Paring Down My Weekly Comics
It's an impossible task, because I always wait for the perfect breaking point. Maybe you guys can help by telling me what is scheduled to end anyway, or what is dumb and I shouldn't be reading! Or, hey, maybe you'll learn something yourself. WARNING: Marvel heavy.
I currently read: AVENGING SPIDER-MAN - Was really boring, but Minimum Carnage just started, so I'll be into it. AvX VS - Series just ended. BEFORE WATCHMEN MINUTEMEN - I'm in for all of these. BEFORE WATCHMEN SILK SPECTRE BEFORE WATCHMEN COMEDIAN BEFORE WATCHMEN NITE OWL BEFORE WATCHMEN OZYMANDIAS FANTASTIC FOUR - I've loved what Jonathan Hickman has done with the Fantastic Four, but I know he's leaving soon. These are good candidates for culling when Hickman is gone. FF JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY - One of my favorite series, but I think it's about to end... MORNING GLORIES - This book by Nick Spencer was one of my favorites through the first 10 or so, but since then, it's seemingly become more about being as mysterious as possible without ever really getting around to any plot development. POWERS - This series just ended, but a followup series is coming, called Powers: Bureau IIRC. It was one of my favorite series, so I'll follow it in whatever form. UNCANNY X-FORCE - I think this is a keeper. As much as I don't like Wolverine, the core team and everything associated with it has been really interesting. Especially the current story arc with Evan. WINTER SOLDIER - I want to end this one, and told myself I would as soon as the current story arc was over, but it seems that It's spilled over into another arc. Brubaker just isn't doing much for me with this book. WOLVERINE AND X-MEN - This is one of my favorites, again despite Wolverine. The students and X-Men as teachers are really great. Jason Aaron has probably made this my favorite Marvel book. AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #693 – $3.99 - You'll never take my Spider-Man from me. Even if the last story arc with Alpha fell kind of flat. AVENGERS ACADEMY - Like with Wolverine and the X-Men above, I really like the young superhero student angle. This series came out of Avengers: The Initiative, which was one of my favorite things to come out of Civil War. I really like some of the characters, but the recent Academy characters weren't so great. An arc just finished that really had a conclusive feel, so maybe the book is done with anyway; now feels like a good time for it to be, or for me to be done with it, at least. DARK AVENGERS - This is really the Thunderbolts. I have no idea what has been going on lately - Did they change the title to trick LCS pull lists with the guideline "pull all "Avengers" titles? Anyway. I've been with the series since just before Warren Ellis made it a great book, but it's been running on steam pretty much since then. If it isn't ending, I'm just about done with it. DEADPOOL - A keeper. DEFENDERS - This series went from really great to plodding. I think it's this damn Concordance Engine stuff; I'm tired of it. FIRST X-MEN - I've read the first two issues; I don't see any real reason I should stick with it. HAWKEYE - Favorite new book. GUARDING THE GLOBE - Just started. Interested to read more about some of the heroes seen in passing in Invincible, but I don't know if that's really enough. INVINCIBLE IRON MAN - I've liked the book since Matt Fraction took over; I think it's about to end - Is that true? MIGHTY THOR - Reading primarily out of duty thanks to the tie-in with Journey Into Mystery. ULTIMATE COMICS X-MEN ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN ULTIMATE COMICS ULTIMATES - I'd been reading these since their reboot, but the only one I'm even remotely interested in is Spider-Man. But now they're all tying into one another and uggggh. VENOM - Enjoyed the first bit, but since the new writer (Cullen Bunn, maybe?) took over, it was a little lame. Still. In for Minimum Carnage. X-FACTOR - One of my favorites. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE - AWFUL BOOK. I think it's ending any minute now regardless. AVENGERS VS X-MEN - Ended CAPTAIN AMERICA - Used to be one of my favorites, but it's been pretty mediocre pretty much since the reboot. So like 18 issues by now. MANHATTAN PROJECTS - I keep deciding to quit this series, then reading another issue. It's not my typical fare, but it is interesting... NEW AVENGERS - Ending soon? SCARLET SPIDER - Wait, is is Scarlet Spider interesting with Venom for Minimum Carnage, or Avenging Spider-Man? Now I'm confused. UNCANNY X-MEN - Ending soon? ATOMIC ROBO FLYING SHE DEVILS O/T PACIFIC - I'm a fan of Brian Clevinger's Atomic Robo, just not the format of many miniseries... es. Does the plural of miniseries exist? Miniseries'? AVENGERS - Ending? WALKING DEAD - I've grown a bit weary of the current "No One is Safe" story, but I'm in. HIT-GIRL - Millar's Kick-*** universe sometimes makes my eyes roll, but I've liked this miniseries. INVINCIBLE - I'm ready for Mark Grayson to do something again. I imagine that's what issue #100 will be for. SECRET AVENGERS - Ending soon? WOLVERINE - I started reading it again to see how/why Jeph Loeb brings back Sabretooth (after the fact he was seen again in Uncanny X-Force) and instantly regretted it. |
As to the Marvel stuff, I'd wait for the already overhyped "Marvel NOW!" relaunches then trim down the reading list.
I agree that Cap's current run has been a bit dull, but as part of Marvel NOW! they plan to revive the original Red Skull in a somewhat unique way and make him a new foe for Uncanny Avengers. That should make Cap's life more interesting especially since from what I read this is a copy of the Skull's mind that he made and had stored back during the war so it will not be the true Red Skull that survived the war only to return to menace Cap for years with things like the Cosmic Cubes, return in clone body of Cap or try to take control of Cap's body and kill Rogers like he tried recently only to finally perish (or so it seemed)
The Before Watchmen stories have been entertaining. I liked the characters from Watchmen, and it's just more. For the most part, it's really creative guys working on them, and I know they can't equal Alan Moore, but they're doing well enough.
Oh, also, Saga should be on my list. I just grabbed the listing of comics I've bought over the past month; it must be slightly behind. I'm sure there are a couple of others I missed in this same fashion.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

OK, and Avengers Academy may have just won me back over with a flag football issue.
ETA: And of course, I just read in the Letters Page that it only has one issue remaining. HA! Oh, comics. Don't ever change.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
There is a thread further down entitled Superior Spider Man, which talks about Superior Spider Man title taking the place of Amazing Spider Man. Supposedly, it will no longer be Peter Parker as Spider Man. In any universe. Which is very sad.
Journey into Mystery will be ending as well soon, with the completion of the current Surtur arc.
It will be Scarlet Spider with Venom on the Minimum Carnage crossover.
I find your lack of signature disturbing.
If you're wanting to still follow the adventures of Kid Loki he will now be one of the characters in the Marvel Now Young Avengers relaunch. Journey into Mystery will now have Lady Sif as the new main character.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

Do what I did, drop Comics all together, except for the stuff you really like.
my Pull list:
Antarctic Press:
Gold Digger
Earth 2
Worlds' Finest
Will be checking out from the the Marvel Now stuff:
Guardians of the Galaxy
All New X-Men
It's an impossible task, because I always wait for the perfect breaking point. Maybe you guys can help by telling me what is scheduled to end anyway, or what is dumb and I shouldn't be reading! Or, hey, maybe you'll learn something yourself. WARNING: Marvel heavy.
I currently read:
AVENGING SPIDER-MAN - Was really boring, but Minimum Carnage just started, so I'll be into it.
AvX VS - Series just ended.
BEFORE WATCHMEN MINUTEMEN - I'm in for all of these.
FANTASTIC FOUR - I've loved what Jonathan Hickman has done with the Fantastic Four, but I know he's leaving soon. These are good candidates for culling when Hickman is gone.
JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY - One of my favorite series, but I think it's about to end...
MORNING GLORIES - This book by Nick Spencer was one of my favorites through the first 10 or so, but since then, it's seemingly become more about being as mysterious as possible without ever really getting around to any plot development.
POWERS - This series just ended, but a followup series is coming, called Powers: Bureau IIRC. It was one of my favorite series, so I'll follow it in whatever form.
UNCANNY X-FORCE - I think this is a keeper. As much as I don't like Wolverine, the core team and everything associated with it has been really interesting. Especially the current story arc with Evan.
WINTER SOLDIER - I want to end this one, and told myself I would as soon as the current story arc was over, but it seems that It's spilled over into another arc. Brubaker just isn't doing much for me with this book.
WOLVERINE AND X-MEN - This is one of my favorites, again despite Wolverine. The students and X-Men as teachers are really great. Jason Aaron has probably made this my favorite Marvel book.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #693 $3.99 - You'll never take my Spider-Man from me. Even if the last story arc with Alpha fell kind of flat.
AVENGERS ACADEMY - Like with Wolverine and the X-Men above, I really like the young superhero student angle. This series came out of Avengers: The Initiative, which was one of my favorite things to come out of Civil War. I really like some of the characters, but the recent Academy characters weren't so great. An arc just finished that really had a conclusive feel, so maybe the book is done with anyway; now feels like a good time for it to be, or for me to be done with it, at least.
DARK AVENGERS - This is really the Thunderbolts. I have no idea what has been going on lately - Did they change the title to trick LCS pull lists with the guideline "pull all "Avengers" titles? Anyway. I've been with the series since just before Warren Ellis made it a great book, but it's been running on steam pretty much since then. If it isn't ending, I'm just about done with it.
DEADPOOL - A keeper.
DEFENDERS - This series went from really great to plodding. I think it's this damn Concordance Engine stuff; I'm tired of it.
FIRST X-MEN - I've read the first two issues; I don't see any real reason I should stick with it.
HAWKEYE - Favorite new book.
GUARDING THE GLOBE - Just started. Interested to read more about some of the heroes seen in passing in Invincible, but I don't know if that's really enough.
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN - I've liked the book since Matt Fraction took over; I think it's about to end - Is that true?
MIGHTY THOR - Reading primarily out of duty thanks to the tie-in with Journey Into Mystery.
ULTIMATE COMICS ULTIMATES - I'd been reading these since their reboot, but the only one I'm even remotely interested in is Spider-Man. But now they're all tying into one another and uggggh.
VENOM - Enjoyed the first bit, but since the new writer (Cullen Bunn, maybe?) took over, it was a little lame. Still. In for Minimum Carnage.
X-FACTOR - One of my favorites.
AVENGERS ASSEMBLE - AWFUL BOOK. I think it's ending any minute now regardless.
CAPTAIN AMERICA - Used to be one of my favorites, but it's been pretty mediocre pretty much since the reboot. So like 18 issues by now.
MANHATTAN PROJECTS - I keep deciding to quit this series, then reading another issue. It's not my typical fare, but it is interesting...
NEW AVENGERS - Ending soon?
SCARLET SPIDER - Wait, is is Scarlet Spider interesting with Venom for Minimum Carnage, or Avenging Spider-Man? Now I'm confused.
UNCANNY X-MEN - Ending soon?
ATOMIC ROBO FLYING SHE DEVILS O/T PACIFIC - I'm a fan of Brian Clevinger's Atomic Robo, just not the format of many miniseries... es. Does the plural of miniseries exist? Miniseries'?
AVENGERS - Ending?
WALKING DEAD - I've grown a bit weary of the current "No One is Safe" story, but I'm in.
HIT-GIRL - Millar's Kick-*** universe sometimes makes my eyes roll, but I've liked this miniseries.
INVINCIBLE - I'm ready for Mark Grayson to do something again. I imagine that's what issue #100 will be for.
SECRET AVENGERS - Ending soon?
WOLVERINE - I started reading it again to see how/why Jeph Loeb brings back Sabretooth (after the fact he was seen again in Uncanny X-Force) and instantly regretted it.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.