Personal Lairs

Agent White



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
While bases may currently be a niche system, let's be honest it doesn't share the stigmata PvP does, and a new decent system could easily attract new blood.
I'm honestly not sure whether this was a deliberate malapropism or if you just meant "stigma".

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
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*Whistles innocently*



Well, I guess if i really wanted to I could get a lair now if i quit my SG and just make my own personal SG.

Same kinda deal. Except i wont have a SG.

With channels, and the lfg thing, aint missing out on too much.



I would love a lair.... as long as it not tiny, I hate tiny bases haha.

I would also like to see my Heroes/Villains standing/sitting around my personal bases..... Not in the same base obviously.

Maybe add a super computer/orb to gives you a full list of all contacts in the game and their levels, also give you info on villains/heroes group you have fought.



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
I would love a lair.... as long as it not tiny, I hate tiny bases haha.

I would also like to see my Heroes/Villains standing/sitting around my personal bases..... Not in the same base obviously.

Maybe add a super computer/orb to gives you a full list of all contacts in the game and their levels, also give you info on villains/heroes group you have fought.
good stuff

like all your alts would just wander around your lair like npc's. and the computer thing with all kinds of stats.



Since the devs have flat out made it clear they disaprove of players using SG's as personal stables for their characters and they refuse to make it any easier for players to invite their own characters into solo SG's, they sure won't let players abuse lairs the same way.

A personal lair is for an individual character not for all characters on a server/account. If this was added to the game the devs would likely follow the same design used in other MMO's and only allow teammates to be temporarily invited to enter a characters personal lair.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Limited resources basically. Bases already take up a huge chunk of server resources, as admitted by the devs.

Now tack on the amount of being able to create a personal 'mini base' for every character anyone can ever make.

The resource drain is exponential.

The resources, however, are finite.
Assuming that the personal lairs would be smaller than bases, take into account the number of single-user SGs, and I wonder how much the net server load would be overall?



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Since the devs have flat out made it clear they disaprove of players using SG's as personal stables for their characters and they refuse to make it any easier for players to invite their own characters into solo SG's, they sure won't let players abuse lairs the same way.

A personal lair is for an individual character not for all characters on a server/account. If this was added to the game the devs would likely follow the same design used in other MMO's and only allow teammates to be temporarily invited to enter a characters personal lair.
Thats fine and all, but whats to stop someone from doing it anyway? I probably wont, I would rather have a SG.

If they are that hell bent on people not doing this. give up some personal housing. With the paragon market, im sure they could get enough funding for that with sales from this alone.



I've never liked the implementation of SG bases, and never will. Playing Jenga on fire isn't just a clever pun for altering the system, to me it's a fairly accurate description of the process of decorating a base.

My brain starts to claw at my skull just thinking about it.

Give me an AE map and some storage items to put at spawn points, and I'd never touch a supergroup or a supergroup base again, even if it meant accessing the lair only through AE.

Take that statement for what it is, because it's not necessarily an endorsement of personal lairs. If it could somehow be shown that even a moderate portion of the playerbase felt the same, some might even take it as an argument against them.

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Originally Posted by atomicdeath View Post
Thats fine and all, but whats to stop someone from doing it anyway? I probably wont, I would rather have a SG.

If they are that hell bent on people not doing this. give up some personal housing. With the paragon market, im sure they could get enough funding for that with sales from this alone.
The reasons why the devs aren't doing anything have already been explained several times in previous posts in this thread. You are free to dismiss them if you like but it doesn't change the fact that those reasons are why we haven't seen any major changes in 6-7 years. And personal lairs fall under the category of a major change.

The devs are the only ones with the datamining tools to determine if adding this feature would be worth the time and resources to develop and show a profit.