This actually gave me a little hope




Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
But we're not Vigilantes ... we're Heroes. HOW we do things matters just as much as WHY we do them, because we're going to have to live with the consequences of our actions.
Nah, I'm a Vigilante. But I have a priority list, and saving CoH is at the top of that. Destroy NCSoft only registers on the list because if they decide to sit on the IP, that'd probably be the only way to release it. But it's not an appropriate time for any efforts related to that now, because that could harm priority number 1. And if they are in the process of selling the game off, it's completely unnecessary. I'm stubborn enough I can wait a few months to make sure.

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
tell me about it. I ws born year before that movie came out. Oh well...Onward towards the sunset of death!!
Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Same here actually (infact almost 18 months before it came out)...

*gets his zimmerframe*
Pfft. Bobdurn kids! GETOFFMYLAWN!

(Note: I was a whopping 9 years old.)

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Pfft. Bobdurn kids! GETOFFMYLAWN!

(Note: I was a whopping 9 years old.)
*gets ear trumpet*

Whut? Whut's that ye say? Nine? Bah...mere whippersnappers the lot of ye! I was older than that when Star Wars came out!

Don't get off my lawn...mow it while you're there instead. There's a shiny sixpence in it for you kids!



There is a movement in the professional gaming world to save the game in some form or fashion but the process is complicated and involves several key elements to succeed.

*misunderstands completely*

TA, who's cars do I need to key?




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
*misunderstands completely*

TA, who's cars do I need to key?

Black Pebbles, make sure it reads 'leetauras', he will totally think Tunnel Rat did it, you get 2 for the price of one!

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



That was a fantastic dinner. Good food, great atmosphere, and awesome people to hang out with. Thanks for dinner and a chat!



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
That was a fantastic dinner. Good food, great atmosphere, and awesome people to hang out with. Thanks for dinner and a chat!
Felt like a treat to be able to attend myself. As I mentioned in the blog, that was the first time we as players were severely out numbered, loved it and had a great time!



Originally Posted by Turjan View Post
*gets ear trumpet*

Whut? Whut's that ye say? Nine? Bah...mere whippersnappers the lot of ye! I was older than that when Star Wars came out!
Haha, yeah-- I was 10 when SW hit the drive-ins. Ah, the junk food, ah the cold, clammy blankets, and ah, the freaking mosquitos! :P