I figured out why Staff Mastery is such a cool set.




Originally Posted by goodnightmoon View Post
I never play with sound on. Maybe this is why I hated my staff brute?
Is it more fun on a stalker?
I've read the opinion on these forums that stalkers are the best AT for Staff. I dunno if that's true, but I liked mine, he really zoomed to 28 before my altitis claimed him (for some reason, I seem to be in a support mindset lately, rather than a melee mindset...).



I was going to play a Staff character, but I took an arrow to the... I mean, I saw too many people poking the ground at their feet with a really annoying sound, and... no. Sorry.

Less hoe-ing, more spinning and thwacking, please.

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Sorry, Thunder Clap still has my vote for best sounding power in the game. Awesome with the speakers and sub woofer turned way up. Great for attracting Wife-Aggro lol.

Virtue and Freedom
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Street fighting also has amazing sounds. I really feel like I'm beating the crap out of someone when I play it. I agree that sounds are a vital part of immersion. Only recent set that I've been disappointed with was Titan Weapons. Wish it had more umph.

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell



Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
The most satisfying sound in the game to me will always be the sound of the old fully saturated fulcrum shift. BzzzzzztSNAP! And then the client boots you.
Nova hitting an entire room full of demons did that with more kaboom. Or rather, more Kaboo.

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Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
The most satisfying sound in the game to me will always be the sound of the old fully saturated fulcrum shift. BzzzzzztSNAP! And then the client boots you.
Oh hell no - I used to wear headphones back then and it would physically hurt when that hit.

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Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I was going to play a Staff character, but I took an arrow to the... I mean, I saw too many people poking the ground at their feet with a really annoying sound, and... no. Sorry.

Less hoe-ing, more spinning and thwacking, please.
Try a stalker, they don't get that power.