I iz back, so let the Badge Trials commence
I'm in dire need for Master badge runs for Lambda, Keyes (I just had to put it in, even though there's a no mf'in keyes clause), UG, and Mag.
In short, I'm down for whatever LOL. (Pending I'm not at work when these events take place of course)
Keep us posted.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
I'd suggest Lambda, TPN or the Magesterium (regular Hard Way, not Really Hard Way).
To add on what others have posted, I would totally be up for any Mo above the Keyes trial: TPN, MoM, UG, or Mag (I skipped DD because that can be done with very little forethought.) I wouldn't be opposed to helping out with MoBAF, MoLambda, or even the dreaded MoKeyes too if necessary. Thank you for volunteering to run these! If you need help I am certain I could run a MoLambda or MoKeyes, and possibly MoBAF!
Oooh, badge runs! Thanks for offering to organize some, Atomic_Saint!
Dynexus (illusion/FF controller) is still missing:
- Master of Lambda Sector
Lambda Looter
- Master of the Underground
Avatar Assassin
- Master of Minds of Mayhem
A Perfect Storm
Lost Connection to Server
- Master of Magisterium
Triple Threat
Ready to Rumble
and I'd be glad to help with other ones, too.
I only need a 3threat Mag run but will gladly help out with others.
OK! That was pretty quick.
How about this :
Friday, 8:00 EST, We run a couple of quick Lambda Badge runs (acids, nades, blah blah) . Most of us are plus 4 and such and its very possible to get these two within 40 minutes (2 runs are required.)
Then, we run a TPN. Im sure the big badge thats missing is the 8 minute timed part, but we can go for whatever is neccesary.
Then next week we can try the Mag and MoM trials to keep this going.
Hell, we can throw in a BAF strong and pretty and keep em separated in there was well.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
If this could be moved to 9pm EST, I'll love you forever. Gives me time to get off work and get home, and not miss out on the first run.
Either way, I'll show up eventually with one of 2 toons:
Inferna Inanis Fire/Kin Controller
Obsidian Aequitas DP/MM Blaster
Where will the party take place, so I can move toons to the zone prior to the event?

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.
Freedom, Virtue, Exalted
Ok, lets run the tpn first and then switch to lambda and do three runs of tnat
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
And pocket d has always been my choice to meet, gives me a chance to hob nob b4 events.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
yea I'm all for master badge runs I need the time one and the telepath badge for the tpn then all for helping with others on my alts
For the MoLambda attempt, I have the badges on both my main badger, and my "debuffer" (Just a fire/kin troller) so I have debuffs if you need them, but I know Lam is a smaller league trial so I have no need for the badges at all if anyone else wants them I would gladly sit out a round or two.
I probably will not make it tonight. Still involved in today's minor family emergency.
Good luck on the runs tonight!
I tried to log in late to join at least one run... and instead fell asleep from exhaustion while sitting at my desk before my alt fully loaded. (Keyboards make poor pillows, for the record.)
How did it go for those who made it?
2 tpn runs one successful with a few peeps getting master Ods. We ran an acid nadexlambdaxrun next and complete but somebody threw an acid so no badge there. Always next week.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
Thanks for the shinies! Looking forward to next week.
@The Gem on Freedumb, Jaded Channel
Blame the Healers
Blame Jaded PvP
Ok! That was interesting.
So, what I've decided while I was sweating in Virginia is to post and see who needs what, and try to run Trials to get as many peeps badges as they can.
One stipulation.
No. #@$#@$#@$ Keyes. ever.
So, aside from that, What do you need? What would you like to see run? Let me know, and Ill set up the most requested trial up for Friday.
This week's Badge runs will be first the TPN trial at Friday, 8:00 EST. Study up on what needs doing. If my friend boo boo kitty is around, he can run this with me like no body's business.
The second leg our our trial fest will be to grind the Lambda Nade/acid badges. The ONLY one I think will be a bit of a challenge will be the one where we don't use the grenades. We'll need some serious debuffage for him. As such, for both runs Ill go with Saint, As he's plus 4 and has said debuffage. Next week I may roll with a <gasp> different toon.
Hope to see everybody there, and remember, this is only the first week. Next week, itll be Mom And MaG and apple pie.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.