774 -
Again this is why so many people play heroes and not villains.
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*I* play heroes because I want to feel heroic. If I had real life super powers, I would use them to help people and make the world a better place. I would not use them to poison food so that little children go blind.
I also find the red zones ugly. If I want to see ugly, industrialized areas where nobody gives a crap about appearance, I can always go to work. I play games to escape from that crap.
You do realize that BECAUSE villains are all crowded into a single zone and heroes aren't that it makes more lag for the villain zones.
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Red-side zones are also place more demands on graphics cards than blue-side zones. If another player character is far enough away from your character, it doesn't cause your computer to render anything at all. I used to get lag spikes in Atlas Park right when all the noobs standing around under the statue of Atlas came into view. (This was before I upgraded my computer memory.) -
*post deleted, as my point was already made by a couple of others*
Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?
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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?
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Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.
Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.
[/ QUOTE ]
And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.
So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...
gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??
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Yes because they totally didn't add any Red side only content in Issue 12, nope none at all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Huh. What was the new villain zone in i12? I must have missed it. -
So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...
gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??
[/ QUOTE ]
Here is why.. Everyone who loves villains has done the content 5 ten 20 40 times all the way through already...
So they go back to Heroes.. Because atleast with Heroes there is CHOICE in how to level up. VILLAINS HAS NO CHOICE.
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If I type IN ALL CAPS it will make what I say TRUE AND IRREFUTABLE! Also, deliberately misspelling words will give me LEET CRED!
Seriously now, shouting at the devs, WHERE IS MY VILLAIN CONTENT? isnt going to actually get you villain content. CoV is an add-on to the CoH universe. Thats just something you need to come to terms with. New zones from this point on are going to be for both sides. Look at the RWZ and Ourobrous and Cimerora and see the future. New villain-only zones are highly unlikely in the future because villain players are a much smaller population. Shouting about it wont change that fact, nor will it change the clear business decisions that imbalance makes necessary.
(Caveat: This is a prediction that could, of course, be wrong. But given what weve seen over the last year and the hints dropped by that market survey, I feel confident about it.)
If you want more villain-only content, then youre going to be getting the bloody tools to write it yourself. -
Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?
[/ QUOTE ]
Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?
[/ QUOTE ]
Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.
Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.
[/ QUOTE ]
And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.
So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...
gosh... I wonder what they'll do...?? -
Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?
[/ QUOTE ]
Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes? -
BABs recently posted a new engine wont solve the power customization problem.
The problem is the way the game itself was coded not in the way that it runs on the engine. We've already had an Engine update when we got CoV.
To give us the power customization they, to my understanding, would need to nearly completely rebuild the entire powers system and how it interacts with the AI.
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Well, this is really just semantics. To the majority of the playerbase (myself included) the "engine" is all that stuff that makes the game work. My character resides in a database that describes all the details about him. I understand what a database is. The world is another database (I assume) that describes where all the stuff is that my character can interract with. I get that too. Everything else is the "engine." Now technically speaking there is more going on than that... but I don't understand the details and neither do most of us players. You can say, "It's not the engine, it's the Squooge. You see, the Squooge takes the data and interracts with the engine to defragubibulate the whupperman. So really Power Customization would mean rewriting the Squooge and possibly the whupperman too," but my eyes will glaze over and really not care one bit what the specific thing is called.
As much as I want plasma stream to be able to fire pink and blue energy blasts, in my opinion FWIW the Developers have better things to do to push the game forward.
Maybe, maybe if there is a paid box expansion in a year or so, they will be given a go ahead to do power customization as part of that in the hopes of the additional stream of revenue that will come in from said paid box.
Until then, engine wont do it and they are busy with other things.
At least thats how I understand it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Perhaps this will be OK as long as no other superhero MMOGS come along. But if another one does appear, and it has some form of customization... then CoX will need to step up to the plate, run with the Big Dogs, get off the fence, and many other metaphors that basically all mean "your game will die unless you can match this."
I firmly believe this. It isn't intended to be a DOOOOOM post, or a "gimmie what I want or I'm leaving" post. It's just a prediction of the future. One which I sincerely HOPE will never be tested.
Well... except for the Moon Zone. If the devs don't gimmie a bloody MOON ZONE then I'm leaving!!! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMMMMMM!!! -
Quote:"If your memory is so good then why don't you know how to spell the word 'you' or use the shift key?"
"one day u might need some help", "and i have a good memory with many friends in high places".
"Do your friends in 'high places' know how to spell the word 'you' or use the shift key? If so, perhaps you could ask them for tutoring?"
"So... your fake person is angry with my fake person and will therefore tell other fake people about me so that their fake people can do hypothetical bad things to my fake person from their fake high places in a fake world?"
And of course the old stand by...
"Just how old ARE you anyway, kid?"
I'm guessing that patience is in order. These will be more widely available at some point in the future.
It's tricky trying to guess what people want from the Scoop.
[/ QUOTE ]
More Awesome Bewbage, perhaps? -
Sorry I don't have a direct answer to your question.
But I will say that the library sounds like a hell of a lot of work. I wish you luck on it, but please consider that i13 is going to have a serious base overhaul. (The devs are jokingly referring to the issue as "All Your Base Are Belong to Us.") There is very credible evidence that we will be getting a z-axis control for base items, making the magic desk obsolete and allowing for similar results to be obtained in a small fraction of the time.
Personally, I'm going to wait. It's not that far out at this point. -
The helmets are meh to me. I have ZERO characters who would every use them. (I know, it's not all about me, but still... Arachnos Stooge helmets as a 50+ month vet reward...? Bleh.)
Also, recycling the previous vet reward attacks? I have to agree with the others here who pointed out that there are tons, TONS of other temp powers that could have been used insted. How about a choice between the bow & arrow and the shotgun? Somehing we haven't seen before.
Sorry, devs. I love you all, but you fumbled this one. -
Yea ok!! Sorry I play a Stalker in PvP and Run Several forms of Stealth and am Constantly seen by Blasters at Sniper range because of their perception...
[/ QUOTE ]
What choice of powers and enhancements will allow a blaster to see a stalker at sniper range (A stalker running around at the stealth cap)?
I know there are a couple powers that will improve perception for a blaster, and I know there is at least one IO that will do the same. But seriously now, a blaster at sniper range seeing a stealth-capped stalker?
I call shennagain. -
The VIP Pass will also unlock a special in game item that was selected for this show only.
[/ QUOTE ]
Please tell us what this special item is.
And please consider making this item available to those people who could not attend Comic Con. Perhaps for a small fee? This makes everyone happy. NCSoft makes money, and those people that want this item can have it.
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Well... that would defeat the purpose of the "for this show only" part.
Having said that, I very strongly suspect that eventually, perhaps a year or so down the road, whatever it is will be opened up to the general gaming population. That's what they did with the sandals and laurel (sp?) costume options. -
Aw come on. My dad is not gonna drive me down to San Diego for some stupid pass... Oooh.. maybe I'll convince him to take me to Comic Con and he can go to that party and he'd have a reason to go.
[/ QUOTE ]
Everything that ever happens in life is always all about you.
Have this tattooed onto your forehead, backwards, so that every time you look in the mirror you can see it and be reminded that in every single situation you must DEMAND that everyone go to extraordinary, absurd lengths to change reality in order to make your life slightly more enjoyable, regardless of all other costs, considerations, or individuals. -
I'll be on the show floor that night.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ex is going to be the Floor Show that night??
*clears schedule* -
Then what would be the point of playing a MMORPG if you couldnt team with other players?
How can you make an intelligent/informed decision on spending money for a MMORPG if you cant fully explore what it is your gonna be paying for.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can explore teaming. Duh. You cannot initiate a team, but you can join one.
If you cannot try a demo and understand how much more fun it would be if you paid for it, then "intellignent/informed" is not something that applies to you.
For the vast majority of games out there, the VAST majority, you do not, not, not, NOT get to do everything with a trial version. So why should CoX be any different? So with a trial account you get to run around and do a lot. and you get to see how much cooler your experience could be. So you pay for it and you get full access. This is as it should be. Full ability to team, form and/or join SG's, all of that, this comes from PAYING FOR a game that only would exist if it MAKES MONEY!
I completely and utterly fail to see how expecting someone with a trial account to pony up some do-re-mi in order to experience the full game is a horrible, horrible thing.
So a few people have said, "If these restrictions had been in place, I'd have never bought the game." So what? First, you don't know if that's an accurate statement. Second, you don't know if others who did not pay would have paid in order to get the fly power (or create an SG, or whatever). Third, you don't know how many will stay and keep playing if RMT spam is controlled. -
I dont agree with trial accounts not being able to form a team. Thats just stupid. I can see restricting gold farmers abuse of the system. But now a person trying the game has to passivily wait to get an invite. How many people who first try the game know the order of most populated servers? Or what are good hours to play on each server? This makes no sense. How do gold farmers even abuse this. Or maybe its just for the whiners who are emotionally damaged by blind invites.
I say change this back. It makes no sense. Let trial accounts start teams.
[/ QUOTE ]
If you don't understand how the farmers get their influence/infamy to sell, and how they use teams to PL each other, then no, you really will not understand why these changes were made.
But, of course, if you are really so ill-informed, then I'm afraid that you cannot intelligently debate the issue. Sorry.
If it were me making the decision, I would have restricted trial accounts to not allow any teaming at all. Therefore, no PL'ing and no massive influence farming from trial accounts. Who knows, that may still happen. In the meantime, those just checking out the game have plenty to see and do and try out before buying. -
What is RMT????[/color]
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My guess is it's something you're a part of. -
I only hope that deep change that situation, my many friends who were going to pay to play abandoned because these changes in the trial, then staff of the staff please review this ...
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm.... short, terse, broken Engrish...
You're not from a North American time zone, are you? -
Nothing bad, close relative turning 80 and having a party and I probably should be there as I will never hear the end of it if I skip it for Comic-Con.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not to put too fine a point on it, but if the relative is 80, how many more years can you realistically expect this person to keep bringing it up?
...I'm just sayin'.
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Not worried about him bringing it, more like my mother every time I call her or see her.
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Speaking of which, why don't you call her more often?
[/ QUOTE ]
Seriously. You spend all your time on that new-fangled intraweb talking to strangers, but you can't take 5 minutes to call your own Mother? Whatsamatter, she's not good enough for you now? She's just an embarassment to you, eh? Maybe she shold just dig a hole and lie down in it. Next time you stop by you could just cover her up. Not that you ever come by. She only gave you the best years of her life, and this is how you repay her? Now her neighbour, Mrs. Johnston, HER kids come over and visit every week! And they bring grandchildren. And HER son is a Doctor! Why didn't you do that? It would have made your Father (God rest his soul) so proud. It's probably for the best that he didn't live to see how his son turned out. -
Nothing bad, close relative turning 80 and having a party and I probably should be there as I will never hear the end of it if I skip it for Comic-Con.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not to put too fine a point on it, but if the relative is 80, how many more years can you realistically expect this person to keep bringing it up?
...I'm just sayin'. -
I had flash backs of Starship Troopers!
[/ QUOTE ]
I've long said that this game needs more co-ed shower scenes... -
You know what Brad, when you originally posted I was like "eff that, who cares" But your second post contrasting the Shard event made me say, you know what, I remember that and Brad is right. Thanks Brad for your intelligent post and for the clarification second post.
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Yeah, I have to agree with him on this.
I think (using my obvious psychic powers) that the devs don't want to hear the endless whining about how tough it is to get the badges that can only be earned through invasion events. Remember that there were no badges in game at the time of the Rularuu breaking into our dimension. So those that missed it only missed the event itself, and not any associated badges for defeating their portals or whatever. Which I think is too bad.
And as for the second Rikti invasion badges, I think that it's perfectly OK to expect new toons that were not around for i10 to have a more difficult time getting them. Even a much, much more difficult time. They will still be accessible, but a new toon shouldn't have as easy a time obtaining them. For the reasons that Brad mentioned.
Hopefully after 2008 is over, so will be the regularly scheduled invasions. Because, you know, in 2009 we'll all be so busy FIGHTING ON THE MOON!!!
I'm just sayin'...
My $0.02. IMHO. YMMV. yadda yadda yadda yadda. -
Don't forget... it's all a Nemesis plot.
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Or is it? O.o
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...'twould explain why I leak steam whenever I cut myself.