume the worse.
  9. Thank-you very much for the update.
  10. Your point about Revive for a Regen Scrapper is pertinent if and only if the Scrapper does not have a full attack chain yet. Once the Scrapper has enough attack powers so that there's always an attack recharged and ready to use, then any other power, no matter how situational is useful.

    Also the point about Revive being only half health and endurance is a minor concern to a Regen who can recharge both rather quickly.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Anybody hear anything about when they'll release this guide so we can buy a hard copy?

    I don't know anything quite so useless as this free 200+ page guide that's printed horizontal and veritical to make it unreadable on screen and impractical to print out ...

    When they were selling the binders they made such a point about how they were going to be releasing update packs to retailers to coincide with major additions ....

    you mean, like Issue 7?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Perhaps if you ask in the Player Questions forum, you might get a response where someone will point out the default icon staring at you in the PDF toolbar that rotates the image so you can read it.

    WRT not having a hard copy, perhaps you should go to the Prima website and ask there and report back useful information.
  12. Prima has moved their online free I7 update guide to new directories. This one and same guide, which Prima considers an update for both CoH and CoV, can be found at:




    (They added "coh/" or "cov/" to the address.)
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Heheh....I mis-remembered "reloadgfx" as "unloadgfx"...but "unloadgfx" does work. Does it do the same thing?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  14. Excellent job! Two notes, though:

    1. Abbreviations in commands (in the chat box, in binds, or in macros) do not have to be the first letters of the command or name. For example, 'AttackMyTarget' can be abbreviated 'ck' or even 'k' because there is no other command that uses 'ck' or 'k' in its name. This is especially helpful in the naming conventions of the pets. You can put a 'ch' anywhere in the name of three of your pets, for example, and a command that uses 'ch' will command just those pets. This can save space in lengthy binds, too.

    2. The underscores in commands are optional. Another space saver.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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    Can you check to see if Crey Tank gladiator is not working when defeating high level tanks?

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    What do you consider High Level? I got it from fighting 40+ and perhaps even 45+ as I was in a big group.

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    Fought about 400 at level 47. Still don't have the gladiator.
  16. Can you check to see if Crey Tank gladiator is not working when defeating high level tanks?
  17. If you want to see if a certain graphics designer really is sexy, a little Google-fu will answer that question.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Pretty obvious mark from Mike

    EDIT: Found in Port Oakes

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    And here. They're all over the place.

    Also note in the above picture that if you go near the bar... you hear something. This is the same block of the main skyscraper in Marconeville of Port Oakes, facing the hospital.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Strikebreaker badge is bugged. I have the mission waiting in my mission slot for my Supergroup, I know I have not done the mission needed to get the badge, and yet I have it.

    In fact I got it while teamed with someone that did have it. I was in the Sea Witch mission.

    Then my brother was duoing with me, we were trying to get his Strikebreaker badge mission, and he got it. We were in the mission where we had to find the scrapyard trouble makers.

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    Hey... I like the idea of a contagious badge that you get from teaming with someone who already has that badge. Let's call it "Infectious Spirit."
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Bugs preventing badge earning[LIST][*]High-level Legacy Chain are not counting for the Ember of Flame and Lucent of Light gladiators. This could be similar to the recently fixed Ancestor Spirit bug.

    [/ QUOTE ]I'll have to check this on Monday

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Please add Crey Tank Gladiator to that (high level defeats not counting).

    While farming for Paragon Protectors in a level 47 mission, I must have killed over 400 tanks (mostly Cryo and Voltaic). And in the 45+ game, there are a lot of missions with boatloads of tanks (it seems that at 45+ only Tanks and Protectors {and one sniper} spawn in the Crey faction). I easily have more than 100 defeats each of Power, Cryo, and Voltaic Tanks, but not the gladiator badge, which, according to one source only requires 100 Crey Tanks of any variety or rank.
  21. Hmmm, this explains the name of the cartography store in, I think, Nerva, called "Mapolis."

    And, point of information, an Easter Egg is *hidden.* That's hidden hidden, not just hard to see. A true Easter Egg would be behind a door that's not supposed to open, or a graphic that's invisible unless you stand in the right spot, or using a power in a specific place that causes an NPC to say something in response, or an undocumented emote.

    The Mike Apolis plaque is a just a hard-to-spot tag.

    The Mapolis cartographer, is an in-joke.

    Automatons asking for the TPS reports is an allusion.
  22. Unfortunately, for a MM, when I got into the Rest state in front of an even con Carnival minion, she started to do 487 points of damage with each hit instead of about 100 points when not in Rest. She two shotted me twice and three shotted me once.

    I'll go back to spamming Twilight Grasp.
  23. I hear that underneath her mask is another one. And underneath that, another one. She's all mask.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    From the shores of Independence Port to the heart of the Pine Barrens, and from Steel Canyon to the Lincoln tunnel, the Family takes a piece of the action everywhere. Let's see you mix it up with some made men!

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    Hey! There are *no* Family in New Jersey. Must be a strictly Rhode Island thing.

    [ QUOTE ]
    There are all kinds of family around Independance Port. That's where I plan on takeing a screenie. maybe have the giant squid in the backdrop if I can manage it

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean like this one I call... Dude, it's not *you* he's afaid of.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Positron mentioned that they lost a writer during the development of Issue 7. Maybe it was Manticore. Last post was February 15th.

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    The prevailing wisdom was that he was referring to "the one the lawyers told us shall remain nameless," IOW, Zeb 'Lord Recluse' Cook.

    OTOH, considering how Z'LR'C left under the cover of darkness with no announcements, leads one to a justifiable paranoia that the same can happen to any other content producer who we've not heard from for a while.