Skynet / Last Starfighter / etc...




So I'm sitting here thinking about what we really need to do....I mean REALLY need to Skynet this sum-***** and somehow, use our characters in the game to take over control of the game from within. So if and when they try to turn it off, they no longer can. Because the Heroes in the game have become more powerful than their creators and taken over the servers.

I mean it's our characters who have the most at stake, right? They're the ones that are really fighting for their lives, here. So why don't we stop thinking about ourselves, and help them?

I started out thinking this could be done via our Heroes......but it could be more like a Villain mission. Or perhaps, what seems to be the best scenario, this is a time when both Heroes and Villains join forces, to save their own world.

So how do we do it? And does it involve any of us beaming ourselves into the game like some 80s movie, in order to help them with this mission? Any volunteers?



Beam me in!



Hmm... Think we can get the beam laser that transported Flynn and his son into the digital world in the Tron movies?

"The part of me that is leaving... is going to miss the part of me that is staying..."



Originally Posted by NaoGal View Post
Hmm... Think we can get the beam laser that transported Flynn and his son into the digital world in the Tron movies?
So, are we transporting into our own bodily avatars, or one of the many cat-girls that we created? ( ' ;




Originally Posted by NaoGal View Post
Hmm... Think we can get the beam laser that transported Flynn and his son into the digital world in the Tron movies?
"Now that is a BIG DOOR!"

"Oh man, this isn't happening, it only thinks it's happening..."



Originally Posted by Knight_of_Armor View Post
So I'm sitting here thinking about what we really need to do....I mean REALLY need to Skynet this sum-***** and somehow...
Is it wrong that I got this far into the statement and finished it in my head with, " an unstoppable robot army that will crush all who oppose us and set us up as new rulers of this dystopian future Earth, at which point we will demand a continuation of 'City of Heroes'?"

It probably is, I know. A real Skynet-themed solution would involve sending Arnold Schwarzenegger back in time.



Speaking of Tron... I thought Tron Legacy was too dumbed-down and Tron Uprising rocks. I liked Legacy but it needed more.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Speaking of Tron... I thought Tron Legacy was too dumbed-down and Tron Uprising rocks. I liked Legacy but it needed more.
After decades of hope and anticipation, I seriously wanted to throat punch someone after seeing Legacy.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
After decades of hope and anticipation, I seriously wanted to throat punch someone after seeing Legacy.
For the same reason I mentioned? Also, watch all the Uprising episodes - it's pretty cool.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
For the same reason I mentioned? Also, watch all the Uprising episodes - it's pretty cool.
Mainly due to the art styling change, the story, the fact that it was ONLY in 3D around here so I had to wait longer to see it...

And yeah, I've been watching Uprising. It's good!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



You have problems with 3D? Yeah Uprising is great.

The art style - yes and no - I mean I miss all the intricate detail, but at the same time, I liked the new art style on its own. We have to remember that everything in Tron Legacy was completely different as it was a different server, a completely brand new grid and completely redesigned Clu, etc. I know what you mean though.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom