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  1. So, Sunday at 8pm in RV? Is that what we've decided?
  2. I was gonna say - Infected are only in Tutorial and RV, right? Galaxy? That's news to me. Anyhoooo...

    I'm up for an AV hunt in RV. We'll need a big team (or two) and healers. I'm in with my Blaster - Winter Flare

    I can lead too, if you need someone to. Just as long as we have the numbers.
  3. WinterFlare

    Storage mystery

    Nothing huge here, and not sure if this should be in the technical support section, but has anyone noticed their inspirations not stacking up properly? I was sifting through what we had stored in our base, to find two 'break free' inspirations (the same size) stacked beside each other, and not together - i.e. they were following each other in the list, and not stored as one icon with a '2'. I tried to take them out and put them back in to see if it changed, but it didn't seem to want to combine them. Anyone?
  4. Well, as I said, I doubt I'm doing it Tues (tomorrow) now, but Trix, I love the advice for farming them in missions. Nice idea!

    I'll post when I organise a day for it. I may just add you all to my friends list and call upon your assistance when I eventually get there!
  5. WinterFlare

    Power Issue

    Badge-hunter says:
    "Spend 50 hours total in PvP Zones in Sg / Vg mode."

    I believe it's true - however, I spend time in PVP zones, but not enough time in SG mode there to have won the badge. Then again, there's no bar for it, so who knows? Maybe you could try that? SG in PVP. Should be fun.
  6. [censored]! Burn, I haven't seen you in ages! You have to meet up with me and say hi! Come to the New Guardians base and have a chat!
  7. Hey all - here's the details:

    Tuesday 24th October
    7.15pm for a SHARP 7.30pm start
    Founder's Falls - by Numina
    Levels 35+

    Please only apply if you think you can stick it out. I've done it before, and it really isn't hard at all.

    I know that Chi Tarah, Lord Bane and Golden Samurai want in, so we have a full team of four - but the more the merrier!
  8. I doubt I'll be doing it Tuesday, as I'm probably running Numina's TF. So, I'll just send a big shout out when I'm hunting, and hope people will join in
  9. Hey all!

    Ok, I know that many of you need the Illusionist badge, and since it takes 200 of the little critters to get it, it's a lot of work. I propose that a team of 8 get together next week (Tuesday evening, maybe?) and farm for the badge. If 8 of us split off into four pairs across Peregrine Island, it should help as all move our bars along some.

    Post here if you're interested.
  10. After the success of Monday's run, I'll be heading up another team to tackel Manticore's TF tomorrow night (Tuesday) for a 7.30pm start, sharp. I'll also be running it Thursday, with an 8pm start - so if you need the badge, just be online and message me - or email me in game (or leave a message here).

    Numina will be next week, and re-runs will depend on numbers.
  11. Hey all,

    I'm getting back into organising regular TFs, and I'm starting with Manticore. Since this is late notice, we'll be *trying* to put a team together from those that have volunteered already, TOMORROW NIGHT (MONDAY 16th) for a 7.30pm start. However, if it doesn't go to plan, or we end up needing to run it again because of the numbers, then we will be doing Manticore's TF AGAIN, on TUESDAY 17th and THURSDAY 19th, both with 7.30pm starts. If you want in, message me in game on the night, email me in game, or leave a reply here.

    We start at 7.30pm sharp, so latecomers will only be disappointed.
  12. Sunday - as in tomorrow (15th).

    I'm in. I'm level 43...but will happily EXEMP down. Want this badge, definitely.
  13. I wouldn't mind chipping in. Where / when on Weds?
  14. We were saving space in the base that we built, since it's not for raids yet, just teleporting, storage, etc. However, since the Infirmary was (at the moment, before Auto-Doc is installed) a reclamator, we simply turned the Infirmary into a big meeting room with a nice large circular table, decorated the walls, and popped the reclamator in the corner.

    We've yet to have an embarassing moment when a half-dead, bedraggled team member appears in the middle of a meeting
  15. Some of my SG, the New Guardians, may be interested in following you in on that one. Continue to run it for a half nine start, and I'll put them in touch with you before the event occurs.
  16. Looks like Burkholder's is full now. Spaces still available for the other two.
  17. For those who regularly join my groups on trials and task forces, here's the latest events:

    SATURDAY 8th 2pm - SEWER TRIAL (36+)

    SUNDAY 9th 6pm - BURKHOLDER'S BANE (23-28+)

    WEDSNESDAY 12th 6pm - POSITRON'S TASK FORCE (10-15+)

    Email Winter Flare ingame if you want in.
  18. The basic teleport, crafted from worktables, can hold two beacons each...right? Is there a bigger one? I mean, there are seven beacons so there one GIANT teleport pad?
  19. Hey all,

    Ok - med-bay items. Earned by SG badges, including AUTO-DOC, ROBO-SURGERY and COMBAT LOG. I know that the Auto-Doc sells Greens and Blues, but what do the other two do? Awakens? Clears? Anyone let me know?
  20. Ok, correct me if I'm wrong - but I thought the Linear Accelarator made temp buffs that lasted 15mins...but were more powerful than those build by the Radiation Emulator - which also builds 15min buffs, but weaker ones...isn't that the case? Or am I confused...I can't see them lasting longer...just getting more powerful as you build better generation equipment.
  21. Meeting in Talos for an 8pm start (BST). Tuesday the 13th.

    Email me in game as Winter Flare, or on msn:
  22. Hey all,

    Starting the TF hopefully at 6.30pm GMT (well, it's BST now, I suppose) in Brickstown and will push on until finish. Email directly at (add me to your msn if it's easier) or mail me in game: Winter Flare.

    Hope you can join us.
    Winter Flare
  23. Just thought I'd give you a heads up over to this thread:

    Check it out if you'd like a picture of your character drawn by a professional comic book artist - all for charity!