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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Here we go. Another one who just can't resist browbeating me for having an opinion. OK, let's roll.
Oh get over yourself Sam. I'm disagreeing with you and poking holes in your arguments, not your opinions. This is NOT browbeating.

You know as well as I do that "pay to win" is not a term that's interpreted any more literally than "free to play" or "VIP." You also know full well what it means - paying for power. Minor semantic arguments make no difference.
So, in lieu of actually taking the term as it is meant to be taken, you'll contort it until it means whatever's most convenient for you at the time.


But a great deal of content that's normally a pain in the *** to run sure goes a heck of a lot smoother if you have status protection. The stricter your definition of "required" becomes, the less relevant the argument you're truing to prove with it is because you're simply painting it into a corner. Again, you know what I mean.
Simply because it's "easier" doesn't mean it's a prerequisite.

Treating in such a manner is patently lazy and dishonest.

And, again, stop attempting to mangle terminology in an attempt to invoke a reaction from people. That's what your whole "Well you know what I *REALLY* mean" angle is all about.

Which would be a reasonable assertion had I not said, in that same post, that I don't want my VIP subscription to be just about, or even at all about, getting free stuff. The last thing I want to see is the VIP player status become a "budget" option for people to get if they don't want to pay more. The VIP subscription should be the expensive option that's nevertheless the "best" option, but that's not how Marketing is treating it. I'm not interested in free stuff, I'm interested in not being part of the demographic that every little time sink is marketed to. I would like, for instance, to have the ability to pay - more if necessary - and get what's in the random result tables from Super Packs. It's clear those are aimed at sucking more money out of people by promising small costs but not giving you what you want every time.

Or did I not say that in this particular post? If I didn't, I apologise. I put it in at least one of the ones I made, but they're scattered all over the boards. In case it's not in this thread, that's what I mean.
I think you misunderstand. I'm trying to clarify *exactly* what you're ticked about, and trying to get the rest of the BS and justifications out of the way. This way I can approach a dialog appropriately.

What? I mean... What? I read words, they follow proper sentence structure, I know this is English, yet every time I read this question, I draw a blank. What are you asking? What, specifically, when I explained, and numerous times, that I'm likely going to buy a few of those to use to muscle through tough missions. Seriously, what?
What I asked is this.

Do you, somehow, feel that the ability for someone to get these buffs somehow devalues your choice to run without them? Or the fact that you HAVE run without them for 7-8 years?

Again, I'm trying to get to the root cause of your dislike for these.

Which I can buy, so that's a budget option.

So, Incarnates? Because everything else can be purchased, it just costs more. Again, I'm not interested in a budget option.

Which I can buy either way. Again, I'm not interested in a budget option.

Which I can buy either way. And I have. Repeatedly. If I see something I want and I lack the points, PayPal is within arm's reach. Again, I'm not interested in a budget option.

Oh, happy day. And again - I can buy those if I want them. That's not VIP exclusive. It's a budget option.

Which, again, I can buy with real money if I bonked my head and actually thought that was a good idea. Again - a budget option.

Which I'm pretty sure I could buy, if not directly then by purchasing enough points. Again, it's free stuff.

Aside from Incarnates and possibly the Architect, what is there in the VIP subscription that isn't just a discount, a budget option or a freebie? I can pretty much guarantee that if I dropped down to premium, the only thing that would change is it would cost me a couple hundred dollars in one drop to get back to where I was before. In other words, I would lose money but not perks. That doesn't make me feel important, it makes me feel like I'm being offered a discount, which I don't really need at this point in my life.
What I'm pointing out is that you *could* buy the stuff separately. It'd likely cost you quite a bit more in real money.

I would actually prefer these if they WERE permanent and expensive, to be honest. Yes, it would be selling power, but if we're going that route, then I'd much rather we SOLD power over RENTING it out.
Not going to happen most likely. "Systems" and the like, yeah, perma-unlocks. Static buffs? Not so much.

Now, if you were actually interested in an honest discussion of opinion and preference, I'm open to it. But if you're just going to toss off-hand insults to my intelligence and try and fail to browbeat me, then we can just keep up this circus, derail the thread and get it locked. I've gotten pretty good at that over the years.
Again, stop with the "I'm a victim here!" ploy. It's not convincing anyone Sam. I didn't insult your intelligence, that is you reading something into my disagreement that isn't there.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So, in lieu of actually taking the term as it is meant to be taken, you'll contort it until it means whatever's most convenient for you at the time.

Can you cite any actual example of "pay to win"? I know many games that are "pay to save yourself several hours of grinding" and "pay to reduce the challenge", but can you provide even a single example of a game in which one pays to win? What even constitutes winning in this game? Is it reaching some goal post (level 50, unlocking incarnate slots, IOing a build) or is it simply not dying? Something that decreases the likelihood of defeat and expedites progress in terms of leveling and loot acquisition certainly seems like it's nudging as close as CoH can to "pay to win".



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Oh get over yourself Sam. I'm disagreeing with you and poking holes in your arguments, not your opinions. This is NOT browbeating.
Sure, sure, whatever you say.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So, in lieu of actually taking the term as it is meant to be taken, you'll contort it until it means whatever's most convenient for you at the time.

Of course, let's ignore what the term means and parse it word for word. I'm sure someone somewhere at some point has used the term "pay to win" to actually refer to paying to "win" at anything, so by all means - redefine your terminology and hold me to task on semantics. I'm sure it's more convenient to parse my posts as saying what's convenient for you rather than what you know full well that I'm saying. It's one more way to "poke holes in my argument." It's a pity it doesn't actually mean anything, but by all means, discuss what it means to win the game when I never actually intended to talk about winning. You pick the direction of the argument, I'll sail along and snark.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Simply because it's "easier" doesn't mean it's a prerequisite.
No, it isn't. I'm glad we've arrived at the same conclusion we started from, considering you invented my claim that it's "required" to begin with. But, hey, if you have time to burn, do go through my posts and find where I possibly maybe alluded to it. I'm sure it'll be time well spent and I'll be so broken up about it.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And, again, stop attempting to mangle terminology in an attempt to invoke a reaction from people. That's what your whole "Well you know what I *REALLY* mean" angle is all about.
"Terminology" implies that it has a special meaning above and beyond the combined meanings of the words used to make it up. Even if I accepted your re-interpretation of terminology to mean whatever's is convenient for you to mean, you're still ignoring what I was saying in lieu of what you insist I must have been saying despite my repeated explanations.

But the truth is you know full well what I mean, it's simply less convenient to argue against me if I'm seen as having a moderate argument. It's so much easier to ridicule me if you put up a straw man of what science says my words must mean and then shooting it down. I admit it's fun to watch, but it's largely pointless.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I think you misunderstand. I'm trying to clarify *exactly* what you're ticked about, and trying to get the rest of the BS and justifications out of the way. This way I can approach a dialog appropriately.
Trying to clarify what I mean would logically involve asking me what I meant and waiting for an answer. That's as opposed to postulating what I must have meant and lambasting me for it. Which is what you did. Me? I've decided to stop being angry for the time being. Think I'll be snarky and sarcastic for a while, instead. Not really any more pleasant, but it is variety nonetheless.

I'd re-explain what I mean, but that's actually covered lower down.

What I asked is this.

Do you, somehow, feel that the ability for someone to get these buffs somehow devalues your choice to run without them? Or the fact that you HAVE run without them for 7-8 years?
OK, so this I can work with and respect, phrased like it is. The answer to this is no. I don't mind other people having the ability to purchase temporary buffs, specifically because I don't mind much of anything other people do. That this keeps circling back to "you're just jealous that your super IO build that you don't actually have isn't as unique any more" is where talks break down somewhat, since that's ignoring the problem in search for a straw man. What other people can do is never a problem for me. I'll never compete with them and, chances are, I'll never team with them, either.

What bothers me is that we're sticking Marketing into the actual game, and Marketing is one of those things that I REALLY don't want to be exposed to after I've already paid for a product and become a subscriber. I can see trying to market something to me to ensure I know about the product - that's prudent. Continuously intruding on my gameplay and swapping rules around in search for a higher profit really isn't something I feel I should have to deal with, and it seems like a VIP subscription ought to give me that.

It doesn't. It gives me free stuff, but it doesn't give me special treatment. And when I say "special treatment," I don't mean more powerful stuff or the ear of the Dev team or anything else unfair. I mean treatment that saves me from all the irritating parts of running a business and actually treating me like an important person, as opposed to a discount customer. Money I have, that's not the issue. I've spent on ridiculous things (like my Nerf Longshot that I had to buy second-hand because Nerf are idiots and discontinued it). I can pay for a better service, because I honestly don't want to be treated like a Free player when I pay a VIP subscription, and why I mean by that is I don't want to be treated as a money bag to be squeezed by Marketing.

This really strikes me as the tale of the goose that lay the golden eggs. I'm more than willing to spend money on this game, probably rather more than I should, but when I feel like that just isn't enough and this game's Marketing is ever devising newer ways to get even more money out of me, I find myself disinclined to pay even what I already am. When I feel like I'm being treated like a money bag, then I treat the studio like a cheepskate in return, and that ought to not be necessary. Sure, opportunistic promotions are the way of the F2P MMO, but I'd rather like to "buy" my way out of them so I can play the game without a real money marketplace being shoved into my nose constantly.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
What I'm pointing out is that you *could* buy the stuff separately. It'd likely cost you quite a bit more in real money.
Quite a bit more than what? By this time, I've spent around $1500-$1800 on this game over all the time I've played it. I can buy most of the stuff a VIP subscription earns me for an extra $100 or $200 and be done with it. I can recreate the 60 slots I have for around as many dollars and that's about all I'd be losing. The rest I've already paid for in subscription fees. It's expensive, yes, but it's not THAT expensive, all things considered.

And again, I'm not looking for a cheap deal. I'm not looking for a discount. I'm looking for the "I" in "VIP" to actually mean something. Right now it just means I want to pay less, and this is the exact opposite of what I feel it should mean.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Not going to happen most likely. "Systems" and the like, yeah, perma-unlocks. Static buffs? Not so much.
Probably not, of course. But I hate rentals considerably more than... Pretty much anything else I can think of, to do with the Market at least. I would sooner gamble with my money on Super Packs than pay for "rentals," because at least then I know that when I do get something I want, it'll stick around. I dislike renting power because it either increases my subscription fee by other words, or else it's really not that useful. Aside from the occasional boosts to get past a tough patch, of course. And it's not that I mind increasing my subscription, but I'd rather do that by, you know, increasing my subscription than by being loaded down with consumables.

[/quote]Again, stop with the "I'm a victim here!" ploy. It's not convincing anyone Sam. I didn't insult your intelligence, that is you reading something into my disagreement that isn't there.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's an easy claim to make, less so to make it true by saying it's true. If you'd approached my post like you did right before saying this, I would not have responded as I did. But you didn't. You chose to adopt a condescending approach that ridiculed my argument based on what you redefined my words to mean. So my response was overly hostile and unfair. Of course it was. But at least I don't try to pretend that, no, really, I was just politely asking a question and it was just you who read too much into it.

If you want to have an actual reasonable discussion, then I'd be all too happy to oblige. Simply keep off the mockery and the malicious arguments and I will respond in kind. Despite what it may seem like, I'm not an unreasonable guy and I can see you're perfectly good at having a reasonable discussion. But if you insist on actually quarrelling with me, then I will gladly play the bad guy. It's up to you how you want to play it. I'm game either way.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



looks like they added these to the next iteration of the Super Packs, which somewhat mollifies my concerns.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
looks like they added these to the next iteration of the Super Packs, which somewhat mollifies my concerns.
Did they move them there or add the Super Packs as an additional source for these?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Did they move them there or add the Super Packs as an additional source for these?
Additional, by the looks of things.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Can't recall what Beta shows, but I recall hearing they were going to replace the Inspirations with them.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.