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  1. AlienOne


    Haha, well, thanks... Yes, they were both very lovely--and very nice! I thought it was cool that "Desdemona" actually stayed in character (at least for as long as I was around), and kept a villainous "attitude" about her... I told them both "thank you" after I had my pic taken with them, and Ms. Liberty said "No problem!" and Desdemona said "Yeah, yeah....whatevs...." HAHA! Good times...

    "The One"
  2. AlienOne


    Thnx for all the great replies! Yeah, those were basically drawn on.... I was thinking, "What I would give to be Nakayama..." ;P

    Yes, Ron Jeremy is the stuff of legends (or nightmares, whichever you He was there just as a regular Comic-Con goer (with 1 bodyguard/friend)... Had a bag and everything, just lookin' around... Turns out the dude's a geek too!

    Thnx for the nice comment, Dark_Respite. :P

    "The One"
  3. AlienOne


    Figured I'd post a few pics from Comic-Con now that the boards are up... So, without further ado, here 'ya go!

    Best Superman imitation:

    I found Waldo!!!

    I believe this was the booth girl for TimeGate or something like that, but I'm not exactly sure...

    Me with Positron (yes, I now have an "awesome button", and yes, that is a DC Universe Online V.I.P. pass, and no, that's not going to make me switch from CoX) :P

    Way cool old-school transformers costume:

    Me with Jeremy (a.k.a. "the Pwnerer") from the show "Pure Pwnage" (check it out if you haven't seen it--only if you're a "hardcore" gamer into more than just MMOs):

    Not a booth girl, but HAD to get a quick snapshot of THE HAIR!

    Preview of the Green Hornet car:

    EXCELLENT costumes:

    Yes, I even saw and talked to Ron Jeremy while I was there. For those of you who don't know who that is, don't look it up. It's for your own good. Move along, please...

    I think you know who that is...


    Random pic of a couple dudes posing for pics:

    Looks like some people were on their way to a very important date!

    Ever wondered what the most popular Disney girl characters would look like in r/l? SWEET!

    I actually caught Dr. Manhattan in the middle of a phone call... I asked him to pause for a picture, and next thing I know, I'm teleported outside Comic-Con at the end of the line again! What's up with THAT?!?!?

    Speaking of The Watchmen... What about the watch-women?

    Comic-Con is not Comic-Con without PIRATES! ARRRR!

    Old-school G.I. Joe? I'm not positive, because it's been like 20 years or so since I played with them myself...

    LEGOS! Had to get a pic of the LEGO section, because I grew up playing with them my entire school-years (yeah, even up through high school--love em!)

    Check THIS LEGO set out!!!

    Yes, this was life-size:

    Spongebob Squarepants, LEGO-style!

    A very cool-lookin' Comic-Con goer!


    I think the light saber caught Zelda off guard...

    BEST. COSTUME. EVAR. This dude actually had to have 2 guys in front of him with "guide lights" directing him and clearing the way for him to walk... Insanity!

    One of my fav game series of all time: Resident Evil... Thought these guys were great!

    Gamers/Nerds know how to keep themselves busy! Walked by a random dance party that included a random transformer... Snapped a pic.

    The "in-Between" hall that included the "registration" section.... Yes, the security guards all had red "Elite" shirts....hehe!

    These booth babes were at the "Darkseid" game booth, which was a big sponsor of this year's Comic-Con...

    And now..... THE GRAND FINALE!!! What you've all been waiting for.... The CITY OF HEROES/NCSOFT booth!!!

    The winners get their character's heroes/villains drawn!

    The man to the far right wearing the blue shirt is the "Dark Watcher"... Great guy!

    Stopping by the NCSoft booth wouldn't be complete without checking out their new "shiny" game, "Aion"...

    And lastly.... A few links to some HQ (very large) pics for your enjoyment:

    Me with the City of Heroes/Villains Booth Girls (I was a VERY happy camper, as you could tell!)

    The girls by themselves in a high-quality-large-enough-format-to-put-as-a-poster-on-your-wall... Not that....umm....I have done that....or umm....anything.....

    I think that's Lady Liberty's "lvl up" sword....Can't be sure, though....

    A better angle of a hero getting drawn If you see the hero "Irradiated Flame" on Freedom, tell him he's a lucky **** for getting his pic drawn... :P

    The City of Heroes Panel

    Me asking a question at the CoX panel (I think it's not a mistake all the Devs have "rage eyes" in this pic....DOOOOOMMMM... lol)

    Playing City of Heroes on the Big Screen as Dark Watcher explains to people watching what I'm doing in-game.... Way cool moment for me...

    Real girl/Drawn Girl... Pretty close, don't you think?

    Comic-Con.....GOTTA love it!

    "The One"
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    Dwarf Mire -> Human -> Human Mire -> Nova -> Nova Detonation takes 0.73+0+2.37+2.03+2.5 sec, since the change to human form takes no time. (Although timing it so you drop out of human form without queueing could add about a second to that)

    Human Mire -> Dwarf -> Dwarf Mire -> Nova -> Nova Detonation takes 2.37+2.03+0.73+2.03+2.5 sec.

    So that's 7.63 seconds total for the first, and 9.66 for the second. However, for the first only 6.9 seconds pass from the Dwarf Mire, while with the second only 4.53 seconds pass. Both are well within the 10 second duration of Dwarf Mire, but at best you will be able to fire Emanation and then maybe one or two blasts more for the second chain.

    Likely the OP used the Dwarf->Human->Nova order because the entire chain was shorter, allowing him to take less damage before the Detonation went off. However, the Human->Dwarf->Nova order probably is better because less of the duration of the Dwarf Mire is wasted. Personally, though, if I go Human->Dwarf I'm going to stay Dwarf unless I see an opportunity to switch forms.

    It is true, though, that just after a Dwarf Mire in Dwarf form, you have enough time to go Nova, drop a Detonation, and then return to Dwarf form to continue attacking and even renew your Mire.
    All of this is always taken with a grain of salt, considering that very rarely is there a *perfect* CoX gamer out there that will follow the numbers exactly when fighting in any situation. Again, things look nice on paper, but it's a rare sight indeed (anymore anyway--after AE) to see a PB/WS who knows/cares enough about his build/playstyle to even come close to "numbers."

    "The One"
  5. All right! Awesome! My problem is that I play entirely too much hero-side, and therefore have plenty of influence over there, but not enough villain-side, and therefore am pretty poor over there... I appreciate your help!

    "The One"

    Hey, thanks for a great transaction, and for the extra bonus as well!
  6. AlienOne

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by Delta_Strider View Post
    I figured I'd throw this on the fire....

    So a friend of mine got invited to Closed Beta for Issue 16.

    They haven't played the game since the Free Week, and hadn't paid for an account for a long time before that, and have no intentions of coming back.

    Evidently Comic Con go-ers and people who aren't even interested in this game anymore get a free ride.
    I beg to differ. I went to Comic-Con and met everyone there, and still don't have a beta invite. Sorry to burst your bubble there.

    "The One"
  7. ok, my new avatar should DEFINITELY get me some negative rep now.

    "The One"
  8. LoL....Man! Why's my rep still in the green? I should be the worst ever by now! Let's get to it, people!

    "The One"
  9. hmm....didn't know that.... Interesting.

    "The One"
  10. AlienOne

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    Unless you are authorized (ie: Have a Beta Invite) you should not be able to get to server selection or character creation.
    I am able to get to server selection, but when I click on the test server, it says "Disconnected from server DB".... You might want to have that looked at. I sincerely doubt I have a closed beta invite, so I thought I'd give you a heads up on this, considering you said "you should not be able to get to server selection."

    Possible bug there.

    "The One"
  11. Well, I guess that would work too... Then I could win the "most neutral" contest....

    "The One"
  12. Yes.

    Mod08, you better be gettin' as much of a laugh out of this thread as you did from my "Most Controversial Thread Ever"...

    "The One"
  13. Dangit! You.... You.... +repper you! argh!

    This isn't going as intended... :P

    "The One"
  14. No, I'm challenging people to toll ME. Because I couldn't give a damn otherwise. And because I'm trying to prove a point that reputation doesn't matter on a single online board, and people shouldn't base their personal view of themselves on the reputation they have on a forum.

    Can you negative rep me? Please? I'd greatly appreciate it!

    "The One"
  15. Is there any rich person out there that does Influence to Infamy transfers on Freedom server? I'm looking to transfer around 200 mil to villains side, so I can set out my first lvl 50 villain...

    Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    "The One"
  16. Hey, everyone!

    I've read through quite a bit of "reputation" centered posts about how people are upset with it and such... Personally, knowing what my "reputation" in an online forum isn't going to affect who I am as a person nor my REAL reputation in r/l, I could care less what my reputation on here is.

    So, I thought that maybe I would create a contest on here. I would like to be the first person to reach the "worst reputation ever" title (whatever title that is), so if everyone who reads this thread would simply add to the "negative" for my reputation, I would greatly appreciate it! I'm goin' for the gold, baby!

    Mod08, since you met me at Comic-Con and know my r/l GOTTA allow this! :P (haha)

    If anyone else beats me to the worst reputation ever title, please post in this thread, so I can bow to your amazing villainy!

    "The One"
  17. Exactly... That's the point I was trying to make... I'd agree that numbers-wise, the nova form would be higher than human, but trying to compare the two in battle by themselves is sort of a joke... Nova is best when combined with the powers from the other forms as well...

    "The One"
  18. I've found that numbers on paper and actual battle-numbers, depending on the type of enemy you fight and what powers they have are quite different. I've found when soloing 8-man mobs that my human form is waaay more likely to survive and continue to put out numbers than my nova form is, therefore making the human form numbers higher in the long run, because the nova form winds up dying after a very short period of time. That, and the fact that there are only 4 attacks compared to the 6 or 7 I have in human form....ehhh... On top of that, there's no form switch time in human form--you just keep going with no stop... Numbers on paper aside... It's a no-brainer to me. I'd rather stay alive and continue to put out numbers. Don't get me wrong... I love nova form.... But, only in a situation where I have full and complete team support... If there's a controller holding the whole mob, yeah, nova is going to be the obvious choice... But, if I'm by myself taking on an 8-man mob with no help/no support? The form that's the most survivable AND puts out a heck of a lot of damage? Human form all the way. Dwarf may be more survivable, but it doesn't compare to my human form damage. Therefore, human form wins the "balanced" (survivability/damage output) equasion.

    That said, I can't WAIT until i16 is released and I can scale mobs, so I can actually show videos of both in action, so you can see what I'm talking about.

    "The One"
  19. AlienOne

    I16 Closed Beta

    Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
    But, that's exactly what they DON'T want. They did it with Issue 15. And what happened is what anyone who's been in closed beta would have expected to happen. It was horrible, buggy, and full of holes. And it soured a lot of people. I know people who STILL won't play the new TFs because of what they saw on day one of Issue 15 Beta.

    THAT is what comes across via word-of-mouth. Closed Beta is not for building excitement. It's for beta testing in a "closed" environment where they can break things and put them back together without people seeing this and getting turned off.

    ie. No one wants to eat a hotdog after they see one getting made.
    Yeah, well, I was one of the people who, having previously never gotten a beta invite, jumped at the chance to be able to participate in i15's "Clopen" beta. I submited bug reports on the new TF, and have played the TF a few more times since it has went live, and still don't have any sort of "sour taste" in my mouth. I quite enjoyed my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to actually get to test a new issue. Even if it wasn't necessarily "closed" beta. I did my part. I may never get to again, but I think my situation proves that the dev's effort as a completely open beta wasn't a "complete waste," as you make it out to be.

    "The One"
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
    The goggles! They do nothing!
    LMAO. For some reason, that comment, coupled with your avatar... Just majorly tickled my funny bone. Friggin' hilarious.

    "The One"
  21. I just thought of another one... My coalition mates and I have this ongoing inside joke about the costumes we have (Boss Freak Costume, PPD Hardsuit, Knives of Artemis--and yes, we did go there to get them)--we always tell "n00bs" who ask "How did you get that costume?" that we got it from the "Eden Bank Mish." We of course, then start seeing broadcasts in every possible channel "Where do I get the Eden Bank Mish?" and we all laugh...

    Well, I recently "sort of" applied that type of joke to my Kheld when a toon asked me "How did you turn into that squiddy form?" I told him that the game unlocked it for me when I solo'd the Hamidon in the Hive with my Elec/Elec blaster...

    Hey, he deserved it. He was lvl 50 with only AE badges. :P

    "The One"
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
    That's the Templar from Aion (the tanker).
    Ah, ok...Cool! I was in on Aion's beta a bit last weekend (when I wasn't participating in double xp weekend! ), and I didn't see anything like that, but... That was probably because I was only in the low-lvl zones/quest areas...

    Either way, that's a very cool power... No waiting for groups to gather, just a Mortal Kombat-like "GET OVER HERE!" haha... That's just cool.

    "The One"
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neutrino_Siphon View Post
    [ QUOTE ]
    Teamwise, I find PBs to be more versatile, while WSs are more damage oriented.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is correct and incorrect. Speaking in Human-Form terms, PBs are more damage oriented while WSs are more control/debuff/messing-with-the-bodies oriented.

    Solo, PBs are scrappy and somewhat easy to solo. WSs are a little tougher if you dont know what you're doing.

    Luckily I came from a Kin/Rad Def to a WS, so it was a little easier of a transition for me.

    All of which is IMHO, of course.
    I would have to strongly disagree with this. I have a purple'd out human-only form PB and a purple'd out human-only form WS, and I've gotta say that the WS wins the damage output contest hands-down, no questions about it. That, and it's a hell of a lot more fun to play (which is sad, since the PB is my "signature" character "AlienOne").

    "The One"
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rainbow_Avenger View Post
    Using Nova form, slither up to teammate all inconspicuous-like. Type:

    /e Lays eggs in $target's ears.

    Tends to get me slapped.
    LOL! Wow, I almost woke some people up in the house here after laughing out loud. I gotta try that on some of my friends now...

    "The One"
  25. No. Just bug fixes... No i16 as far as I can tell. Good bug fixes, but just bug fixes nonetheless.

    "The One"