Incarnate Server Consolidation
What you posted is exactly what I've been dealing with over the last couple months. Victory is my home as well, but I've had to move toons to Virtue to get them Incarnated out. It would take me MONTHS to run enough itrials on Victory where on a busier server I can get it done in a matter of a week.
To answer your question, I'd be happy to move toons over to Virtue to do this if we could get more people together!!
Main servers: Victory and Justice. Main account: @Justice29 Secondary account: @Clever One
I'm not sure where you guys have been, but there are Incarnate Trials running almost every night, if not run by me, then run by people I know...
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
The trials are occuring at roughly 6pm in America. Not sure which coast. Plus, I am not currently in Australia.
I've sent a few of my incarnate-level heroes from Liberty to Freedom, reserving a few in case something gets going on Liberty.
I've had a level 50 on Freedom for about six months and the quality of trials tends to have a lot more variance in quality than what I'm accustomed to on Liberty, but nowadays it seems like it's the best bet for being able to do trials on your own schedule.
Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!
I'm not sure where you guys have been, but there are Incarnate Trials running almost every night, if not run by me, then run by people I know...
The trials are occuring at roughly 6pm in America. Not sure which coast. Plus, I am not currently in Australia.
Besides, the issue will only get worse as the weeks tick by. I suggest we organize now or at least soon rather than act as if the problem doesn't/won't exist.
CoH has been unique in the sea of cloned MMOs.There are years of possibilities still
in such a well designed, well supported and well loved game.Shutting it down now doesn't
make sense on any level except, perhaps, on some spreadsheet�s bottom line. I do not
consider this an act of a company that has the interests of its customers at heart.This
calls into question why I would want to be part of any further ventures involving NCSoft.
Another possible-refugee from Liberty here...
I've been trying to get a FRAPs video of one good run of each iTrial for my archive collection, and there are just too few of the usual trial runners around at any given time any more to get some of them started. I don't *want* to have to transfer my "filming toon" to another server, but it's really looking like I'm going to have to to get those avi files.
So, yeah...
My peacebringer is probably Virtue or Freedom bound at some point.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
This has been my experience as well. Morale seems to be at an all time low, and the folks that are playing seem to be trying to lvl their lowbies up.
I know it does nothing for incarnate content, but I tend to fill teams very easily if running a decent arc like Maria or some such.
Also, I am playing on virtue.
This could be a good idea for me considering I am in the same predicament on Vigilance... but where should we all gather : Freedom ? Virtue ? Other ?
CoH has been unique in the sea of cloned MMOs.There are years of possibilities still
in such a well designed, well supported and well loved game.Shutting it down now doesn't
make sense on any level except, perhaps, on some spreadsheet�s bottom line. I do not
consider this an act of a company that has the interests of its customers at heart.This
calls into question why I would want to be part of any further ventures involving NCSoft.
Just to update. On Virtue tonight, we actually had an iTrial team running. Was good to see peeps coming out to run a few trials again.
CoH has been unique in the sea of cloned MMOs.There are years of possibilities still
in such a well designed, well supported and well loved game.Shutting it down now doesn't
make sense on any level except, perhaps, on some spreadsheet�s bottom line. I do not
consider this an act of a company that has the interests of its customers at heart.This
calls into question why I would want to be part of any further ventures involving NCSoft.
I'd like to do Dilemma Diabolique sometime, just to see it.
Bit busy until Wednesday though.
Culex's resistance guide
Yeah, they still happen. On Infinity, on Sunday night, we ran... Keyes, TPN, Lambda and DD...... maybe we had a BAF in there, too. Yeah, we did have a BAF. I remember commenting that we got the cutscene at the beginning.
Edit: errr... it was Saturday.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I see iTrials running every night on Virtue. I don't usually join them but I see them advertised.
Heck, on Sunday Whisper X's group was running a whole series of all-controller iTrials.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Ok, so I've jumped around the servers the last couple of evenings. All I'm seeing are smatterings of people asking if anyone is doing iTrials and nothing actually running. Even Freedom, which used to run iTrials nearly 24/7, or at least it felt like it, appears nearly dead.

First, are my perceptions shared by others? Or am I just not "in the right place at the right time"?
If this is really the case and iTrials are struggling to start, then I propose that we start pooling our resources. Many VIPs likely have a number of server transfers available. Should we start moving our most beloved lv50's to one server, so we have a better pool to work with? If so, which server? Freedom or Virtue come to mind, since they have the largest playerbase to start with. But I'm good with any server that still has a well established VIP playerbase.
I'm certain it's going to be a bit disappointing to move a character for some. I've been on Victory for, well, ever. It was just recently I moved a couple 50's to Freedom to get more iTrials in, fully with the intention of moving them back "home" later. The thought of leaving a couple of my favorite characters on Freedom and outside thier SG is like "leaving a man behind".
Yes, I do hate how this is working out. I hate that a portion of the population apparently gave up, but at the same time I understand how fustrating it is to put work into something when you know the Reaper is around the corner to cut it all down. However I want to squeeze every ounce of fun out of this game as I can over the next 2.5 months. I want to be able to think back on the characters that I got to play out fully to my aspirations. I figure... I hope others feel this way as well. Unless we can get enough VIPs together on the same server at the same time, we have been cut off forever from the iTrial content.
Thoughts? Should we start making plans to consolidate?
(As a related note, if by any smallest, most miniscule iota of a chance someone who still has some power and still has the ability is reading this: We don't need free content. We don't need 10,000,000,000 influence or XP gifted to us. We need server transfers and character slots. While these other things would be fun at first, in a month and a half we might not have the playerbase left to do much on the lower population servers. Players who were F2P only had 2 slots total, so they probably can't roll up another char on a another server, nor can they purchase a new slot or character transfers. As some of us might be able to huddle together as the fire dies out, these others will unfortunately be left in the dark. That should not be the fate of such a great community as this one. Also, once the good news of the game being saved is announced, server transfers won't damage the game as much as other free stuff certainly would.)
CoH has been unique in the sea of cloned MMOs.There are years of possibilities still
in such a well designed, well supported and well loved game.Shutting it down now doesn't
make sense on any level except, perhaps, on some spreadsheet�s bottom line. I do not
consider this an act of a company that has the interests of its customers at heart.This
calls into question why I would want to be part of any further ventures involving NCSoft.