Nature Affinity First Look




Very visually busy set. It still looks mighty pretty. If I'm still stalled on my Dark/Emp troller by the time this rolls around, he'll definitely be getting rerolled into this. Then I can pair super busy animations with an annoying pup and get kicked from every team evar :P



Originally Posted by Sir Hextor View Post
Very visually busy set. It still looks mighty pretty. If I'm still stalled on my Dark/Emp troller by the time this rolls around, he'll definitely be getting rerolled into this. Then I can pair super busy animations with an annoying pup and get kicked from every team evar :P
Honey Badger is aware of the requests to tone down some of the visuals, but there has been no official word of any changes yet.

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To be clear, I like how over the top busy it is. I just know I'm in the minority with that opinion. I kind of hope they just tell everyone to suck it up so they can move onto arting MOAR powersets. I never get tired of new toys to play with :P



I like the visuals on ice control because I can identify what's happening without it obscuring everything else. I hate earth control, specifically the AE immobilize teammates seem to love, because I can't see!

Most powers seem to fall into one of two categories. There's "I can't tell what is happening because there's no effective visual que" and "I can't tell what is happening because the power effects are obscuring everything."

From the brief look at your 2nd vid, I have to say the set looks like it could be one of those that has visual that are informative rather than [censored] annoying. That's not the impression I got from the character creater, so it's a big relief.

Too bad I think the set looks silly.



I love the function of the set but man those visuals are a bit too much. It would be nice if we could get a darker alternative with spiky vines and skull cap mushrooms to go along better with Plant Control. Which btw needs a flowerly alternative.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
I love the function of the set but man those visuals are a bit too much. It would be nice if we could get a darker alternative with spiky vines and skull cap mushrooms to go along better with Plant Control. Which btw needs a flowerly alternative.
Everything in the videos are at the default settings.

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Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
I love the function of the set but man those visuals are a bit too much. It would be nice if we could get a darker alternative with spiky vines and skull cap mushrooms to go along better with Plant Control. Which btw needs a flowerly alternative.
Almost all of the current Nature Affinity animations have flowers. The Default color settings just color the flowers very similarly to the foliage, so they're not particularly noticeable. When using custom colors the flowers are tied to the Primary color, where the foliage is the secondary color, so you can make them very distinctive.

I do agree though that some darker, kinda of decayed "spooky forest" alternates could be nice.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Almost all of the current Nature Affinity animations have flowers. The Default color settings just color the flowers very similarly to the foliage, so they're not particularly noticeable. When using custom colors the flowers are tied to the Primary color, where the foliage is the secondary color, so you can make them very distinctive.

I do agree though that some darker, kinda of decayed "spooky forest" alternates could be nice.
Turbo_Ski meant that Plant Control needed a flower-y version to match the default Nature Affinity powers.

They are the only two plant sets in the game, and don't match. Plant Control has always been more sinister looking since it started as a villain set.

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Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
Turbo_Ski meant that Plant Control needed a flower-y version to match the default Nature Affinity powers.

They are the only two plant sets in the game, and don't match. Plant Control has always been more sinister looking since it started as a villain set.
This exactly, I think it would look jarring as a plant/nature troller.



Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
This exactly, I think it would look jarring as a plant/nature troller.
Doesn't need to be such a big deal. You got the nasty plants for messing with your enemies and the nice plants for helping your friends. Perfectly sensible.



Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
Turbo_Ski meant that Plant Control needed a flower-y version to match the default Nature Affinity powers.

They are the only two plant sets in the game, and don't match. Plant Control has always been more sinister looking since it started as a villain set.
Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
This exactly, I think it would look jarring as a plant/nature troller.
BAH! Reading comprehension fail. I completely skipped over "Plant Control."


@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too