MIB 3 -not as bad as it could have been

Agent White



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Saw it last night ($5 Tuesday's). Agree, better than the second. Younger O was hot.
I honestly don't get the hatred that some have of the second one. Granted not quite as funny as the first, but it was still about protecting Earth from the aliens and it showed that Agent J missed K and was glad for a chance to get him back. They seemed to have the same working relationship once K's memory got restored.

MIB 3: interesting time paradox story. Basically Agent J has been a living temporal anomaly for most of his life. He's relatively immune to the time change since he's already been back there and lived the events in his own personal future,......this is the part that kind of threw me a bit. In Back to the Future 2, Doc and Marty and his girlfriend missed the time changes that altered 1985 because they were in timewarp and thus outside time. The explanation for Agent J felt almost like Bishop of the X-men when Age of Apocalypse began with the early death of Charles Xavier.

Agent K for years knew what was going to come but really couldn't tell anyone for fear of breaking the timestream even more. Explains why he was so closed up and wouldn't talk much.



Let me expand upon my likes and dislikes in comedies. I hate over the top characters, in mannerism or speech or lack of common sense. This is why I dislike the majority of Adam Sandler films.

In the first movie we have a Bug in an Edger suit. Yes it walks and talks funny but it's an alien that isn't trying that hard to fit in while trying to get "The Galaxy". Small cameo with Frank the Pug but that simply an example that aliens could be hiding as anything. The Worm Guys have very limited screen time.

2nd movie we get a lot more Frank and the Worm Guys plus the dulcet tones of Johnny Knoxville. I felt it's humor was aimed toward kids more than adults.

3rd movie we don't to much wacky comedy. We are back to J being somewhat the fish out of water again, being in the 60s and doing a poor time blending. The big bad isn't funny in anyway as he is simply a CGI killing machine with an odd laugh. The aliens encountered aren't that strange and unusual, not even Griffin who just seems odd. The movie's humor didn't strike me as targeting kids but people who might have been kids and teenagers 10 years ago when they saw MIB 2.

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