Kinetics, a re-balancing suggestion




Originally Posted by Pureshadow2 View Post
How is this a counter arguement? Like you said as long as u can do this. The /auctionhouse is tier 8 in paragon rewards. So the game should be balanced around that?

What I think he's saying is, "who needs a kin when I have inspirations out the wazoo full of reds?"

All the bonus of +dmg without needing a kin.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I don't even think Illusion controllers are a good candidate there: I've been there and with just SOs or common IOs it takes too much endurance and too much perfect decoy timing. Its *possible* but you usually have to get very lucky.

There's probably some melee combos that can do it with common IOs though.
True. I'm so addicted to inspirations I intuitively had the "pop pills to manage PA/decoys mishaps" mindset even though I was trying to talk about non-inspiration play, heh.

As for meleers - yeah, you're likely right as well. New stalkers can put out such impressive DPS numbers a spiderlings + DM + defense powerset build might get somewhere. I could see a granite brute getting good results against most AVs, too; or a TW/resistance set combining Defensive Sweep with resistances. It's tricky finding the balance between decent survivability, sustainability and damage on SOs/common IOs. Against a theoretical AV lacking resistances or any special power it looks about alright, but even dealing with something as little as 20% res can make a fight impossible, and there's so many AVs out there with some resistance to S/L - which takes a significant amount of powersets out of play.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
True. I'm so addicted to inspirations I intuitively had the "pop pills to manage PA/decoys mishaps" mindset even though I was trying to talk about non-inspiration play, heh.

As for meleers - yeah, you're likely right as well. New stalkers can put out such impressive DPS numbers a spiderlings + DM + defense powerset build might get somewhere. I could see a granite brute getting good results against most AVs, too; or a TW/resistance set combining Defensive Sweep with resistances. It's tricky finding the balance between decent survivability, sustainability and damage on SOs/common IOs. Against a theoretical AV lacking resistances or any special power it looks about alright, but even dealing with something as little as 20% res can make a fight impossible, and there's so many AVs out there with some resistance to S/L - which takes a significant amount of powersets out of play.
If you're talking SO's then Masterminds have the clear advantage. They can easily take out AVs and even GMs without any IOs at all.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Is Fulcrum Shift still pretty clearly better than any single -res power? IMX, yes
Okay, yeah, I see that now.

I'm just confused how anyone can consider fulcrum shift's damage buffing to be in line with other powers when it's more powerful than them by a factor of ten. Meanwhile, -resistance is extremely standardized, and most other buffing effects are as well.



It isn't in line with other damage buffing powers - it's quite clearly far and away better than other damage buffs (Fulcrum Shift is the only buff around that can even come close to damage-capping a whole team; even self-only buffs don't approach the magnitude of Fulcrum Shift, except stacked Rage, which requires a high-end build to achieve, and comes with significant drawbacks). It's less wildly out of line with, but still better than, most -res powers. But it's also the crowning jewel of the set, and I don't mean because it's in the tier 9 spot. Dark Miasma minus Tar Patch is still pretty awesome; same for Cold Domination minus Sleet, or Time Manipulation minus Slowed Response, or etc. But Kinetics minus Fulcrum Shift isn't nearly as exciting. So comparing Fulcrum Shift alone to some other power isn't particularly appropriate, as we should already know from the multitude of other times we've learned that you can't compare single powers from different powersets and get a meaningful conclusion.

I'm indifferent to the idea of making Fulcrum Shift weaker and buffing some other powers in the set, personally.



As for the first paragraph, sounds like we really have the same opinion on this then. I was focusing too much on semantics.

As for the second, I would be in support of such a thing. I have a Thing for all powers in a set being reasonably useful and avoiding 'must have' powers whenever possible.