Staff Fighting, Brute or Scrapper?
Sustained damage evens out. Scrappers have a higher burst damage...
However...brutes have more HP, more HP =more regen at the same %. Where as a Scrapper caps around 300 HP per sec. A brute will cap 30-40 HP/sec higher because it has more HP.
Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)
I've at least narrowed it down to definitely Brute, still don't know if I'm going /Dark or /Regen. I know Regen is nowhere near as OP as Dark, just something about it sounds different enough to be new and fun.
However...redraw, bah. /Regen would probably be better paired with the upcoming Psionic Melee anyhow.
Redraw? Regen doesn't have a particularly high amount of redraw unless you're in panic mode...but that doesn't happen all that often with a strong build...
Check the link in my sig for some regen building tips...I made this guide specifically for i22 to address ATO's and all the new goodies. It will help you a lot.
Dark armor is also one of my favorites and I don't think you can go wrong there either, but it's a completely different type of set. I rolled a Katana/Dark brute to softcap Positional Defenses, and he is a bear to kill...I don't know how you would work it out defensively on staff weapons, as I haven't played it on beta or otherwise, and I am not sure what the defensive bonuses are from the set, but Regen benefits from an inherent with defensive bonuses as well.
Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)
I just did a /regen brute - it wasn't terrible. Definitely not "awesome", but it was fun. I'm not sure I'd do a /regen scrapper ever again - if I'm going to run that set, might as well get the extra mileage that a brute gets out of it with the higher HP cap.
Staff should go better (defensively) than ss/ as well with the parry type skill... if you want staff/regen I would definitely choose a brute over a scrap. For /dark, either way is good.
The /energy epic on brutes has the droids...err +regen passive you are looking for.
/elec is pretty solid in general, hard to go wrong there.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
Wanted a /elec brute, since I deleted a /elec scrapper.
I think is hard to go wrong with Staff/elec brute.
Rolled a Staff/Dark, I'm definitely still going to try /Regen, but I will probably wait and pair it with a future set.
My Staff/Dark (Sandslinger, all the dark powers colored to sand, very original and totally not done before) has been incredibly fun so far. He's at level 15 and right now the ST is good and the AoE is awesome for a lowbie.
I wouldn't pair regen w/ staff, or any other weapon set.
Regen on a brute is better than regen on a scrapper, but its still going to fall short of the top end mitigation sets.
As to your opening question...Staff Fighting, Brute or Scrapper?...consider expanding that to include Stalker. I've been playing around with it and staff seems to work well with a Stalker, and for added fun you stack both the staff form buff and Assassin's Focus.
As to your opening question...Staff Fighting, Brute or Scrapper?...consider expanding that to include Stalker. I've been playing around with it and staff seems to work well with a Stalker, and for added fun you stack both the staff form buff and Assassin's Focus.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
I'm doing a Staff/EA Scrapper and a Staff/Elec Scrapper. I rolled up the build in Mids and the only difference with the latter build is that on a Brute I can reach 90% energy resist as opposed to the Scrapper's 75%. And I prefer Scrappers.
So it's really a matter of preference and personal taste.
I went brute mainly cause I'll be getting the taunt in Staff Fighting and want the extra DEF, HP, hp regen, etc...that a Brute would have over a Scrapper
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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Rolled a Staff/Dark, I'm definitely still going to try /Regen, but I will probably wait and pair it with a future set.
My Staff/Dark (Sandslinger, all the dark powers colored to sand, very original and totally not done before) has been incredibly fun so far. He's at level 15 and right now the ST is good and the AoE is awesome for a lowbie. |
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
I just did a /regen brute - it wasn't terrible. Definitely not "awesome", but it was fun. I'm not sure I'd do a /regen scrapper ever again - if I'm going to run that set, might as well get the extra mileage that a brute gets out of it with the higher HP cap.
Staff should go better (defensively) than ss/ as well with the parry type skill... if you want staff/regen I would definitely choose a brute over a scrap. For /dark, either way is good. The /energy epic on brutes has the droids...err +regen passive you are looking for. /elec is pretty solid in general, hard to go wrong there. |
Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on which AT to make my Staff Fighter?
I am on a train and don't have access to Mids so bear with me.
I was pretty much dead set on rolling it as a /Regen, but how does it fair on a Brute? I'm not averse to trying another set as I have a high lvl Regen Scrapper but have never tried it on a Brute, are all the +regen values the same or do they differ from the Scrapper set? I think the Form which gives +regen on Sky Splitter would have a nice synergy with Regen.
I think Staff would go well on a Brute as the set itself has no form of Build Up, so the Fury damage would go nicely, but having no chance to crit is the trade off. Which has the higher sustained damage?
Then it comes down to Anchillaries, as I think the Scrapper's have nicer options, such as more regen from the Body Mastery set, or Shadow Meld. I know the Regen from the Body set isn't huge but I'm all about trying to max out my stats.
If Regen values are different on Brute's, the res sets would also be nice. Was thinking possibly Elec Armor, as they have a higher damage cap of 90%, as opposed to the Scrapper's 75%.
So anyway if anybody has any advice on which set or AT might play better for me or if theres anything I've glazed over entirely as I haven't played Brute's much let me know, thanks!