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  1. Amerikatt

    Hen roast!

    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    I don't wanna know what goes on in the shower!
    What goes on in the shower, stays in the shower. Otay?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    yup, rattled her cupboards and house a bit, that was all. Reports say it was 5.0 we are so lucky there doesn't seem to be much damage or loss. Tornado warning was issued right after that tho , what a day!
    Ya. There's been a lot of wild weather lately!
  3. Amerikatt

    Weeny Roast!

    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    Hehhe, I just recieved a gift from my husband that he wants, and can't use, and I Love it!
  4. I'm willing to give the farmer his tan back if he'll just make that hussy Kitty "disappear"!

    TPBM has a scheming look on their face, trying to think of ways to eliminate my would-be rival.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    Guess what guys?! There was just an earthquake here!

    And here
    Here's more of the same news
    I didn't feel anything here, but grandma felt it in the next over! And I hear it was stronger down south, anyway, it's pretty rare although we are the faultline, just thought I'd share the news
    I'm glad that you're okay. Is Grandma okay?

    Has there been an aftershock yet?
  6. Amerikatt

    Weeny Roast!

    Why do *some* guys (*not* generalizing here) give us gifts that we don't want but that *they* can use?

  7. Good luck, A_D! If you got it from Ocho's clue, then you certainly deserve the prize!
  8. Thanks for taking the time to answer some questions and tell us a bit about yourself.

    I also vote for a War Witch Task Force, with Apex and Horus!

    It would be nice if the coven could come back, too. I was so sad when Clarissa's cat died.

    (*huggles Miss Melissa and squees* with delight, then romps off after a butterfly*)

    [*Yes, that *was* me who used this term at the 6th Anniversary get-together at Pocket D, prompting you to ask about the term's etymology. RAWR! ]
  9. Amerikatt

    Weeny Roast!

    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    I love bacon. And I am a Mrs.
    Out of respect, I call all ladies "Miss". My Human partner taught me well!

  10. Amerikatt

    Weeny Roast!

    Originally Posted by Early Girl View Post
    perpetual paddywhacks for life...*noms bacon*

    its better with bacon
    Isn't everything?

    As for Miss 2Short's question, I do not even have a funny answer for that. At least boy kitties have warm feet ... um ... or so I've been told!
  11. Nope. I don't even know what that is!

    TPBM is thinking how Old-Time Radio beats Modern-Day Television!
  12. As a matter of fact ...!

    TPBM is wearing a t-shirt with the image of a rock band on it.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
    Well, I didn't choose the colors. They were to Attache's specs.

    She (Janet) does make the work though, huh?
    Janet's a great subject, and you render her very, very well! (*huggles*)
  14. Actually, that's my mask!

    TPBM is dressed in a tie-dyed t-shirt, bell bottom jeans, and sandals.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    Here's a couple more, and with at least one spot left to fill... still not entirely sure about this, but whatcha gonna do?

    Thanks for including me on your ad page, Bubba!

    That earns you +2 Interwebz and ... a HUGE HUGGLE! RAWR!

    (*squees with delight, then scampers after a butterfly*)
  16. iFeliz Cumpleanos, Bubba! (*los huggles*)
  17. What beautiful work, Miss Wassy!

    I particularly love the Janet Planet pieces and the colors you used (purple and fuchsia FTW)!
  18. I eagerly look forward to what the fertile imaginations and nomtastic artistic skills of our contestants will be producing for this fervent and frantic forumite FArt fray foray! (*WHEW!*)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GangstaBlade View Post
    No, that's my friend George
    TPBM needs to visit the dentist
    Sure. But only to get some more nitrous oxide! (*waggles eyebrows*)

    TPBM is wearing an entire ensemble that they got at a charity thrift store.
  20. ... you get the midnight munchies and go out looking for Yin's Market to satisfy your cravings!

  21. Imagine how it looks to a kitten! EVERYONE and EVERYTHING looks monstrously big to me!

    It's a good thing that I can fly ... or I'd never get *anywhere*!
  22. (*noms Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart*)
  23. Why, yes. Yes I *do* have hairy toes!

    [Cute picture of *whomever* that might be!]

    TPBM likes wearing '60's-style pants with vertical stripes in neon colors!