First Ward/Night Ward: Who should I bring?

Adeon Hawkwood



So, I've done all the Night Ward arcs on my Dark/Dark controller on her journey to 50 a few weeks ago (and BOY, was that a cluster foxtrot of ghosts and Lassies), and I did the 1st 2 First Ward arcs on a different character, but I have yet to complete the whole journey on one single character in order to fully understand the story.

That being said, I'd like to take a completely new character through both zones' arcs, starting at level 20. Getting to 20 shouldn't be an issue between DFB and friends running +4 DA arcs, so my question to you all is this:

What would be the most soloable, most successful power combination (entirely subjective) that would be the MOST FUN for these two zones? AT doesn't matter, but I would like to avoid: Super Strength, Dark anything except Blast, and something I'd have to invest heavy INF into to be fun. This is just a story explanation journey for me (and yes, I know you can Ouro it, but why do that when you can get all the arc completion XP bonuses on a new character?), so I'd like it to be relatively simple.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Probably not the best suggestion for you but: I've just run through First Ward for the first time on my Praetorian Dual Pistols/Trick Arrow Corrupter and it has been pretty darn fun.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



I did both First Ward and Night Ward on my Kin Melee/Energy Aura Scrapper. Went fairly smoothly, though some parts of Night Ward were rough.

The powersets go together rather well thematically too.



More seriously, both of my masterminds (necro/dark and beast/time) did pretty well going through the Wards, the only time they hit walls were the fights where they dumped multiple bosses/elite bosses on you (Mansion battle, Eternal prison). But otherwise running was pretty smooth.



So, my options of pre-20 characters are:

Lvl 18 Bots/Time MM (My 1st MM EVER, mind you, so it may not be a great choice.)
Lvl 19 Arch/MM Blaster
Lvl 14 StJ/Energy Scrapper

I was also thinking of taking a brand new character through the Goldside arcs as well, to get more background story built up as well; I've only run a Prae 1-20 once, and that was about six months ago.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Yeah, I'd say a MM, Scrapper or Brute is probably the best option. For the MM pick something reasonably tough (Traps is an excellent choice since you get mez protection but Time or Dark should work reasonably well as well).