My "Save City of Heroes" video is now live




Tim! You and everyone who worked on this video is AMAZING. It is simply AMAZING.

And I just saw this most impressive video on the front page of to boot!

Go go go! Total awesome sauce. Jeez, and to think these boards were getting me down. Thanks for doing this!



I commented when it was originally posted but I want to say it here too: awesome vid.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Wow, this is amazing! Makes me all teary-eyed. Well done!



Absolutely wonderful! (I teared up a bit. Don't tell anyone )



Superb! The opening made me think,"Oh. A documentary kind of informative vid so people will understand what we're doing." Then the torches...then the AP countdown just blew me away. The voice-overs were phenomenal. Brings it home, ya know.



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
Tim! You and everyone who worked on this video is AMAZING. It is simply AMAZING.

And I just saw this most impressive video on the front page of to boot!

Go go go! Total awesome sauce. Jeez, and to think these boards were getting me down. Thanks for doing this!
O_O ...whoa.... and when I clicked that link I was expecting to see a different video there. Did NOT expect that!

Thanks for all the support, everyone! Keep the torches burning!!



Wonderful stuff - even the credits were awesome! You really deserve that front-page spot on Massively.



Absolutely amazing video. It makes me proud to be a member of CoH.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Great job on the video...Oh, and you made EGM.

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Those credits! Oh dude! Killer! And I made it in! The oversized dude running air guitar!
Not only did I end up with more costumes than I expected, but some I got, couldn't be used in the main part of the vid. Dark costumes in dark scenes means a big no-no in film etiquette, and things that are dark already, get even darker after youtube compresses it. But they're easier to identify on a solid black background than a complex dark one, and dagnabbit, I wasn't going to leave anyone out in the cold. The result was a very fun credit roll.



Loved it... and even though I've watched it a few times before... for some reason it really got to me this morning after sending it out in a tweet to Chuck and Fringe folks.

We tried so hard to get those extended and it worked...

The final line of a post by Sweet_Sarah on Liberty
"Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes."



You know what? My 8-year-old son watched this video with me, and then he said,

"Mom, don't give up on City of Heroes! Don't be upset-- it's not the last day of November yet!"

From the mouths of babes....



I didn't get around to commenting after seeing the initial rough sketches...

Fantastic job... Tim? (Heehee).

Seriously, you captured something great there and it is definitely a wonderful vehicle for telling the story. I really feel like this is a great video to pass on to others.

In case my words aren't doing justice to my intentions here... FRIGGIN' AWESOME, MAN!!!!!!

And... notice how the Electric-Knight is clearly the best dancer of the bunch during the credits? Huh? Huh?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Heh, speaking of which, sorry about the electric aspect of that. I saw electric armor in the costume code, and figured you used it as an aura on the character, but for some reason it didn't want to trigger in the demo.



I had to take several emotional breaks to keep from getting overwhelmed. That was an amazing video thank you.

Ugh, this game is my heart. I haven't been this moved about a game ending since way back in the 90's...when I first beat Chrono Trigger back in the day.

Also the typing at the end end made me hit the windows button by accident! I thought for s split second that someone sent me a message in game for a second! I'm so embarrassed lol.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Heh, speaking of which, sorry about the electric aspect of that. I saw electric armor in the costume code, and figured you used it as an aura on the character, but for some reason it didn't want to trigger in the demo.
Nooooo worries at all! Thank you though!
He doesn't always have it on anyway. I just figured I'd include it if you wanted to or not.
Just for Demo Editing learning/troubleshooting purposes: It's possible the FX wasn't designated to the number he was given, perhaps?

It's funny, my first demo edit project was a crash course of my own, where I studied it, learned what I could and created a video within 10 days. It was just for a role-playing story arc I was part of with a group of friends (sort of a cut scene involving two of my characters), so it wasn't an entirely finished/polished product. And I've yet to finish/polish it up for true public consumption since...
(I'm a babbling machine today...)

The point of that was mostly to say... I know how crazy and tough that is and you really did a fantastic job!

Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
I had to take several emotional breaks to keep from getting overwhelmed. That was an amazing video thank you.

Ugh, this game is my heart. I haven't been this moved about a game ending since way back in the 90's...when I first beat Chrono Trigger back in the day.

Also the typing at the end end made me hit the windows button by accident! I thought for s split second that someone sent me a message in game for a second! I'm so embarrassed lol.
Take heart, Tater!! Paragon is fighting for it as well!
Not to build false expectations at all, but did you see the vague reports from the dinner the other night?
It's just nice to know that it's not just us fans trying to win the game back. Whether or not we're all successful... we'll see... But I'm still not believing that it's done, that's for sure. It ain't over 'till it's over.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Take heart, Tater!! Paragon is fighting for it as well!
Not to build false expectations at all, but did you see the vague reports from the dinner the other night?
It's just nice to know that it's not just us fans trying to win the game back. Whether or not we're all successful... we'll see... But I'm still not believing that it's done, that's for sure. It ain't over 'till it's over.

Indeed, that post about the dinner plus the video has me right back at fighting spirits that I first started with! I tightened my cape, ironed my costume and standing tall ready to fight! I just wish all my neighbors would come at once so I don't have to keep explaining why I'm in my yard wearing a cape....

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Nooooo worries at all! Thank you though!

Just for Demo Editing learning/troubleshooting purposes: It's possible the FX wasn't designated to the number he was given, perhaps?

It's funny, my first demo edit project was a crash course of my own, where I studied it, learned what I could and created a video within 10 days. It was just for a role-playing story arc I was part of with a group of friends (sort of a cut scene involving two of my characters), so it wasn't an entirely finished/polished product. And I've yet to finish/polish it up for true public consumption since...
(I'm a babbling machine today...)

The point of that was mostly to say... I know how crazy and tough that is and you really did a fantastic job!
Thank yas! It's hard to say what was causing the problem now, since... I just reinserted the costume data you gave me into another demo and the armor powered up fine.

The original file I no longer have in the proper state though since I was constantly tweaking it for each of the dancers. At the very least though, I know the FX command was still fine, because I checked the code for it to see if it was there. Really weird. I'm a stickler for detail so little things like that really get on my nerves. Besides, I really love the electric armor effect, and way more than the electric aura.

Do you think you'll be able to get the vid finished?



Liked, favorited, sent out on Twitter, Facebook, and my blog.

Funny thing is, just an hour ago in another thread I was bemoaning that nobody had yet made a video like this one!

================================================== ===

AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.

================================================== ===



Great video, it all helps!



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Thank yas! It's hard to say what was causing the problem now, since... I just reinserted the costume data you gave me into another demo and the armor powered up fine.

The original file I no longer have in the proper state though since I was constantly tweaking it for each of the dancers. At the very least though, I know the FX command was still fine, because I checked the code for it to see if it was there. Really weird. I'm a stickler for detail so little things like that really get on my nerves. Besides, I really love the electric armor effect, and way more than the electric aura.

Do you think you'll be able to get the vid finished?
I know what you mean. Demo Edits sometimes do seem to have a mind of their own which induces madness, to be sure.
And yeah, the armor does look much better than the aura!

Sorry for the following threadjack, but since you asked, hehe...

As for that video of mine... I don't know. I intend to, but I have some new SaveCoH ideas that I've barely started because I'm currently working on my own professional project of writing (pretty much done), recording (nearly done) a rock opera-ish album and plotting, planning and producing the multimedia live stage show... And going crazy! Funny enough, I actually am still looking for the right animators and visual artists, something I've been meaning to ask around here for.

Anyway... If you'd like to see the video that I did do, it is available and I can send it over to ya. Just for fun. I want to add an intro to it, explaining the characters and some of the background to the tale the movie just jumps right into as if the viewer has a clue what they're talking about, hehe (since it was only done for a bunch of people who already knew and were taking part in it originally).

Again, your movie here, I think, is the go-to, here's the story so far, as well as yeah, we're doing good, let's keep it up motivation that we need to refuel us now and then!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I know what you mean. Demo Edits sometimes do seem to have a mind of their own which induces madness, to be sure.
And yeah, the armor does look much better than the aura!

Sorry for the following threadjack, but since you asked, hehe...

As for that video of mine... I don't know. I intend to, but I have some new SaveCoH ideas that I've barely started because I'm currently working on my own professional project of writing (pretty much done), recording (nearly done) a rock opera-ish album and plotting, planning and producing the multimedia live stage show... And going crazy! Funny enough, I actually am still looking for the right animators and visual artists, something I've been meaning to ask around here for.

Anyway... If you'd like to see the video that I did do, it is available and I can send it over to ya. Just for fun. I want to add an intro to it, explaining the characters and some of the background to the tale the movie just jumps right into as if the viewer has a clue what they're talking about, hehe (since it was only done for a bunch of people who already knew and were taking part in it originally).

Again, your movie here, I think, is the go-to, here's the story so far, as well as yeah, we're doing good, let's keep it up motivation that we need to refuel us now and then!
Absolutely, I'd love to see it!

As for the rock opera, that sounds pretty wicked too. Is there a project page anywhere for it?

As for graphics and animation, I might be able to help on something there, depending on what it is. I'm absolutely horrid with organic creatures though, beyond modelling a plant or two. This probably has a lot to do with why I got into machinima; the bodies have already been modelled for me.

I'm working on another video, just for the troops. Nothing meant to go to the newssites. Nothing so extravagant as the last video (besides I don't think something like that can happen twice), but it'll be a fun little 2-minute pick-me-up.



Again, watch this video and share it around!

Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Absolutely, I'd love to see it!
PM sent! (with a lot of disclaimers and background and some links too, depending on how interested you are, lol)

Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
As for the rock opera, that sounds pretty wicked too. Is there a project page anywhere for it?
I only have a very simple hack job page linked on my website, which is linked in my sig.
The project is called Technology Dogs. Eventually, I will have some background videos, promos and stuff (possibly a kickstarter) as it gets a little further along.
The page I have right now just has a little synopsis and a couple of pictures, but I plan to have some sneaks of a few songs coming within a few weeks. I've been talking and reporting about this project on Facebook more than the website.
(And yes, I need to fix up that website, lol)
Some of my music is on the site and, while similar, the music of this show is a bit darker and a little more visceral (but still falls in line with the scope I tend to do, even if that is broad anyway). Modern Pink Floydish, with a bit of a growl (add a touch of male Bjork and The Doors)... maybe.
Anyway, I should save that for PMs...

Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
As for graphics and animation, I might be able to help on something there, depending on what it is. I'm absolutely horrid with organic creatures though, beyond modelling a plant or two. This probably has a lot to do with why I got into machinima; the bodies have already been modelled for me.
That could be terrific! (wish I checked back here, instead of just checking on New Posts in the forums, sooner!)
We'll talk more about this and see what works and if you're interested!
At the very least, I've figured I'd have a few different teams working on different parts needed. So, there are some small things (and some large things) that I'll need to get done, so every little bit is amazing help. Thanks for the interest! We'll chat soon!

Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
I'm working on another video, just for the troops. Nothing meant to go to the newssites. Nothing so extravagant as the last video (besides I don't think something like that can happen twice), but it'll be a fun little 2-minute pick-me-up.
I'm sort of working overtime right now, hoping that it'll free up a little bit of time to make some CoH stuff soon. I know I will do a few things, but it's just a question of if I have the time to do the big thing(s) that I want to!

Looking forward to the next video... and to talking more!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"