My Final Thoughts to the Devs/Mods/Etc...

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Okay, get in here and sit down... you... Zwillinger... get your darned complimentary cup of coffee and park it... The rest of you Forumites can stay if you want but pipe down until I'm done...

::fixes beedy eyed glare on the Devs::

Do you know what you've done?

Do you people have any concept of what you've done to us?

You think you created a game... a "Game"... yeah, right... Well, you're wrong... You did something a lot worse than that.

Let me clue you in. You didn't make a game... you created a world. Do you know how awe-inspiringly incredible that little accomplishment is? You took a League of Extraordinary Imaginations and somehow got all of them to find something rarer than a four leaf clover... more precious than the clearest of diamonds...

...a common vision...

Paragon City is not just a setting for a game. It is a living, breathing community with real people walking its streets and keeping it running. You think I'm kidding? Setting you up for a Steelclaw punchline?

You could put me... ME mind you... not my characters... You could put ME in any zone in Paragon and I could find my way around easily. And I bet I'm not the only player who would say that in complete sincerity.

So, you say that it's just maps. Anyone can memorize a map. Mario has maps. I've played Mario games for years and years... and I have never once pictured myself in the Mushroom Kingdom... I have never LIVED in any other game like I have in this one.

Not only did you cruel and (let's face it) unusual Devs make a world I could live and breathe inside... you filled it with people and characters I actually CARED about! These people aren't just game sprites... they are REAL to us! We treat them like they're real too... teasing Fusionette... rolling our eyes at Statesman's take-me-very-seriously-because-I-am-very-seriously attitude... build entire conspiracy theories around a single Lord Nemesis raised eyebrow...

Heck, people... you threw a WEDDING for two of your so-called "game" characters and WE ATTENDED! ... ... IN DROVES!

You made us fall in love with the city.... with its people...

But that wasn't the worse thing you did... oh no... You had MORE up your diabolical sleeves...


First you gave us super powers... but that was the easy part... both for you and for us... But that wasn't the only way you empowered the players... You did the unthinkable... you violated the first of the unwritten game-developer laws... you asked us for our opinions... you gave us a voice...


I can't imagine how your first attempt to give us that voice must have been like for you. I imagine you felt as though you'd reached a hand into a pit of rabid chihuahuas, all yapping and snapping. You probably had to count your fingers after pulling back that first time.

But despite how clumsily we may have handled that first contact... you didn't REMAIN pulled back. You reached out again... and again... You started art threads to which we could post ideas. You created and actually READ a Suggestions forum. You had weekly on line coffee talks to talk to us but also to answer our questions. You had Create A Costume Set and Power Set forums at the meet and greets.

You empowered us in every conceivable way and in doing so you INVESTED us further in a game that we already loved. It became OUR game... Devs and Players... in a way I very much doubt any other MMO ever has in the short history of the genre. You showed the industry that generosity and open communication are as much development tools as any software engine.

And then... it ended. And in that ending left a deep wound in our hearts.

YOU people did this to us. YOU people created a world so real that its destruction almost physically injured us...

And to this I have one thing to say to YOU people...

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart... From the deepest wells of my twitchy, rather warped soul... I would rather have had these magnificent years end... than never have had them at all.

Oh... and one other thing... Paragon is NOT dead... Paragon will NOT die... the servers will shut down... the magnetic impulses that were our world and our beloved characters will be erased...

... but Paragon and its people will live on in our hearts...

... and so will you.



My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Paragon will NOT die... the servers will shut down... the magnetic impulses that were our world and our beloved characters will be erased...
Not if I can help it.

Still, I agree. And yes, as a former avid Taxibot, I could find my way around Paragon City if you plopped me down in any given place.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Thank you, Steelclaw. You found the words that I couldn't. I second this from the bottom of my heart, and only have to add one thing.

No other game have I ever dreamed about, and often. They have been amazing dreams, flying and adventurous dreams, dreams of the story and people populating the world, dreams of hope and tragedy and wonder.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for eight years of wonder. I will never forget. When I'm old and on my deathbed I'll still remember and dream.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



fully agree with that

the devs made our imaginations and desires real, while us as players grew together as a family

the devs were more than just devs, they were friends working with us towards a common goal of superhero (or super villain)dom

i will do whatever i can to help keep this alive



Dammit Steelclaw - first the Epitaph, now this.

I'm out of Kleenex.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



For something without a punchline, that post had more punch in it than all previous Steelclaw posts combined.

-Founder, Almagest



That... that was... Well, here:

Just about the exact thing that needs saying. Well done Steelclaw. Well done indeed.



August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Thank you, Steelclaw, for once again expressing emotions by profoundly crafted words.

And thank you, Paragon Studios, for sharing with us an experience we've felt so deeply it will impact and empower us for good throughout our lives.