launcher error
I've been unable to load the game since yesterdays update. error message comes up as launcher starts to update. It says HTTP status 403 client does not have sufficient access rights to the requested server object. What is going on? and How can I fix this? Please & thanks
Check that COH has permissions in your firewall?
Are you playing at work or school or in a hotel? Firewall settings are often the problem.
Sounds like a port is blocked.
"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies
I'm getting the same error. I am set to run as administrator, both CoX and the NCSoft Launcher have permissions to exit the firewall on home and public networks. I haven't logged in since last week. The only change I made on my system was to install the new NVIDIA drivers today, which shouldn't have affected this.
All the servers show as up, so is it possible that there's a router down somewhere? I'm connecting via Charter Internet in Missouri.
EDIT: I've sent a screenshot and a dxdiag file to Hope to hear back soon.
Writing: Cape Fic
Featured Art: MechaTerp & CorporateRock, by Shia
Music: DJ Pyrria

I've logged in twice today, once just now. Everything seems to be fine here. So it might be a local router or something, but the game is definitely not "down."
From the UK I played for hours last night after the update - today however I have been unable to logon but I found out that Virgin is down/having problems.
So it looks like I am held to ransom by the corporation until they can sort out their mess.
Service Disruption
Cannot access part of site
Reported on: Fri 25 May 2012, 06:31 PM
Estimated fix time: Fri 25 May 2012, 10:31 PM
Fault reference: F002015191
From the UK I played for hours last night after the update - today however I have been unable to logon but I found out that Virgin is down/having problems.
i can access every server cept my home server (champion)
and i cant access nc-softs main page otherwise i can access other websites fine
when virgin give a time i normally go do something else they seem (please note seem) to pull the number outta a hat in my experiance with there support
just wanted to say your not alone
to the other posters .hope your launcher problem fixs itself
you might want to post/look in development>>>gameplay/tech section as your not the only person
I've been unable to load the game since yesterdays update. error message comes up as launcher starts to update. It says HTTP status 403 client does not have sufficient access rights to the requested server object. What is going on? and How can I fix this? Please & thanks
Watch for other threads, there seems to be something useful here you might want to try.......
"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies
Thanks for the responses, everyone. I have submitted a ticket and hope to be back in-game soon.
Heard back from Support....they say it must be my security and to contact them. I use Microsoft Security Essentials and have used it for months. No problems with the game before this. M'thinks there may be some buck-passing going on. I am bummed!
MS Security Essentials does update itself regularly. Your settings could have changed. I'd vote that support knows what they are talking about and to check you security software.
At least, disable it VERY TEMPORARILY, then try the launcher. If it goes, re-enable the software and start looking at its networking rules.
Heard back from Support....they say it must be my security and to contact them. I use Microsoft Security Essentials and have used it for months. No problems with the game before this. M'thinks there may be some buck-passing going on. I am bummed!
See if that helps.
I turned off the UAC and re-tried the launcher. I got the same error message. Do you think a total removal and re-install of the game would help? I love Microsoft Security Essentials..mainly cause it's free..but I would be more than willing to pay for a system that would allow me to play Coh. I love this game. My frustration quotient is at an all-time high. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.
UAC is not MS Security Essentials. Did you try turning off Security Essentials to see if it's the problem? You can just turn it back on you know.
They have bumped my ticket up to the next realm of gurus. Haven't heard from them yet. Praying for a hotfix or magic wand that will fix this problem. I miss the game!
I've been unable to load the game since yesterdays update. error message comes up as launcher starts to update. It says HTTP status 403 client does not have sufficient access rights to the requested server object. What is going on? and How can I fix this? Please & thanks