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  1. Who's gettin' under who's skin? I'm havin' a lot of fun here, not sure about you... I'm not the one making comments to everyone else about feces, dead skin, idiocy, ignorance, and whatever else you guys can come up with to "attempt" to get under my skin...

    Nice try, though. That one was pretty good. *golf clap*

    "The One"


    *sniff, sniff* Eewww... I do need a shower though... Thnx for the reminder!
  2. That's a FANTASTIC idea! Too bad I don't currently possess the funds to just throw around influence like that for no real good reason.

    You have some Photoshop techniques you'd like to share? Plz?

    That said, I agree. The IWANTITNAO crowd does *seem* to jack the "general" prices up on a regular basis, even though anyone can see in the history of any given Enhancement, Recipe, or Salvage (most of the time) that someone has always gotten it for cheaper because they were patient.

    Still... I doubt if anyone posted a 150 million bid for the -Teleport PvP IO, they'd actually get it. Unless you care to Photoshop a pic for me to show one can?

    "The One"
  3. He's scared you into submission too, hasn't he?

    Seriously though, that was a number that I just threw out there to prove a point (and to get under goat's skin, because it's just waaay too easy)... However, I have seen one go for close to 2 billion... I could most likely get a screenshot on that figure within a week or two.

    Point remains, though. Prices that high are bound to make an impact somewhere. Say, it's the buyer. Say it's the seller. Hell, say it's Joe Shmoe from down the street. An exchange of money like that makes an impact, however small or "slight" it may be. To say any exchange of money of that amount has "zero impact whatsoever" is an economically naive statement, and not one I would expect Nethergoat to make. Unless, of course, he was blinded by an overwhelming rage caused by my avatar.

    I don't care who you are. You can't "scare," "threaten," or "insult" anyone away from posting their opinion on these forums. It's against forum rules. And Nethergoat, of all people, should be pretty familiar with those.

    "The One"
  4. AlienOne

    'Who is Jack?'

    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    You don't know Jack?
    That was pretty funny.

    On the topic at hand....Wow. Someone started a thread obviously meant to berate a person who can't even show his face around here anymore?

    Lotta hate around here, I guess...

    "The One"
  5. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    Well, in this particular case, I only used After Effects for the titling, which I kept pretty simple... So, I hope the video's not a disappointment... There won't be any "special effects" in it (other than fast or slow motion), but there was quite a bit of editing and shots put into it to "build climax" along with the music...

    Well, you can judge for yourself... I'm done with it! The video's exporting now... Will post a link as soon as I get it online.

    "The One"
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    You're one of the people who will jump over a gate to get a reward instead of blowing it off. That % gets smaller the more gates or the higher the gates developers construct.
    You're still part of the gamer groupmind, you're not off on your own special island of uniqueness.
    Yes, part of the gamer groupmind, but obviously not exactly what you described (which was not feeling the need to put high-end stuff in both builds, because as I explained before...I do--which, obviously, is a different mindset than your description. Obviously.)

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    One of us bases our statements on long study of the topic at hand, one of us pulls ideas out of our pants and yells LOOKY WHAT I FOUND!
    Yup. That's exactly what I do. Got me. You're good. Almost too good. Are you a psychologist AND a doctor? You gotta be RICH! Can I has your stuff?

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    There is a qualitative difference in the resulting posts, and I trust the community to decide which of us knows what we're talking about and which one of us is fingerpainting on the walls with their own waste.
    Of all the things I agree with, this is the one I agree with the most. Definitely a qualatative difference in posts. One of us throws insults about idiocy, feces, and ignorance, and the other refuses to participate in the poo-flinging monkey business.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Back to the debunked points you are so assiduously trying to distract us from:

    1: high end IOs aren't aimed at 'average' gamers, their availability to this demographic is meaningless.
    LoLz. "Us." As if you represent the community as a whole. You're truly getting worse... Is it the age? Or just that argumentative nature?

    That said, yes, I agree. It's not "aimed" at the average gamers. I agreed with that before. I just stated (damn, I hate repeating myself to people who believe they "above" me in some way) that I kinda feel sorry for those guys, because they have equal "right" (imo) to want to be "l337" in the gaming world as the rest of us. They just aren't afforded the time. Which is their fault, of course.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    2: inf falls like rain in this game, anyone who does want those l337 sets can earn them with very little effort. Anyone, no farming required.
    Also agreed. That's why I've got what I need (ok, want) on both builds. Too bad everyone can't do it.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    3: very few people bother with dual builds, fewer than that bother putting 'the good stuff' in a dual build. They aren't increasing demand by any meaningful amount. Readers are free to believe your "everyone I know has l337 DBs therefore demand is doubled!" blather if they like- the reality is profoundly different.
    I still don't see your "results." Did you hold a "poll" of some sort? Where are these percentages you're getting? Sure, I'll hand it to 'ya that it isn't "doubled," but I'll also consider your broad, sweeping statements about the CoH community (as if you represent them) as "blather" as well, until I can actually see some verifiable proof. Is providing that so hard to do? Links? Graphs? Posted numbers from Devs? Anything? Bueller?

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    4: gamers aren't intended to IO out every character they have with super duper awesome IOs, so it taking "several lifetimes" is meaningless.
    Still looking for where I said "several" lifetimes... Didn't realize you might start resorting to exaggerating quotes to sway public opinion... You're starting to remind me of some poiliticians I know.

    If gamers aren't intended to IO out every character they have, why are those slots there? Why are there IOs? What's stopping them from attempting this? Is there a "cap" to the amount of toons you can IO out that I don't know about? Link to patch notes plz?

    "The One"
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    It applies to you as much as anyone else, sorry.
    How does it apply to me or my friends if we're wanting to IO out both our builds? We're not exactly fitting into that psychology you just explained if we're doing that, are we? Are you actually that dense, or are you just trying to be argumentative?

    Previous post:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    And lol at the post count attack-
    Next post:

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Nothing you've said has risen to the level of 'attack'.
    LOLZ. Reversing your stance already? Man, stop backpedalin'... I'm just messin' around with 'ya... Get a grip!

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Players who understand the game will see the validity of my points.
    I'm not interested in convincing you of anything.
    I expected as much, since you have no actual proof of what comes out of your mouth. When I see it, I'll shut up. But, if I just see someone stating their personal opinions as "facts," I call BS. Oh, but that's what you're accusing me of, though... Oops... Forgot you were the only one allowed to do this on the forums. My bad.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    MA has nothing to do with PvP or the generation of PO's.
    Nothing at all.
    Zero. Zip.
    *EDIT* Sorry for the confusion... I was referring to WWs when talking about buying purples and PvP IOs... Not MA. My MA comments were referring to the impact on the market, not PvP.

    I apologize for that confusion there. Just caught it.

    "The One"
  8. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    I'm at 95% and counting.... Still haven't been to bed yet, but I got a good supply of Mt. Dew to keep me on schedule... I showed what I have done so far to a couple of my CoH r/l friends, and their reaction was "hehe....YES!"

    So... I think they'll be at the event too...

    If this video doesn't excite 'ya about an all Kheld iTF, I don't know what will...

    "The One"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    I also avoid Stamina like the plague on all my characters; I am not part of any Super Group; I do not take the Leadership pool on my Masterminds or the Fighting pool on my Tankers or Brutes; and I've been known to post Luck of the Gambler: +7.5% Recharge on the market for 10 inf just to see what the highest bidder was paying. I also have a petless Mastermind at level 33 and growing. It has the ranged attacks, and a secondary emphasis on melee. It's fun to play.

    The unrest is indeed present, but it's not like I'm going around provoking anybody. People just look at me and say "OMG that's now how I would have done it so you suck!!!" and I continue doing what I'm doing. It's a game. Have fun.
    Dude. You're awesome. Now please send Obsidian_Force2 a tell about someone making the choice to play an all-human-form Kheld. He needs it.


    J/K..... But seriously....Do it.

    "The One"
  10. That's GREAT! Never noticed that one before... I agree... Our writers are hilarious!

    "The One"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Your don't need numbers to draw logical conclusions based on gamer psychology.
    Every minor hurdle you put in the way of the gaming horde eliminates some % of them from moving forward- they just can't be bothered.
    There is still endless whining around her about being poor, not being able to get 'the good stuff' etc even though anyone can do it and the market forum regs have been telling everyone exactly how since not long after I9.
    Why? Because going to the market and using it is one extra step in the game, and some folk can't be bothered. They'd rather be poor and complain than raise a finger to help themselves.

    This ties in directly with dual builds.
    IO'ing a character out is a substantial investment of resources- which is why not many people do it. Once you've sunk that energy into a character, the imputes to do it AGAIN is near zero.
    Most people have a lot of alts. If they're going to create multiple IO builds, they're more likely to do it on some new alt than to re-IO the guy they've already worked over.

    Simple psychology.
    All right, I could get behind this. Doensn't apply to me or any of my friends personally, but I could definitely see how that "psychology" would apply to the "masses."

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    The difference, as I've already noted, is properly interpreting data.
    And lol at the post count attack- it's been years since I got one of those.
    I thought they were extinct.
    Ok, so if I promise to learn how to interpret data, can you promise to learn how to interpret an attack?

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Keep shooting off on tangents, that way you never have to answer factual attacks on your nonsensical babbling.
    I'll answer the "facts" once I actually see them. So far, it's only word of mouth. From you. Which most DEFINITELY doesn't make it "fact."

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    MA has zero impact on PO's.
    It has reduced the supply of purples by hoovering up all the farmers.
    It has generated a vast wave of supply for set IOs.
    How does it have "zero" impact if people are buying them for 5 billion? That's an "impact," however minor or light it may be...

    Can I make your ignore list now, so you don't have to keep avoiding my questions?

    "The One"
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    I'm surprised I haven't made his ignore list yet...
    I'm going to be so HONORED when it finally "happens" for me... I can't wait! I might actually change my location from San Bernardino, CA to "Nethergoat's ignore list!"

    Seriously... Online threats are so immature... I would have thought someone as "experienced" (not sure about old) as Nethergoat would be above that. Especially when speaking to someone who rarely posts his own opinions outside of the Kheldian section of the

    "The One"
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Experience is meaningless unless you can interpret it correctly.

    OMG the whole game must be exactly like you!
    And... You got this Seriously, what's your deal, Bro?

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Very few players bother with high end sets- fact.
    Very few players bother with dual builds- fact.

    Saying that a tiny fraction of players with bother with a dual build using high end IOs is an entirely reasonable statement.
    According to... you? Where are you getting these "facts"? Are the Devs posting their actual numbers from the game somewhere I don't know about? Or are you making the bold claim that you see all and know all in the game, based on what you see in the market? And how many people would you say in the game don't use the market? Would you be able to "accurately" post those numbers?

    For someone who has so many posts and claims to know the game so well, a lot of what you say seems pretty similar to your own claim of what you're saying I'm doing. Lighten up, man. It's going to be ok.

    As stated before, and as I'm stating yet again, I. AM. NOT. PERSONALLY. HAVING. A. PROBLEM. WITH. THIS. Dur? Got it now? Or do I gotta break it down in Arkansas-speak? (j/k)

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    MA has generated the largest increase in set IO recipes in the history of the game.
    I'll hand 'ya that one. I have no numbers on that. Seems that the prices went up with the "supply" though, which is strange in economics... :/

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    You are delusional.
    So, you're a doctor now? You're quickly becoming my favorite entertainment on the boards. I might become your biggest fan! Sure you want that? :P

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    It has tangentially decreased the supply of purples (since the farmers are all in AE not getting purples), but it has generated an unprecedented flood of IO sets on the market.
    I'm assuming you meant "hasn't" on the supply of purples/PvP recipes, which is actually what I was referring to in my original post, and also what this thread was talking about. I thought you were paying attention.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Keep up this kind of gibbering and you may be the first person on the 'new' forums to make my ignore list.
    I'm sooooooooooooooooooo afraid of you now! *hides*


    "The One"
  14. I would also be interested in camera commands for demos, as it would really help with some of the videos I'm making.... Is anyone an expert in this?

    "The One"
  15. That's friggin' GREAT! MOAR PLZ.

    "The One"
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    And I think that estimate is still wildly optimistic.
    So, as of right now, since both you and I are throwing out what we "think," nothing is concrete.

    Unless you have some actual numbers somwhere I can check out.

    That'd be grrreeaaaat... Mmmmkay?

    Seriously though, it just sounds like we're speaking from our own personal experiences... I know when dual builds were released, I wanted to created builds for "different roles" on ALL my toons, and have many friends who are now doing the same. It sounds as if you are not really interested in the whole dual build thing, and have several friends who are not as well. Therefore, we're both just stating our own personal opinion on stats, based on our own attitude on it, and who we know personally who thinks the same way we do.

    In either case, it DID increase demand on the market, while AE DID decrease supply *somewhat*. So, therefore, the problem remains (or grows larger, depending on your point of view)... It's now become quite a bit more expensive to set our your toon. Now, as stated before, I don't have a problem with it, but when talking with new players in the game who can't even fathom how to afford certain "needed" IOs on every toon they make.... I wind up echoing their sentiments on the boards... "Why so expensive? It would take me FOREVER to get that!" We all know it doesn't... But, we're all experienced players and know how to work the game to our advantage. For someone new, or someone who isn't getting the drops their striving for, it can be enough to make them quit--which isn't what ANYONE here wants, unless they have a death-wish for the game, of course.

    "The One"
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tricia View Post
    The average* player doesn't even attempt to "purple out" *one* build. I doubt there's more than a handful people out there that would even think about doing the same to both builds. The vast, vast majority of people that even use dual builds only use it on some of their toons...and if they use it at all, they use a much cheaper build on their lesser-used build.

    Even good level 50 builds can be done for quite cheap. I recently did a soft-cap build for my boyfriend's Claws/SR that ended up costing me less than 100 million. (I wasn't paying attention to the exact amount). And for the return that gives, that's a great price. I have a couple really expensive builds, but most of them are pretty cheap. And there are a lot of people in this game that just use SOs, or basic IOs.

    So, considering that the 2 billion inf uber-purple build is *anything* but required, and if you *do* want it, it can easily be gotten without, the game does not encourage farming. Except to the lazy.

    * and no, I'm not talking about the mythical "casual" player. I'm just saying that most people don't bother with purples on most of their least as far as I can tell.
    You're exactly right. And I hadn't placed myself in the category of "casual player." I'm actually a pretty hardcore gamer when it comes right down to it--been hardcore at it for at least 20 years. But, that's not the point...

    I was basically trying think of the "little guy," when it comes to this sort of thing... Maybe I have too much "compassion" for a hardcore-gamer-type, but still... Just seems wrong that only 14-year old boys and people like me who are currently out of a job should be the only ones who have the sets that can "set" them above the rest, especially when it comes to PvP.

    But, then again... I'm not *personally* experiencing any problems getting what I need for my toons... But, it kinda pains me to see posts like the OP's post who says they actually put the time and effort forth to get drops like that every day, and that still doesn't seem to cut it.

    Luck of the draw, I guess.

    "The One"
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    1 Hour. Solo. In PI doing paper missions and selling everything I get on the market.

    As others have stated, one shouldn't speak when they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
    I was going off of what others had previously stated in this thread. Not off of something off the top of my head. Maybe you should actually read the thread before throwing out insults and making yourself look stupid.

    Then again... Who am I kidding? Carry on.

    "The One"
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vessel of Light View Post
    Why do people always want to take away glowing touch? Perhaps I just play oddly but it, along with the medicine pool ( which I understand some people dont like on khelds), gives me something I can do to actively help out team members.
    You know, I would have probably been on the naysayers side of the glowing touch issue (I don't have it myself on my PB), but after doing two all-Kheld iTFs recently on my tri-form build WS teamed with a couple bad-*** Human-only PBs who HAD it and managed to save my butt a few times from the brink of death on those TFs....

    ....I'm kinda likin' it now. I guess you never really fully appreciate a power until you realize its potential.

    "The One"
  20. Hey, you're post isn't bein' skipped over, Bro... I've got some help for 'ya, since I specialize in the "human-only" form Khelds... However, I'm deep into editing a Test Server Event video promo, so if you could give me a couple days, I'll have a full-on tutorial you can read/watch on it...

    "The One"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    With AE and dual builds my opinion is that drop rates need to be looked at again. Or they can stay as they are and influence sellers can remain happy.
    This is the biggest thing that jumped out at me in this whole thread...the fact that dual builds only complicates things, since the drop rates have stayed the same since dual builds were released.

    Dual builds (and the *possible* ability in the future to have even MORE builds on a single character, according to some of the Devs at Comic-Con) is a big issue... By having a 2nd build, you've just effectively doubled the amount of demand on the market. That has to have at least some effect on supply/demand... I know I took advantage of the dual-build thing when it came out, because I was interested in expanding the abilities of my Kheldians (one build human form, one build tri-form, and in the future... *maybe* a dual-form build and a PvP build)...

    Now, considering the fact that both builds are purpled out (Five 5-slotted sets--I did both builds before AE, thank the gods), my single toon "VestigeOne" on today's post-AE markets could be worth up to 10 billion.

    You guys are talking about making 150 million in 150 hours as if it's nothing... So, say a "hardcore" player wants to "purple out" both builds (say, PvE and PvP) on a single toon. That's going to take him four to five years to earn that much playing 40 hours a week... And most people who have jobs and a family can't put in that amount of time, but this is for the sake of the math based off of what YOU guys have stated the "average" player can earn per hour according to this thread. Now, someone could easily get more influence than that by doing a "54 boss farm" in AE or something like that, but this game doesn't encourage farming....right?

    Now, take into consideration that a person can make, what? 30 toons per server? Maybe it's more... I can't remember off the top of my head. And each of those toons can have TWO builds.

    Even the most hardcore player in the WORLD (who most likely doesn't play this game...haha) would not be able to set out all those toons based on your "average influence earned" in the lifetime of this game. So, basically, unless you pay money to those influence companies, or you don't have a job and play ungodly amounts of hours per week , you're not going to be able to ever really afford to "set out" a build with purples OR PvP IOs with post-AE prices, barring the extremely occasional "luck of the draw" drops.

    And people say this game doesn't encourage farming.

    What a crock.

    "The One"
  22. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    Titles are finished and rendered, as well as inserted into the timeline.... Still doing shot selection and timing... Trying to get it to where the shots continually build with the music (VERY tedious work)... Also inserted a funny still from the 2nd all Kheld iTF I held in order to capture this footage... Made the decision to change the title animation from what I had it on that last pic I posted here to something that matched more the mood of the "trailer"... Yes, title animations have "moods" too... :P

    All in all, it's coming along nicely, and so far I'm right on schedule... Stand by!

    "The One"
  23. AlienOne

    When is wave 5?

    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    I know exactly when it will happen!

    Wave 5 is scheduled for [@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]AH CRAP I'M BEING TRAMPLED BY YOUR SIG!!!!
    LoL. This coming from someone who has a sig which is actually larger in size.

    *starts humming a familiar Alanis Morissette song*

    "The One"
  24. Problem with that scenario, TheHawkes, is that Self Destruct is on a much, much, much, much longer timer than 1 minute. So, after the first build change use, you couldn't repeat that attack chain, because "both" Self Desctructs would be already used, and wouldn't charge for quite some time.. In fact, that would count for pretty much any long-term recharge power....

    On top of that, the Devs already seem to have some sort of system already in place that keeps timers on powers, regardless of the fact you just switched a built--i.e. Vet Teleport power or Mission Transport power. If you use the Vet Teleport power, then switch builds, it doesn't reset it automatically.

    So, this isn't entirely a bad suggestion, really. If the Devs would implement that same system on ALL the powers (Hasten, Nuke, ect), It wouldn't matter if you switched builds, because the timer on the powers would still be going. You wouldn't be able to activate Hasten *again*... Everything would still be the same time-wise, therefore avoiding the "exploit" possibilities.

    If the Devs would implement this system on all powers, I'd be in full support of a "switch build on the fly" or "switch build in 2 minutes" feature. 15 minutes it a bit too long for me... There's been many situations where I switched to my tri-form build on my WS for a planned TF, and if no one showed up for the event, and I wanted to just join my coalition mates for a different mission, I couldn't switch back to my "normal gameplay" human-only build for 15 minutes. Argh! :P

    Not that it's "entirely" a huge inconvenience or anything... It's just that new suggestions like this I think should be welcome, as long as people are trying to come up with solutions for it, instead of just shooting it down, without thinking of a way that it could work.

    Devs DO pay attention to suggestions, 'ya know!

    "The One"
  25. AlienOne

    Kheld Videos

    I've started working on animated titling for it now in After Effects... Gonna pull an all-nighter to see if I can get it done by this evening, so I can post a link by Mon. morning... Also still re-arranging shots, and rendering slo/fast motion shots, and tweaking it further to time with the music...

    Ok, back to work....

    "The One"