can we purchase AE creation access?

Father Xmas



I'm premium, but I also would like to make some cool custom enemies and a cool story for them.(including an "evil me" ideal evil version of myself to be the "master villain")

Is there a permanent unlock method other than spending WAY too much just to fill out tier 6?

I really want to be able to create content, and the market only seems to sell story slots(do these include the ability to create or just for those who can already create?) and nothing else.



Creating arcs in AE is a Reward unlocked by filling Tier 6 or being VIP.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

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Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Creating arcs in AE is a Reward unlocked by filling Tier 6 or being VIP.
Ok, but was there any plan for offering the service at least in a monthly temporary method while not subscribed?

AE access is the only system without both a temporary or permanent unlock in the market.
I would have expected to see at least a temporary unlock, or a permanent unlock(akin to masterminds and controllers for sale) for those who can't wait or feel it would be cheaper than "this is the fee that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends...", especially considering I heard "the devs don't want players to lose access to created stories so the access needs to be permanent once reached" or something.

Are there any plans to add this to the store, especially for those of us who have hundreds of dollars to go before that unlock(some things are way too far into the tiers to make sense) and don't see enough we like that much to spend that much(not to mention are more financially strapped) and won't subscribe for whatever reason(we're entitled to not subscribe while still spending money, as they gave us the option)?



A 30-day AE license has appeared on beta a couple of times, but it has never made it to live, nor even been focused on for testing. I couldn't tell you exactly why, though.

There's no way to get AE access a la carte, at least to the best of my knowledge. Sorry :/



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
A 30-day AE license has appeared on beta a couple of times, but it has never made it to live, nor even been focused on for testing. I couldn't tell you exactly why, though.

There's no way to get AE access a la carte, at least to the best of my knowledge. Sorry :/

I hope they add a permanent option. Because there is no way I'm reaching story creation access(though I have reward access oddly enough; you would think they would reverse that access so people could build fun stuff before they can power level with it) without a much better financial situation and a lot more good permanent items in the store to buy.

Any redname want to comment on whether you all are throwing this idea around?
I really think you would be better off exchanging the AE reward access in the paragon reward tiers for story creation access. You probably don't like farming, but it seems you like farming more than you like creativity and stories.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post

I hope they add a permanent option. Because there is no way I'm reaching story creation access(though I have reward access oddly enough; you would think they would reverse that access so people could build fun stuff before they can power level with it) without a much better financial situation and a lot more good permanent items in the store to buy.

Any redname want to comment on whether you all are throwing this idea around?
I really think you would be better off exchanging the AE reward access in the paragon reward tiers for story creation access. You probably don't like farming, but it seems you like farming more than you like creativity and stories.
I'm not a redname and in no way claim to speak for them, but I would assume that getting rewards from AE happens earlier in the Paragon Rewards program because in order for those farms to exist for people to get rewards on, someone had to create them - and the devs probably want the people creating them to have to invest more in their account so that they aren't disposable.

Because they have acted to penalize the creation of farms in AE, but an account lock or permanent loss of AE mission slots penalty to a free account just means you create another free account and start again; once you put in the monetary investment to get to tier 6 the assumption is that it's not a disposable account.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
I'm not a redname and in no way claim to speak for them, but I would assume that getting rewards from AE happens earlier in the Paragon Rewards program because in order for those farms to exist for people to get rewards on, someone had to create them - and the devs probably want the people creating them to have to invest more in their account so that they aren't disposable.

Because they have acted to penalize the creation of farms in AE, but an account lock or permanent loss of AE mission slots penalty to a free account just means you create another free account and start again; once you put in the monetary investment to get to tier 6 the assumption is that it's not a disposable account.
The farmers, the ones beating things up and creating the missions, are not the problem with farming.
The devs want people actually out in the world experiencing the content or doing the stories for fun, not rewards.

You want people in AE, or out in the world, for the stories and not the rewards?
Make the rewards less common than the stories.

Also, if you push back the point at which people can benefit from AE farms then they either need to move out of Atlas to populate ordinary farms, and rely on drops and INF rather than AE tickets to get what they want, or spend more money to get up to the point at which they can benefit from easy AE farms.
After all, it doesn't take that much money to do a Fire Farm, once it is created by somebody else. The hard part would be if you had to create it yourself.

It makes sense to me.
The only way your scenario of "encouraging people to pay up to be able to create farms" would work is if AE missions were impossible to share with others so that they couldn't find a farm mission unless they made it themselves.

It's a win for the devs against farmers while giving players creation tools earlier to keep them interested more than ever(I spend more time creating in games than actually playing, including too much time in the tailor here) while giving players fun with creation, which also slows them down instead of just plain hard leveling.


Essentially, you're talking about disposable farmer accounts right?
They don't invest much because the rewards are all they care about. Other people created the farm missions for them.

Making the rewards be a late tier thing encourages those disposable "gold farmer" accounts to spend a lot more money to reach that point(if they bother with AE), as well as not allowing very new players to get farmed up right away and bored of the game so fast(unless grinding the old fashioned way is too boring). They all would need to spend more money to do things that extremely easy(with Atlas having an AE, right out of the tutorial).
Also, aren't tickets used to unlock special enemy groups or mission maps or costume pieces for your custom enemies? There is encouragement to get to tier 6 for rewards to build better missions then.(sadly, that would exclude me from using costume pieces I definitely purchased that I should have access to in AE because I purchased the player version, but I still want creation access)

Having mission creation, especially only limited to one or two arcs, is not a problem. It encourages staying with the game and spending more money for what the game offers, while also enticign them with "you can get rewards for this too" stuff.
It doesn't help them make the game less interesting or less worth money. It makes it more worthy of time and money.



Also, I'm only suggesting the reward tier switch for AE creation and rewards if they don't provide a permanent purchase option for creation privileges.

I would rather just have the permanent purchase option for 3 reasons:
1) They obviously get more money.
2) I retain reward access, namely tickets to use to unlock more creation content(custom costume items, maps, enemy groups).
3) There are other reasons to go up in the reward tiers, so they would likely get the money for that anyway, making the AE creation access purchase extra money they would not have gotten if players were willing to wait to reach the free access.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Essentially, you're talking about disposable farmer accounts right?
They don't invest much because the rewards are all they care about. Other people created the farm missions for them.
I'm talking about people selling PL services using disposable accounts to create farms, while someone who plans on keeping their account - and thus would be affected by account-based penalties - gets the rewards. They want the penalty of removing access to create missions and/or lock accounts for creating "egregious farms" to mean something.

Yes, there are tons of farms out there already. Yes, people can use those. No, I don't necessarily agree with the access restrictions. I'm merely trying to state what I believe someone else's justification is.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
They want the penalty of removing access to create missions and/or lock accounts for creating "egregious farms" to mean something.

Yes, there are tons of farms out there already. Yes, people can use those. No, I don't necessarily agree with the access restrictions. I'm merely trying to state what I believe someone else's justification is.
Do they really remove creation access?
I have never heard of such a thing happening.

The only thing I know is you could get a suspension/ban of account for exploits possibly, but even those are rather rare and much less common with their efforts to close loopholes paying off.

I don't think that justification is even real, and it wouldn't be a good enough reason for the way things work.

Honestly, the "egregious farms" are only a problem when people get rewards from them. If they don't get rewards then they are just a really strange or interesting mission.

Putting the rewards later int he tiers than the mission creation access would result in more restriction of farming, if anything, not less. It would reward those very far in the tiers, veterans, a lot more than others. It would encourage those not far in those tiers to not AE farm, either farming elsewhere int he content the developers made or doing content for the content, not for farming.

Anyway, I would rather not lose AE reward access, partly because I have leveled far too many characters solo and use farms now to feed my altitis.
I do very much want permanent AE creation access though, but am unable and unwilling to blow such a huge amount of money to unlock it on other things that I do not have enough interest in.



Yes they did. I remember a few posts where players complained how unfair that they lost slots. But anyone can claim that.

I do remember the time Positron unleashed his orbital nukes onto AE abusers way back when. That generated a lot of debate on the fairness of the punishments.

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