



Well, as long as the universe is dying, might as well...

Hi. I was the girl at the iD Programming Academy Q&A session at Mythic who asked the art director about how WLs got their stupid hats.

You all mentioned CoH. Hell, you all mentioned Virtue.

I don't care if you remember me. I don't care if you don't post.

Just remember:

Lord Omi thinks everything you do is awesome. There is a person out there who bought all of the posters, who played WAR religiously, and who thinks you guys are one of the best developers I have ever seen. That person is me. I love you guys. I waited a long time on Virtue to find you, and always had this dream of someone I've helped mention casually their place of employment.

You guys are awesome, Mythic.


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Interesting story...

Many of those guys who told that story (I was there for that Q&A) ended up working right here at Paragon .

I believe it was the "Multiple Girls" story you were referring to.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Never fails. Mention hats, and Z shows up.



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
Never fails. Mention hats, and Z shows up.
Well, there's no point having a Hat Signal if Hatman doesn't respond to it.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
Lord Omi thinks everything you do is awesome.
On a side-note, sorry ya' missed the Dr. Q tonight! Final tally was 5:30.30, and except for our poor Scrapper that fell asleep somewhere in hour 4 and idled out, we all were there at the end. =^.^=



Originally Posted by WolfWings View Post
On a side-note, sorry ya' missed the Dr. Q tonight! Final tally was 5:30.30, and except for our poor Scrapper that fell asleep somewhere in hour 4 and idled out, we all were there at the end. =^.^=
Dang, I just remembered... 8 years of play and never got around to doing a Dr Q yet. Hope I can find a group to squeeze one in... probably gonna be blowing a LOT of unused points on server transfers over the next couple months.

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.



Originally Posted by Starhammer View Post
Dang, I just remembered... 8 years of play and never got around to doing a Dr Q yet. Hope I can find a group to squeeze one in... probably gonna be blowing a LOT of unused points on server transfers over the next couple months.
I've never done one to date either. I've got plenty of server transfer tokens too, but if you find yourself on Guardian, I know a few people that will be sticking around and doing stuff like this til the day the servers go off (we're running Posi this coming Saturday, maybe I can convince them to do Dr Q the week after).

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters