Blaster and ther tier 9 powers!

Agent White



IMO will the tier 9 powers on blaster are be fixed to better the game. With judgement powers out there. These seem a bit underwhelmed. Even if you got rid of the endurance issue and lessen the recharge time of the more it may make it worth tho take. For me ATM tho i pass on it.



I know I'm probably totally alone in this, but I think the logic behind the crashing T9's is 100% sound, they just don't live up to the scale that logic needs to be on anymore.

If you multiplied their damage by ten or twenty and put them on a set recharge that couldn't be reduced, I would take mine.



I don't disagree...but if it was going to be a power with that hard a needs to be about 5x what a tier 4 judgement does. Because they don't crash and hit harder than a blaster nuke.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Yeah it's an issue that's been discussed at great length, several times. The devs are aware it's a problem, they just haven't either decided on a fix or haven't had time to commit to implementing it.

Generally it breaks down into a few camps. one is keeping the crash but making it worthwhile, as in the damage is enough that when you pop it, you -do- nuke something.

Or eliminating the crash. Archery and Dual pistols have shown crashless nukes can be well loved and very effective. In fact it's pretty much Hail of Bullets that keeps DP from being pretty bottom of the barrel.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Yeah it's an issue that's been discussed at great length, several times. The devs are aware it's a problem, they just haven't either decided on a fix or haven't had time to commit to implementing it.

Generally it breaks down into a few camps. one is keeping the crash but making it worthwhile, as in the damage is enough that when you pop it, you -do- nuke something.

Or eliminating the crash. Archery and Dual pistols have shown crashless nukes can be well loved and very effective. In fact it's pretty much Hail of Bullets that keeps DP from being pretty bottom of the barrel.
Hmmm...but its the redraw sets that have the crashless nukes. So give the other sets crashless nukes with no redraw?

I don't know...sounds like it'd just open more can of worms!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I *like* the idea of the crash (on sets that make sense) thematically - but want the damage (and target cap) scaled up now.

(For "sets that make sense," we're talking anything coming from the character as opposed to the weapon - there's a fair bit of END use on Full Auto and Rain of Arrows compared to a normal attack, for instance, but you're not doing the "focus everything you have and let it out" that, say, Fire or Energy does.)

Frankly, I think Judgement (and some of the other powers) are *over* powered - they should have done with it something similar to what they did with level shifts. Have one effect in normal content, and another in the content marked as Incarnate content. Lower caps, lower damage, etc. in regular content. Incarnate content? Go wild. Of course, if they made that alternation now, people would scream "nerf" - which it would be, I fully realize. But I think it would have been better had it been done early on. (And yes, I say the above with the full realization it would hurt several of *my* characters, too.)



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Hmmm...but its the redraw sets that have the crashless nukes. So give the other sets crashless nukes with no redraw?

I don't know...sounds like it'd just open more can of worms!
Not sure if serious.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Not sure if serious.
Have you not seen how it goes on the forums? I bet that's exactly how it would go.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection