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  1. I miss being able to log in to freedom and running several dfb's or trials at any time of the day or night.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    There is no such thing as a soft cap for Flight Speed soft cap.... There is a cap. The term soft cap only applies to Defense.
    Since ab can allow you to fly faster than the maximum flight speed the cap is now soft. Please update all the relevant documentation.
  3. I completely agree. Having learned all this the hard way from these forums over the last 5 years. To be more exact after posting lots of stoopid stuff and being modsmacked and told off over the last 5 years.
  4. _Klaw_


    Keifer Sutherland was pretty good but I think the standout was Lisa, she had to rein in Bart's chaotic nature. Milhouse was great too.
  5. Nice one. Impressive auras of cool.

    I guess it's a bit late now but try this command out:
    /screenshotui 1
    and then take a screeny.
  6. Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaatz.
    It is a good feeling when you get there isn't it. Where was I when I first level'd a mm to 50 oh yeah:

  7. _Klaw_

    Windows 8

    I like it. I always hated the start bar and my desktop is constantly cluttered with shortcuts, this way you have a dedicated page for program selection and can leave the classic desktop for organising files and stuff. I also like the new task manager and msconfig.

    Edit: Look and Feel Vid.
  8. Flight speed (and run speed) was changed when they brought in the higher tier powers so that they were at the soft cap unenhanced, so adding flight speed to flight does nothing (smirk) and it's better to put in other things like end reduction or kb defense. With afterburner the cap is softer so you can increase flight speed to the low 80s if you want but most people put their slots elsewhere.

    I generally had 1 end reduction in fly and 1 kb defense or flight speed in ab, so I could have more slots in other things, and I was able to keep up fine.
  9. You think you're scared!? I invoked him.

  10. _Klaw_

    Madvillainy Base

    It's now mine, all mine, hahahahahaaaaaaaaa............
  11. Yep. XP is the same no matter what level you exemp to now thanks to Supersidekicking, people like level 1 missions because you get a bit more defeats/minute. But as an mm you only get 1 minion pet so you're still gimped.
  12. He did say Guardian.

    I'm happy to move toons anywhere right now for teaming.
  13. No 2xp does not apply to ae (some people can get more than enough from it anyway /wink). Friday and Saturday is good for me this week, check your forum account inbox.
  14. I'd normally say team or 2box (sigh). You can get a bit faster by building for yourself as the primary damage dealer and using your pets in bg mode for defense and mez mitigation, also there will be more 2xp weekends apparently.
    However since all my projects have stopped I would be interested in teaming up or pl-ing, let me know your server and times.