2519 -
Quote:Not everyone is a min/maxer. Again, we've got ideal attack chains worked out that have been years in the making that have let people run about perfectly adequately in terms of damage dealing.I disagree. I think if this change rolls in as designed that a lot of people are going to be disappointed about what it means, because this is really no different than powers with high endurance costs that we're meant to use "strategically" but instead power our way around, because that is the choice that makes sense. I'm actually floored that so many people seem to see access to an additional high damage single target attack as "optional" or an "alternative." An alternative to what? To not leveraging the set?
The only ones that're going to feel required to work it in are those individuals that have to have -the best- attack chain.
But the game isn't solely based on DPS performance. If people feel getting the snipe to perma is a worthwhile endeavor, they will, if not, we've been going without snipes pretty much since their inception. -
Quote:No one else is either. You can still just ignore snipes if you don't want to break your build to fit them in. It's simply that now they can be leveraged if desired.I think this is just picking on words. It's really not that different than the old argument that you didn't "have" to take Stamina and can't be "forced" to do anything. PVP has nothing to do with it, that's just diving into semantics.
None of that has anything to do with whether the system is well designed. And this one isn't.
And no, you can't say that about Stalkers, because Stalkers are not pushed into a Power Pool to make their powers work.
Really comparing it to Stalkers just doesn't work because the assassin strike power is a core element of the AT design. Snipes are hardly core to any AT, blasters or otherwise, they're not even really core to range sets in general.
This change has been years in coming, we've already got ideal attack chains set up. Now we just have a viable alternate if we so choose. -
Quote:Because anyone that made a new character prior to the change will have them as contacts.And then leaving all those contacts in place, it would seem? I came on board just before Freedom launched but after the Shivans flattened Galaxy. I found all those guys in City Hall's basement, and grokked fairly quickly, without any actual explanation in-game, that those five agencies were connected to the five origins, but I was baffled as to why none of them would talk to me (except to blow me off). To this day, Azuria is still the only one I've had any real contact with.
The contacts still exist and still have missions, but they no longer give them out. The only way to have them is if you had them on a character before the change to the new tutorial. And so those people that have them can still clear them instead of being stuck with open missions that have no contacts anymore.
The main reason the change was made is because the origin contacts used instancing, which can be taxing on the servers at sufficient usage. Because people are very prone to rolling new characters and then never taking them beyond mid level. they get abandoned or deleted and new characters get made. That's why most of the Atlas arcs, Hashaby etc, take place outside of instanced missions, it's all zone phasing using areas built into the zone (example: you can always go into the Hellion Cave. There's simply no reason to except for the Hashaby mission). It cuts down on load because any new characters running through Atlas stuff are just using resources in Atlas instead of spawning separate instances for everything. -
Tint it red or green and you can be a jello shooter.
Mmm yeah. I can't see prices skyrocketing for very long over something that's just 1 SSA run away.
At worst the salvage will go up for a while. -
I'll likely be using my elec/devices blaster much more frequently, he's my original character but I just found him pretty lackluster, these changes i think will boost him considerably since I'll have the perma snipe right out of the box and I constantly use Cloaking Device, so Field Operative will be a very welcome change.
The 2nd movie was a Syfy original, or at least they aired it.
This looks about the same quality -
Yes, solo'ing incarnate stuff is very possible. It -is- slower than running trials, but not as bad as people make it out.
First and foremost, unlocking slots. The Alpha slot can be unlocked by running Mender Ramiel's arc, so much more worthwhile than taking the time to unlock it via iXP.
The next 4 slots, Interface, Judgment, Destiny and Lore have to be done via iXP but you don't have to rely solely on the iXP you earn doing missions and killing mobs in Dark Astoria. Incarnate threads can be burned for a hefty chunk of iXP toward unlocking slots. The lower slots, interface/judgment, require about 30 threads each to unlock. The higher slots, lore/destiny, require about 50. Sounds like a lot, but it really isn't so bad.
Mostly because you can earn a minimum of 10 threads per day, not counting drops, from the daily repeatable missions offered through Ephram Sha (heroes) and Maharaj (villains). There's also a weekly 10 threads reward from the Signature Story Arcs, which also give you a 'freebie' pick the very first time you complete them. My typical strategy is to complete the low level range SSAs (Vol 1 episodes 1-4) for alignment merits, then hold off until I'm 50 and have access to incarnate goodies to start grabbing threads from episodes 5-7 and Vol 2 ep 1.
Once you've done all the SSAs once though their rewards are set to a 1 week cooldown timer, but that's -per reward- so you can do any SSAs and earn 10 threads and an astral merit (worth 4 threads) once a week by doing 2 of them (or even the same one twice).
The Dark Astoria arcs similarly have timers on them. The very first time you complete them you can choose any reward as a freebie pick (go for components). But any time you repeat them via Ouroboros, the rewards tables have a cool down timer of 20 hours -per reward-.
Let's just use Heather Townshend's arc, the initial DA arc, as an example. We'll say you complete it the first time, pick rewards, get a common component. Before moving on to the next arc you decide to Ouro it to farm up more rewards. The first time you complete it via oro, you'll again get a choice of every reward. Say you pick component again and get an uncommon. Now you repeat the arc another time, at the reward table you will only have the Merit choice and the 10 threads because the Component choice will be on a 20 hour cooldown. So we pick the merit choice and get either 2 astrals (burn for thread) or 1 emp (save for rare). If we oro the arc 1 more time we'll be able to choose the thread option.
Next day, it'll all reset. But again, that's just re-running Heather's arc, you still haven't gone on to the next arc, which will award a free pick the first time it's completed.
Basically this means that, per day, you can earn 1 component, 2 astrals (which means 8 threads) or 1 emp, and 20 threads (which is enough to craft 1 common). On top of 10 threads and 1 astral (4 threads) per week from the SSAs.
Plus 6 components and 2 emps for completing all the arcs the first time. (and 2 emps for completing them all every time thereafter too)
So just off repeating stuff, if you really put your nose to the grindstone, in one week you can earn:
7 components, 150 threads, between 15 astrals and 7 emps.
So let's do math! Say you start with nothing but the alpha unlocked. What do all these goodies mean? Let's assume every component drop was common, save 1 uncommon (not an unusual spread). So 6 commons, 1 uncommon.
For merits, it seems like the chance for astral to emp chance is about 75 to 25. Just going to use simple round, so out of 7 pulls we'll get Astrals about 5 times and Emps twice. So, 11 astrals (10 from arcs, 1 from SSAs) and 2 emps.
Astrals we burn right away into threads. So 11 x 4. Couple with the 150 we got (10 per day from repeatables, 10 per day from arcs, x 7, plus 10 per week from SSA) that gives us 194 threads. Not bad.
Now let's assume our goal is to initially unlock slots, slot them with a common then move on to the next slot. We've got 6 commons, 1 uncommon and 194 threads to do this with.
Right away that means a common ability for the Alpha slot. That leaves us 3 commons, 1 uncommon, and 194 threads. We could just jump to an uncommon ability if we so chose, which would leave us 1 common component left.
For the purpose of unlocking slots let's assume a vacuum of iXP, we'll do this -purely- with threads. And we will clear the lower tiers first, no unlocking Judgment then skipping straight to lore (but you can do that).
So we'll burn 30 threads to unlock judgment. That's 164 threads left, 3 commons and 1 uncommon. We'll slot it up. 164 threads left, 1 uncommon.
30 threads to burn to unlock interface. 134 threads left, 1 uncommon. Since our initial goal is unlock, slot with a common and move on, we burn 60 threads to create 3 common components and slot interface. That leaves 74 threads left and 1 uncommon.
50 threads burnt and we've unlocked Lore. And that's where we stop because that leaves us just 24 threads and 1 uncommon component, not enough to craft any ability.
But see? 1 week of going at it and you've got 4 out of 5 slots you can unlock solo, 3 slotted with common abilities. Obviously you can make different choices as to what you unlock when and how you spend your threads. For instance we could have stopped after slotting Interface and instead of burning that 50 for lore could have gone back and burn 40 threads instead to craft 2 common components and used our 1 uncommon to craft a T2 Uncommon ability for any one of the 3 slots we've unlocked, leaving us with 34 threads left instead.
And this also doesn't take into account the freebie pick for completing the arcs the first time, nor does it take into account any random threads drops.
So ya, there you goTrials are still way faster but you can do it all solo.
There is also the Belladonna Viatrono (sp?) arc that's been added to the line up along with the DA arcs, but the EBs might be a bit much for unshifted folks. -
Quote:Yes, this. Electric does ok against small crowds, run up, let off a short circuit and follow it up with a ball lightning leaves most even conning critters zapped down enough to clean up with T1 and T2 blasts in short order. LTs can vary depending on the enemy faction, some don't melt as fast as others.Electric seems pretty decent to me from an AoE perspective, but requires you build and practice living in the middle of the spawn. Once you get over that hurdle, it is quite fun.
Where Electric falls on its face is Hard targets, especially solo. Voltaic can only focus on one target IF there is ONLY one target, so does not replace a hard-hitting single target attack in most situations. Plus, as many have pointed out, summoning him every 60 seconds is rather annoying (to me).
hmmm... What if VS got the Haunt treatment. That could be workable.
But hard targets are where Electric has the most trouble, easily. You have to either do something like a mine field with /devices (assuming they're not long range enemies, like carnie bosses that almost never move) or Sap them and hope you can drain them fast enough to stall most of their attacks and give you the time to take them down.
At least that's been my experience. I'm -really- looking forward to the changes for my elec/devices, having a 3rd blast will be quite nice. -
Only 2 alphas give To hit Buffs. Spiritual and Resiliant boost To hit Buffs.
Intuition and Musculature boost To hit DEBuffs. -
Are the changes coming to Dual Pistols -purely- DPA adjustments? Or will the Change Ammo toggles be examined?
More specifically, is anything going to be tweaked that makes the Cold and Toxic ammo viable choices over Fire's added damage? -
If you're not buying purples, yes, you can go on a shopping spree and barely dent that sizeable bank account.
If you're going for Devices then don't worry about whether the set has aim or the like. Targeting drone + a kismet proc will get you easily over the limit to perma the fast snipe so you don't have to worry about outside to hit boosts. My current elec/devices blaster is sitting on 18 to hit and my targetting drone isn't even fully slotted up yet, so as soon as I drop the kismet in I'll be over the mark.
From what I've been reading the sets best able to leverage the fast snipe would be Assault Rifle and Beam Rifle because both sets snipes are pretty powerful or have a significant effect.
I've got an electric and I can tell you right now, the changes aren't so much going to make electric 'good' as much as it will simply put it closer to average, but mostly paired with Devices. It'd be a good combo simply because your snipe will become your 3rd blast (the set has none, one of its sticking points).
I wouldn't skip short circuit though. Sapping may not be fun and may be weak without Electric Manipulation to boost it, but Short Circuit is -very- good at sapping on its lonesome to begin with and it does okay damage. -
Daily repeatables. 10 threads a day, plus anything that might drop while doing them.
Quote:Given that the baseline is never using a snipe in the middle of combat I would say it -is- an improvement. If you had your snipe, it was almost strictly an unaggroed alpha strike. Now? I can pop Aim or some yellows to fire it in the middle of a fight without wasting time being interrupted.By default Aim puts your snipe on a 90s recharge. That isn't really an improvement.
Or if I'm an anything/devices, I have the capability to make it a 3rd blast and never having to worry about the limit. -
Quote:Thank goodness there's no morality stories about pride before the fall or anything*ahem*
Oh, sure, that might have made things better for people who haven't got their pride, but let me tell you, it doesn't do me any good. And you should have known that. Your failure to offer me retroactive swimming lessons is a slap in the face. -
Actually Touch of the Beyond should still be usable by itself with no enemies to target for the regen buff. Hawk said everything but Drain Psyche (which isn't changing) is going to be useful on it's lonesome or in the middle of combat for the survivability buffs.
As for the 'woe it isn't enough' why don't you actually wait to see the numbers :P -
Quote:oh now we're just getting [redacted].I'm going to be hearing this phrase for months now, aren't I?
Does your /elec have the clap? Mine doesn't have the clap. I decided to go to Ms Liberty and get the clap. Do you have the clap? I just got the clap. What do you do with yours? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. -
Quote:You're not forced into taking Tactics. As has been said above, pick 2 ways of boosting tohit and run with it. You've still got build up, aim, inspirations. you don't -have- to perma the short snipe. And the only times it's going to be -needed- in an attack chain is against a boss where you want to maximize DPS, against lower level pleebs even electric blast can take down a basic +0/x1 mob of 3 minions or a minion and a lt.Sorry Mystic, I think you missed my main point. Availability of the IO or even choosing to take the powers is not the problem. It is the fact that you NEED to do all that in order to satisfy the requirements for the snipe that I find a problem. You see, adding snipe into a tight build is not a problem, but adding snipe, finding the slots to add to it, and THEN squeezing in Manuevers or Assault before taking Tactics. That is a HUGE effort to try and add Snipe into an attack chain. I suspect those sets with a solid attack chain already will just say screw it. Sets like my favorite Electric Blast are in for some frustration.
What I would rather see is a way to leverage the snipe in normal combat by choosing ONLY powers in the blast set (that last longer than 10 seconds). That is my issue with the snipe proposal. Better explained ? -
Quote:Yes. Now Blasters will want to take powers that aren't simply 'more attacks' like they do now.I understand the desire to customize and spec your new shiny toy, but then these enhancements are all about giving blasters some extra HPs over time to keep them going.
Consider that this is going to be AT-wide, it's being pushed as a fix and we are not really getting a new power -just getting some non-enhanceable and some enhanceable hit points doled out over time in one way or the other- do you really want to see blasters pick the same powers every time like how melees pick their shields and mez prot? -
Personally if I can go without faceplanting once per mission on my blaster I'll be pleased as peaches. The snipe and range stuff are just gravy, though it'll certainly make me feel more valuable on a team that can boost my To Hit.