How Should CoH End?




I don't know what the devs will decide, but I hope they don't opt for something that actually ends the world -- some disaster that blows up the planet and kills everyone.

I think I'd prefer -- no end at all. The sun rises on another new day just as the servers come down. The Never-Ending Battle never truly ends -- we just won't be around to watch those continuing adventures. There's always a Nemesis plot to foil, always another warehouse full of Clockwork, always a nest of Fifth Column to stop, always another relic stolen from the M.A.G.I. vault, always another mugging to stop.

It'd feel true to the comics.

And ya know what else? I'd like to see Statesman and Sister Psyche resurrected. That'd be true to the comics, too...

Read my comic blog Hero Sandwich!



Just spawn giant Rikti all over the world for the entire last month of game, call them the uncoming storm. Make them win.



From what I've read, it's likely the devs last day today. The servers will chug along for a little bit, since they are in Austin with ncsoft's other location, but by the end of November, they'll be turned off.

...I forgot what experience means.



Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
From what I've read, it's likely the devs last day today. The servers will chug along for a little bit, since they are in Austin with ncsoft's other location, but by the end of November, they'll be turned off.
Holy cheese, that sucks.

Read my comic blog Hero Sandwich!



If they had a chance to plan an end: The Battalion should kill us all.



Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post
Yeah this just doesn't seem like a nice end for the Paragon Studio's team. They aren't even going to let us go out in style
Yea, its all done. End of month too... this sounds like the studio was in huge struggle. Didn't Califorina pass a law recently that forced mass layoffs to require a 2 month head's up?

Anyways, yea I don't expect any event to end the game. Man I'm so ... disapointed.



Originally Posted by Hqnk View Post
If they had a chance to plan an end: The Battalion should kill us all.
We can still pretend server shutdown is just the Battalion ship arriving and shooting a big gun at the planet without us seeing them coming. Would not be too different from what happened.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
We can still pretend server shutdown is just the Battalion ship arriving and shooting a big gun at the planet without us seeing them coming. Would not be too different from what happened.
Pretty much this ^

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We can make a community event using the codes that have been made available. Come up with a uniform for the "battallion" and use PvP-lite events for it. Maybe even have someone play the part of Statesman and Psyche coming back to help things out.

Since this is our last few months (shutdown is scheduled Novermber 30th), now is the time to create a player made narrative that we can all take part in. Maybe the Player Events Relation Committee players can ask for volunteers, and we can bring "tours" to each of the servers before the end.

Then, when the battles are won, heroes can fly off into the sunset.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
