Favorite Exploration Badges
My current favorite is the Stockpiling badge (Lambda sector, Neutropolis). I imagine it to mean that I stockpile food and other necessities in order to survive the apocalypse (closure threat).

Story arcs: �Viva la Represi�n! (#2327) | Mysterious Virus (#11762) | Four Horsemen of the 2012 Apocalypse (#531874) | Deadly Dragon | White Slime
My story on union.virtueverse.com
Although "favorite" is not the word the people sporting it would choose, the Loyal Customer badge has sure come in handy recently.
My actual, all-time favorite exploration badge, however, is Faultless Mystic.
[Image courtesy of Titan Network's Paragonwiki]
[Note that, in current Faultline, it's up on a platform, no longer in some deep abyss.]
Ley Lines are powerful forces of mystical energy that crisscross the planet. Paragon City's proximity to Ley Line crossings makes it a prime location for magical villain supergroups. |
Long, long ago, I was flying my (then-level-30) Ice/Storm Controller, te Queen of Knives, through Faultline. The spawns were very gray and no threat. I saw some Clockwork meandering near the edge of a steep crevasse -- Old Faultline had some very deep trenches indeed -- and, on a whim, Galed them into the abyss below. Ha ha!
I flew off to do whatever it was I was doing. A few minutes later I passed back over the same crevasse.
ZAAAP! I plunged from the sky.
One of the previously-tormented Clockwork, a Tesla Knight, had laboriously toiled its way back to the top of the cliff, and was apparently still aggroed on me. As I flew over, he slept me. Back in those days, being slept turned off toggles like Flight.
But because I was so much higher level then the Tesla Knight, the sleep faded almost at once. As my character hurtled into the enormously deep vertical crack in the earth, I stabbed at the keyboard to turn Flight back on -- but I had just recently rearranged my power trays,and Flight was in a different place!
At the last moment I tore my eyes off the screen, found the Flight toggle, and hit it. The Queen braked to a stop JUST above the bottom of the pit -- and was immediately awarded the Faultless Mystic badge!
I hadn't even known it was there. I would likely never have gone looking for it intentionally in those days. But I was literally shot down onto it (and by one of Paragon's weakest denizens!) Getting the badge was like the game awarding me something nice to offset the embarrassment of having been shot down by Clockwork.
That's my favorite memory of an Exploration Badge.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I used to enjoy "TP Friend" with Flight engaged, and dropping friends who had superspeed/super jump as their travel powers into Hamidon to get that exploration badge
The closest I have every gotten someone was with their head using the badge as a pillow.
Top Dog: Yes, everyone has this one. That's the point. It's iconic, just like the globe and statue and City Hall. And it captures, in my mind, one of the big breakout features of this game (especially back in '04): you can fly. (Or leap, or teleport, or run really fast.) You can step out of the tutorial, look up and think, "I want to be up there someday, on top of the world." And this game will let you.
Old Fashioned: "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut!" (Also, honestly, a lot of my characters are. Old-fashioned, I mean.)
Conjunction Junction: "Conjunction Junction, what's your function?" "Hookin' up cars and makin' 'em function." The only badge my character VERB has ever worn - and if you recognize him, you know why.
Last Line of Defense: I love this badge because it acknowledges the players. We inspired this one, by always gathering on that hill when the Rikti (and zombies too) invaded Talos.
Castaway: One of several badges in the Shadow Shard that describe your character being affected by some strong emotion, this one has taken on special significance for many players since the announcement of the game's imminent end.
Triumphant and Weapon of Mass Destruction: Back in the days when people actually went to Warburg, getting these two meant painting a target on your back. Now, not so much.
Ambitious: the Praetorian equivalent of Top Dog, in a sense. It takes a certain sort to look up at Emperor Cole's massive shining p-- *cough* tower and think "I'm gonna go stand on top of that."
Honorable mention to this plaque for the history badge "Intellectual", which is a nod to an early bug in the game which I witnessed on many occasions. Rescued civilians are supposed to exit the game world through the closest available door; this particular sewer access (across the street from the train station) was flagged as such, but couldn't be opened. The result was that one would often see multiple civilians running in circles up and over the little bunker, in what became known as the "Kings Row hamster wheel."
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
Camel Snot. Because of the awesome name.
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online
nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch
Defying Gravity, Danger, Danger!, and Bridge To Nowhere. Also, all the badges in the chantry for their gigantic text dumps.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Top Dog which I would display for my Feline toons.
"Why can't the villains ever hide out in the old abandon catnip factory?"

The title says it all.
What are/were some of your favorite exploration badges and why?
The title? The text or story behind it? The hidden location? Favorite spot?
I want to know. Would also be cool if people posted screenshots or links from the wiki of said badge or badges.