A video archive to remember CoH by?




What do people think of a video capturing project for City of Heroes so we have something with which to remember the game? In the time left, we could video capture (preferably in the highest quality you can manage) zone fly overs, major story arc and task force events, big AV fights, giant monster fights, meaningful trial moments, and cut scenes and post them to Youtube or Vimeo. If you're interested, post a link to your vid in this thread.



I think it is a pretty cool idea.


"Why can't the villains ever hide out in the old abandon catnip factory?"



Re: zone fly by. The game client can load a zone and let you move the camera around it even without any servers. As long as you keep the client you can always tour the (empty) zones.

To do this, go to any zone and type /demorecord ZONE_NAME, then /demostop. That creates a file in the City of Heroes/client_demos folder that you can "play back". The easiest way to play back demos is using Sloth's Demo Launcher.

Once the client loads, it'll play the bit you recorded over and over. To get a free roaming camera, hit F2. Now you can use the movement keys to move around the entire map; even outside the normal boundaries of the map.

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Knack View Post
What do people think of a video capturing project for City of Heroes so we have something with which to remember the game? In the time left, we could video capture (preferably in the highest quality you can manage) zone fly overs, major story arc and task force events, big AV fights, giant monster fights, meaningful trial moments, and cut scenes and post them to Youtube or Vimeo. If you're interested, post a link to your vid in this thread.
Already working on this, I've recorded all blueside zones and GM's except for KRONOS which I'll be taking care of real soon.

Also some old alts on another server that I rolled and never started were still in the original hero and villain tutorials so I recorded them too.



Thanks for the very helpful information, Leandro!



Back in 2006, my friend Tzad made this video. It was one of the first I ever saw, and I was amazed that he could do that. It is still one of my favorites!


�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I have been doing this for my own memories using FRAPS. I have made music videos by choosing appropriate songs for my characters and playing the song on my computer while fighting fairly orchestrated battles. The music is recorded along with the video and audio from CoH. I do similar video clips of my characters' "ID"s, also set to 30-40 second music clips. This gives me 360 views of my characters, displayed with their bios.

I have even gone so far as to use mission architect to create team-ups of my own characters (one real, the others pets I've freed) to make videos of dream team-ups or epic battles between my heroes and my villains.

I never plan on posting these anywhere. It's to console me when the game is gone, and to help me remember the good times . . . .