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  1. The only thing to take from Champions Online are asymetric details, 4 colors, additional detail slots, and selectable stances. Anything else is garbage.
  2. I couldnt get a name I wanted once.
  3. Because thats ******* retarded.
  4. It is ridiculously easy to get a shivan, there doesnt need to be a pve Bloody Bay at all, ever.

    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    it's all a matter of perspective in an open area without clear scoreboards, as opposed to arena matches
    Rep/Badges/PVP IOs/Zone Control
    There is always a scoreboard.
  5. Its true, ***** always be takin the best spots.
  6. No.
    I dont want too.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Boomie View Post
    And why not.
    Because I said so.
  8. I dont know if anyone answered it yet but the magic pack did come with a big floppy, widebrimmed hat.

    Its more Hellsing Alucard then D though.
  9. Negative ghostrider.

    Ill be watching you.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
    Cake will always beat pie

    Edit: Forgot the
  11. A. Beat things to death with Dwarf
    B. Solo using only Grav well and CJ
    C. Spastic form swapping
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
    I like to know what powers do and how they do it.
    What does it do? How? Why?
  13. Total copy-pasta off bAss.