Daul Blades and Regen

Aeon Clock



I need a little help deciding how i should build / play my DB regen scrapper.I am having trouble figuring out what i should and should not get.Please help me



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What I would say is that the Sweep combo is a godsend for /regen. Knocking everything on it's *** gives you plenty of time to click your heal or let your natural regen do it's job.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



There's a guide for help with /Regen linked in my sig, however, I am afraid I am not much help with DB...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



I would also be interested in any thoughts people might have. I have a very old Level 44 Dual Blades / Regen Scrapper, back from when I was super ignorant about enhancements. It has crossed my mind a couple of times to salvage him.



My only 50 is actually a dm/regen scrapper, but I built him up with +regen IOs. This was before I found out how little +regen IOs actually help. All in all I was pretty disappointed with him, so I would say build for defense as much as you can and dont worry about +regen IOs at all aside from maybe the 2 uniques. DB is pretty rocking no matter what you pair it with.


38 FF/Sonic Def
35 Ill/Storm
35 DM/Regen
1 pan of fresh brownies/gallon of milk



A friend of mine recent built his DB/Regen scrapper, and I offered lots of advice, and then he prompt ignored most of it and built a smoking build. Point being that htere are several ways you can go and all will be quite effective. It comes down to how much to you want to spend, and play style, and skill, and how much clickiness you can tolerate/do well.

So, without seeing your starting point, and getting an idea of how much you want to throw at it, and your goals/expectations, you might get wildly different replies.

Edit #1: What Princess D said is a very good point. KD is great mitigation. AOE KD even more. It really helps regen a lot.

Edit #2: +Regen IOs aren't bad, but they are just a drop in the bucket of regen-ness that is Regen (and WP, too). Every bit helps, but regen IOs alone don't turn Regen into a world beater. Build for lots of +HP and Regen and then you have some. Get a way to get some decent Def and/or decent Res, too, and you're even better. From there, just gotta get used to timing when to clicky, and when to inspire, and you can go a LONG way.