What have you done in game just to be entertained when you have been bored with the game?




I now have several things to do next April 1st



Back in the day, when I was fortunate enough to encounter spammers in AP or GC, I would draw mobs to them. They often panicked even though getting attacked had no impact on their nefarious doings. Human nature I guess. Made me laugh.



Originally Posted by VirtueHero View Post
Back in the day, when I was fortunate enough to encounter spammers in AP or GC, I would draw mobs to them. They often panicked even though getting attacked had no impact on their nefarious doings. Human nature I guess. Made me laugh.
Related to this, back in the day me and a bud of mine would mess with those Korean inf farmers. They had the crazy "ggfoiheiuber84" names, obviously random-button-generated costumes, and frequently swept the streets with low level characters in low level zones. We'd follow 'em around for a bit and kill their mobs before they could. After awhile, they'd realize what we were up to and try to lose us within the city by ducking behind alleys and stuff. It got pretty entertaining, especially since they never tried just doing a paper mission or something.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Make an insane crapload of money.
I already do that.



then make more insane crapload of money

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I play Sinister Skeet Golf. It involves pulling mobs on to a tall roof with my Illusionist, angle myself just right and release Phantasm before hitting the mob with a baseball bat.. If I time it just right, I can send them flying while Phantasm uses them for target practice.

jump off buildings and try to activate a travel power before i hit ground
You know, oddly enough I do this quite often too.. sometimes setting the camera to First Person and looking down the whole way.