
Billy Mailman



Hey, I'm on this "I wanna make like...six disgustingly cool characters, then just exemplar em down" kick. I *WAS* rocking a beautiful troller, and honestly, eventually, I'll be returning to him, but as it stands right now, I had this DEVESTATING realization that I can't EVER hold anything on BaF, And I'd never be able to hold an AV ><, and after a point, my secondary just fills me with sorrow ><

so..since I still love controlling, I'm gonna try my hands on a dom(also, I'm a huge fan of builds with that one crazycool goal. Permadom counts for a GOAL. Like able stack multiple tornados or something else cool")

so the questions go as such
1. Is there anything I can CC as a dom that I couldn't as a troller?
2. What are the most survivable dom primary/secondary combos?
3. Is there anything that goes disgustingly well with ice/ or earth/ ? I need to make A character that's based on the elemental order back and gloves and shoulders.
4. are there any major troller/dom differences besides "you want permadom"?



Doms are great fun. Some people love their trollers..some their doms. I am in Team Domi.

The main difference is that a dom (when perma or just IN dom) can lock down a spawn faster, longer (I think) and easier than a troller with teh same powerset. Assuming enough rech and lucky overpowering, the troller COULD get the same control..but it would take much longer. Such as stacking two which time the mob is most likely dead anyway.

I dont think there are many bad dom combos. Maybe some are a bit..less..suited together. Things like mind/energy, mind fire, plant/anything (with broken SoC). Oh besides Grav..I heard that was still not great on doms. Sets like mind, dark, earth and plant have excellent aoe controls as well as ST. Any dom can easily lock dom bosses, but its the other stuff that can kill you, since you have no supporting powers like a troller.

Can't comment on Ice for doms, but some seem to love it. Others view it as rather lacking and a bit of a mish mash set. Earth is great though. earth/fire, earth earth.

Differences between the ATs..see above



Originally Posted by BrokenFace View Post
so the questions go as such
1. Is there anything I can CC as a dom that I couldn't as a troller?
2. What are the most survivable dom primary/secondary combos?
3. Is there anything that goes disgustingly well with ice/ or earth/ ? I need to make A character that's based on the elemental order back and gloves and shoulders.
4. are there any major troller/dom differences besides "you want permadom"?
1. As a controller, you're not likely to lock down an AV on your own. It is, however, possible on a high recharge, perma-dom. Mind control is notable for the fact that you can perma-confuse an AV before engaging the fight and its fast activating single target hold makes it easier to actually stack enough holds to hold the AV.

2. Most control sets perform around the same level with a few exceptions. Plant, for instance, has a faster, longer duration every spawn control than most sets. Earth has a very good AoE hold and some extra AoE control in Earthquake. On the other end of the spectrum is Ice (limited benefits from Domination and an every spawn control that is often negated by others' immobilizes) and Gravity (for its late blooming nature).

3. For Earth, I like Fiery Assault (and Ice Mastery). That couples strong control with better than average damage. I also find Fiery is one of the better sets to be played at range, which meshes well with Earth. For Ice, I recommend Psionic Assault. Psi offers some additional slows to stack with the effects from Ice and has two powers that will have you in melee range often, Drain Psyche and Psychic Shockwave, which plays well with Arctic Air.

4. The playstyle is quite different. As a controller, you are constantly reapplying your controls for damage. As a dom, you'll lock things down then use your secondary for damage. The most notable way this plays out is how some controllers spam their AoE immobilizes for damage. A dom generally has better options than the aggro generating DoT of an immobilize.

Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I dont think there are many bad dom combos. Maybe some are a bit..less..suited together. Things like mind/energy, mind fire, plant/anything (with broken SoC). Oh besides Grav..I heard that was still not great on doms. Sets like mind, dark, earth and plant have excellent aoe controls as well as ST. Any dom can easily lock dom bosses, but its the other stuff that can kill you, since you have no supporting powers like a troller.
Grav isn't bad. It does have a rough start up thanks to Wormhole coming in at level 26. After that though you've got a mag 6 aggroless stun. In order to mitigation the knockback from Wormhole, it does take some careful aiming (Hover helps) or you can simply move ahead of the group to lockdown the next mob (easily done thanks to WH being aggro-free) with annoying teammates.



Dominators are a very fun set if you like more reactive combat experience. Their control abilities apply the same magnitude as Controllers, as far as I know.

Controllers have a 20% chance on all of their control abilities to proc something called "Overpower" which adds another Magnitude to their control, which is nice as it occasionally allows you to mez something like a boss much more quickly. They also do more damage against an enemy that is already mezed, giving them more damage capability than is immediately apparent.

Dominators, on the other hand, accumulates points for his Domination bar which, when filled, allows him to use the inherit power called Domination. Domination pretty much turns you into god for the next 90 seconds. The magnitude of your mez effects is *doubled*, meaning that even your lowly Mag 2 abilities are now able to effect bosses in a single application, and you stand a good chance of being able to hold an AV by yourself if you keep stacking magnitude. In addition to this, you also gain a bunch of Mez resistance which has obvious benefits in that a stray mez attack won't shut you down or require a break-free. In addition to this you ALSO get your entire endurance bar refilled, which allows for much greater sustainability in general and helps creating endurance intensive builds much easier.

As far as Inherits go, Dominators steal the show when compared to Controllers. Possibly when compared to everyone.

Dominators secondary powerset is focused much more directly on dealing damage, while Controllers typically have Defender primaries as their secondaries, which focus more on group buffs/heals and enemy debuffs/light control. Dominators secondary encourages you to lock down the enemies and then bash their face in, while Controllers are more focused on keeping a situation under control and their team vertical. While Controllers do not slack on damage when their build matures, Dominators are more *consistent* with their damage as they level up, and become just as competitive as higher levels when things like perma-dom become possible.

Personally I like Dominators just a tiiiny bit more than Controllers, although records will show me as having a good time with either one.

onto your specific questions:

1. No, in fact I would argue that Dominators are able to CC more constantly than Controllers due to the more controlled nature of Domination. If a Dominator achieves perma-domination (and it's not terribly difficult to do, so you should do it) it really stops being a contest: Perma-Dom WILL CC better than Controllers.

2. Plant, I feel, is one of the easiest and safest control sets in the game. Seeds of Confusion, especially with Domination running, can completely turn the tide of a battle by turning the spawn against each other, and recharges quick enough that it is up for every battle. Throw in Carrion Creepers and Fly Trap and you got a very good net of control that is also destroying faces.

Mind Control is also a very safe set in that it has many powers with a wide array of different and powerful mez effects. When played right, you're very rarely in a situation that you can't overcome because you have so much variety in how you can handle a situation. Mind Control is also really good at dealing with multiple spawns due to the sheer amount of control options available.

Darkness Control is very similar to Mind Control with a bit more focus on utilizing pets to help deal with spawns. Between Fearsome Stare and Heart of Darkness you typically have a way of keeping a group controlled with your pets helping to layer mez effects on top of that while doing respectable damage of their own.

Those are just my top 3 though. Generally speaking, Domination makes any control set very manageable just because it doubles the magnitude of your controls.

3. Any of the three control sets I mentioned would do pretty with Earth/Icy Assault. I might not do Mind Control with Icy Assault, however. Icy Assault kind of lacks good AOE damage abilities, so I'd want to pair it with a more damage oriented primary like Plant or Fire Control. Similar advice for Earth Assault, which has really good melee range single target attacks and sort of unimpressive AOE options. Something that would shut a group down and let Earth close the distance to start smashing quickly would work really well.

4. There's certainly some overlap, and a lot of it depends on your personal playstyle. For Controllers I tend to think more defensively, like a Tanker or Defender. My goal is to keep people alive by keeping the spawn manageable. I'm much more focused on mitigating damage than I am with dealing it; Although I certainly am still capable of dealing it.

When I play a Dominator my mindset is significantly more offensive and selfish. I'm typically trying to get the spawn controlled so that *I* can personally run in and start tearing them apart. While I may switch tactics on a team to keep things going smoothly, I'm more likely to attack an enemy that is focused on someone else than I am to throw a control on them and trust that my team will take care of it.

That said, a lot of your mindset on how each AT should be played will change with what your goals are and how you specifically prefer to play. I've made very offensive decisions with my Controllers, and played very defensively with my Dominators. I think both are capable of each.



Coolness. I think I'mma look at a dom now.

Now I just need to labor over a concept that's gonna boil down to "technomagical rocks all over me", spend hours tormenting myself on a name, and focus on the ultimate mids build ><

The other alternative? Elec/SomethingWithASnipe/?, plan on having ALL the toggles. Ever....and lots of snipes

P.S. what's the breakpoint for permadom?



Dom hits perma at about 123% recharge. Can't slot it though, so it all needs to be global. And you should probably beat perma by a small margin. Domination drops your dom bar to 0 when it ends, not when you activate it, so if you only have Dom perma'd by a small window, and you miss it, you have to build the bar all over again. Getting perma means you're usually not chasing the dom bar.



Coolness...Now, because I'm DISGUSTINGLY derp and don't have the capibility to really build this at work, is the 123% pre-hasten, or post-hasten?
Also, what's like..honest, un-aided perma-hasten again?
It'll KILL me if the build I focus on is off by like..2% or something. I can fully expect to be ensuring my Dom ATO is the 50 attuned version/getting a nice purple set/trying to sneak in as many basilisk's gazes as possible/muling my fifth luck at 49. Infact, I'm embracing that

But having to sacrifice S/L/E/N defence cuz I was off by a lil bit on the recharge, and have to scramble to make it up? TRAMATIC!

P.S. if I have 5 LOTG globals scattered in the build, and they provide a constant 7.5x5, and I can fit in 2 4piece basilisk's gaze, and those BONUSES provide 7.5% recharge, do the basilisk's gaze's hit the rule of 5? I've never had to focus a build SO explicitly on global recharge before ><



With hasten, you start stacking Domination at about 70% IIRC. Then, at around 90-95% it is pretty much up all the time.

And, the Basilisk's Gaze 7.5 recharge bonuses are seperate from the LoTG bonuses as far as the rule of 5 is concerned.



Originally Posted by BrokenFace View Post
Coolness...Now, because I'm DISGUSTINGLY derp and don't have the capibility to really build this at work, is the 123% pre-hasten, or post-hasten?
Also, what's like..honest, un-aided perma-hasten again?
It'll KILL me if the build I focus on is off by like..2% or something. I can fully expect to be ensuring my Dom ATO is the 50 attuned version/getting a nice purple set/trying to sneak in as many basilisk's gazes as possible/muling my fifth luck at 49. Infact, I'm embracing that

But having to sacrifice S/L/E/N defence cuz I was off by a lil bit on the recharge, and have to scramble to make it up? TRAMATIC!

P.S. if I have 5 LOTG globals scattered in the build, and they provide a constant 7.5x5, and I can fit in 2 4piece basilisk's gaze, and those BONUSES provide 7.5% recharge, do the basilisk's gaze's hit the rule of 5? I've never had to focus a build SO explicitly on global recharge before ><
Recharge works on the formula Final Recharge (sec) = Base Recharge (sec) / (1 + Recharge Bonuses).

Recharge Bonuses includes any global bonuses and all of your slotting, in decimal format (so 100% global recharge would be 1.00). The formula can be shuffled around a bit to give you the amount of recharge bonuses you need to achieve a certain level of desired recharge:
Desired Recharge = Base Recharge / (1 + Recharge Bonuses) =>
(1 + Recharge Bonuses) * Desired Recharge = Base Recharge =>
1 + Recharge Bonuses = Base Recharge / Desired Recharge =>
Recharge Bonuses = (Base Recharge / Desired Recharge) - 1

Domination lasts 90 seconds and has a base recharge of 200 seconds.
To get perma-Domination you want to fire it before it expires and the bar drops to 0, so we'll throw in a two second overlap just to be safe and say Desired Recharge is 88 seconds.
That means that your Recharge Bonuses has to be equal to (200 / 88) - 1 = 1.2727..., or 128%.

Hasten lasts for 120 seconds and has a 450 second base recharge. I'm throwing out the cast time since we included extra time in our Domination number, so your Desired Recharge is (450/120) - 1 = 2.75, or 275%. But here's the trick - it includes 70% while it's up, so you really only need 205% beyond what it already provides.

Because Recharge Bonuses includes slotting, the global recharge for perma-Hasten depends on how you have Hasten slotted. For the purposes of this answer I'll assume 95%, which is 3 even-level SOs. You can get away with 2 slots for Hasten, especially if you have an alpha slot that provides recharge and/or enhancement boosters, but 95% is a good target number... and that means you need ~110% global recharge for perma-Hasten.

Note that you don't have to have perma-Hasten to have perma-Dom, you merely have to average 128% global recharge while it is active, and if you get to 128% global recharge without Hasten you don't need it at all. Anything above that value just gives you extra time to remember it.

And to your PS: the LotG bonuses are tracked separately from any other 7.5% bonuses on your build, so the Basilisk's Gaze's will be fine.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.