My fellow Peacebringers




So I finally broke down and created my first Peacebringer. (Finally got inspiration for a costume. ) Only problem is... With the mass array of powers at my disposal, I have no idea which to pick, which to avoid, etc. In other words, may I please have some info/opinions on selecting powers? Maybe a Mids file I can pop in and get some ideas from?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated/accepted.

Thank you,
Polypro Ninja



Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
So I finally broke down and created my first Peacebringer. (Finally got inspiration for a costume. ) Only problem is... With the mass array of powers at my disposal, I have no idea which to pick, which to avoid, etc. In other words, may I please have some info/opinions on selecting powers? Maybe a Mids file I can pop in and get some ideas from?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated/accepted.

Thank you,
Polypro Ninja
First things first: Welcome to the Kheldian club! )

Now, on to business! One thing I would avoid as a Peacebringer is the shields. I can see them being semi-useful before level 38, but otherwise they're a waste and are eclipsed by Light Form's amazing capabilities. I would also avoid the AoE blasts of the Human form, simply because they pale in comparison to Bright Nova's AoE. All of the self heals (and the ally single target heal) are wonderful. Conserve energy can also be really useful. Radiant Strike. Get it. Or get lost. Slot it with six slots and put hecatomb in it. Don't make the mistake of getting Incandescent Strike and slotting it with anything besides Kinetic Melee; while the damage is extreme, the animation is too slow. You can do more damage with a Radiant Strike, Bolt, Gleaming Blast attack chain than one with Incandescent Strike. Also, don't slot form toggles. Slot the form POWERS instead.

Anyways, this is all that I can think of atm. I'm at school on my iPad, so I can't post a build. But I'm sure some others will chime in here eventually

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



First question, of course, is if you're going all human, bi or triform. Diggaroo there kind of jumped the gun with an assumption there

If you do go multiform, remember set bonuses carry across no matter what the form is.

If you do take a, or both, forms - even if you don't go "inhuman," - be prepared to do a respec. The way respecs work, after you've gotten the forms and a few slots spread around - you can respec, and shuffle slots into the forms before the level you would be able to take the form itself.

Recharge will help with Bright Dwarf's attacks. Either global, or slotting into the powers themselves (or both.)

The comment on shields is... fairly true. Assuming you have light form going permanently. The other issue with shields, of course, is that if you're multiform, they detoggle as you switch between forms. That's probably the biggest irritation for most multiform Khelds.

Other bits and pieces...
(A) I have a guide on "raising a peacebringer." Follow sig link. (Hate shilling my own guides, but it is there.)
(B) IOs - I don't generally go into IO builds, definitely don't start suggesting purples and expensive sets. However, some to look for:
1. Steadfast Protection: KB protection. You have Incandescence. Slot one in there.
Alternate, of course, being Karma in Combat Flight - but you may want to use that for something else. Like if you need an extra bit of recharge from a LOTG.

2. When winter rolls around (or if you feel like spending INF... is this available via merits?) get some candy canes and get a Winter's Gift slow resist, if you're taking dwarf. Just for some resistance against -recharge. White Dwarf doesn't have a lot of attacks. Every bit helps. (Though if you go incarnate, those powers do still work.)

3. I *like* having a source of stealth. If you dont' take the power, and have multiple sprints - use one with a stealth IO. Personal preference.

(C) Powers I like:
- Conserve power.
- Quantum Flight. However, *right now* on live (and test) there's a small issue with it and pets... namely, they phase with you. Including photon seekers. While you won't normally fire them off and hit QFly... well, just hope it gets fixed. Affects temp pets too. (Note, this also affects Warshades, Masterminds, Controllers/Dominators...)

(D) IOs, part II.
If you do go multiform, get to love IOs. Even if you're not chasing set bonuses, they can really help with the slot crunch. This is true with other ATs as well, but where other ATs have it as "kind of nice," like a good restaurant recommendation, for a multiform (especially triform) Kheld it goes up to word of $deity importance.

That's everything I can think of off the top of my head.



Here is an IO build for a human only peace bringer I am working on. My toon is level 31 now.

I made this peacebringer as a replacement for my Energy/Energy (made in 2004) hover blaster that is level 38 and I just can't stand to play anymore knowing how awesome a peacebringer can be now with perma light form. So the focus is to replicate all the powers of a ranged energy blaster with a few strong melee attacks for the nasty stuff, and have amazing resistances, high HPs, heals and ranged defense also.

Bots/Traps Guide for I19.5
RO Network



You want to read The MFing Peacebringer guide.


Damn it, Dechs.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
First question, of course, is if you're going all human, bi or triform. Diggaroo there kind of jumped the gun with an assumption there
Yeah, I did ^_^". Mostly because I was in school and didn't have much time to make extravagant responses. He didn't say which path he was taking, so I assumed triform, since that is what most first time Khelds do anyways .

Also, I wanted to point out that, while Knockback protection is a good idea, I don't think it's necessary once you can perma-Lightform. Lightform provides some crazy numbers against knockback and makes those measely +4 KB protections utterly useless, whereas you could use those valuable slots elsewhere.

Here is my build:
uc=1772&c=770&a=1540&f=HEX&dc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

IF you're going triform, this build may/may not help you. This build is entirely dependent on a couple things:

1.) Lightform. Must have. Must be perma'd. Must be reapplied whenever possible.

2.) Recharge bonuses. 145% with hasten is the hot spot (I think). This build goes way over that. I'm not sure if you've seen any of Dechs Kaison's posts or his knowledge on Kheldians, but he's made one thing very apparent; Recharge Bonuses weigh heavily into the efficiency equation that is the Kheldian. What I mean by that is that the more often our powers are up, the more options we have. Options are power. Power is good.

The moral? Get plenty of IO sets with recharge time bonuses. Also, Luck of the Gambler (Defense IO) +Global Recharge is a great one slot enhancement. Find five places to slot this baby and you've got yourself a whopping 37.5% recharge time bonus already. And they're relatively cheap, too!

3.) Shape shifting. If you just aren't into the forms, then this build is not for you. Nova is extremely useful for causing wide-spread pain across multiple enemies, where as human form is fantastic for single target with a radiant strike, bolt, gleaming blast attack chain. Some people find Dwarf form to close to useless, but I beg to differ. Solar Flare is a great way to mitigate damage. When enemies are on their bottoms, they aren't swinging at you. Also, the Dwarf heal is quite extraordinary. And a short cooldown to boot!

The idea is that (I'm quoting Dechs once again) "You are all forms at all times. Thinking anything else will cripple you without you even realizing it." Basically; switch into the form you deem worthy to meet the situation so that you can prevail and scream upon the corpses of your enemies "I'M THE MFING PEACEBRINGER!"... Huh? There's no MFing Peacebringer guide yet? Pft, I'm sure he gets the point. ()

So how do you go about switching forms swiftly and effectively? Macros, good sir. Macros. Here are some that I use. (inspired by... guess who? I'll give you a hint. His name starts with a D and ends in Kaison. )

/bind R "powexectoggleon White Dwarf$$gototray 9$$bind shift+lbutton powexecname white dwarf step"

This macro switches you into White Dwarf form and changes your FIRST power tray to 9. You can now place all of your White Dwarf powers in Tray 9.

/bind Z "powexectoggleon Bright Nova$$gototray 8"

This macro switches you into Bright Nova form and changes your FIRST power tray to 8. You can now place all of your Bright Nova powers in Tray 8.

/bind alt+q "powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$gototray 1"

This power turns OFF your forms and brings you back to your original power tray. (1)

These are just a few handy dandy macro's that make your life as a triformer all the more easier and efficient.

Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You want to read The MFing Peacebringer guide.


Damn it, Dechs.
All in favor of Dechs creating a MFing Peacebringer guide say "Aye!"

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



And, since we've heard from human only, and tri-formers, I'll throw in the bi-form
mindset (mostly from a solo perspective I might add).

First, and this is sacrilege I know, I don't even *have* Light Form in my build.

That's not to disagree with anything anyone has said about it, it's just a nod
to when LF was changed. I never bothered to work out a build with it at that
point as I simply didn't need it (Didn't take it in the past due to its crash).

I agree that IO's and Global recharge are *very* desirable even without LF.

You don't need Big $ purples, but you'll definitely want/need set bonuses (esp.
recharge and ranged def) as a bi-form. Ranged Defense is very helpful for fighting
in Nova form (much less damage, fewer mezzes, and easier Void kills, since they'll
often miss their first shot - by which time, they're dead).

You don't need anywhere near as much Recharge as you would for a perma LF
build, but you'll need enough to make Dwarf's attack chain and heal viable.

As a bi-form, I use human form *only* for general travel (more on that in a sec),
and buffs (both pre- and post-combat). You'll want the various buffs except
the shields - personally, I don't take Quantum Flight either.

I highly advocate stealth capability, because it let's you assess the battle, buff up
(Essence Boost, Hasten, Inner Light-Build-Up etc.) and get first shot surprise.
Usually, most (if not all) the minions are down and out after Detonation and Scatter.
A couple quick single target shots ensure it if they aren't. That usually leaves a
damaged Boss and a crippled Lt. or two to deal with at that stage while you're probably
still untouched - a pretty straight-forward fight to win.

Post combat, human form let's you fully recover from the fight right away should
you need to.

I'm a big fan of human form travel with Invisibility from the Stealth pool. You are
at capped stealth, with no travel penalty, and you can still use most of your self
buffs in that mode (one irritant - you can't open an Ouros Portal with Invis on).

Also handy is the fact that as soon as you switch to Nova, Invisibility automatically
shuts off, so you're buffed up, ready to go, and can attack right away.

Nova Detonation is a great opener due to the KB - most of the mobs are knocked
on their keester and can't alpha you while still being in range (due to your stealthy
approach) of your Scatter and ST attacks.

I tend to take Grant Invisibility instead of Stealth, so I can hide the Village Idiots
(Photon Seekers) for a super surprise attack They're typically up every other
fight or so, and while they're dumb as a post, with capped stealth, I can drag
them right into the fight as part of the opening attack - it works well.

Dwarf is my immediate fallback when: A> I get mezzed at all B> I've taken 1/2
my HP in dmg in Nova form C> a nasty Boss target(s) left to deal with

It's slower, but it's darn near indestructible, has nearly as much dmg resist as LF,
and comes with an escape button (tp) if things *really* go south.

As a bi-form, you can nicely (or fully) slot all your Nova and Dwarf attacks,
and still have enough slots to enhance your human buffs significantly.

Unlike Dech's MF-shade, you're not all forms at once (you don't want to be in
human unless the fight is over or yet to begin), but you do want the mindset
of flipping between Nova and Dwarf when it suits the circumstances.

Played that way, a Bi-Form PB is a very effective Blaster/Tanker blend if you
enjoy that sort of playstyle.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



This is all great. Since this would be my first PB/Kheld, I'd go with whatever's best. Haha. I mean, I'll take all the help I can get. I'll go ahead and look at all the builds you all wanna throw at me. Kinda... Wanna see what's best, who agrees on what, which path to take, etc etc. But this is all looking good.

Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
Yeah, I did ^_^". Mostly because I was in school and didn't have much time to make extravagant responses. He didn't say which path he was taking, so I assumed triform, since that is what most first time Khelds do anyways .

Also, I wanted to point out that, while Knockback protection is a good idea, I don't think it's necessary once you can perma-Lightform. Lightform provides some crazy numbers against knockback and makes those measely +4 KB protections utterly useless, whereas you could use those valuable slots elsewhere.

Here is my build:
uc=1772&c=770&a=1540&f=HEX&dc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

IF you're going triform, this build may/may not help you. This build is entirely dependent on a couple things:

1.) Lightform. Must have. Must be perma'd. Must be reapplied whenever possible.

2.) Recharge bonuses. 145% with hasten is the hot spot (I think). This build goes way over that. I'm not sure if you've seen any of Dechs Kaison's posts or his knowledge on Kheldians, but he's made one thing very apparent; Recharge Bonuses weigh heavily into the efficiency equation that is the Kheldian. What I mean by that is that the more often our powers are up, the more options we have. Options are power. Power is good.

The moral? Get plenty of IO sets with recharge time bonuses. Also, Luck of the Gambler (Defense IO) +Global Recharge is a great one slot enhancement. Find five places to slot this baby and you've got yourself a whopping 37.5% recharge time bonus already. And they're relatively cheap, too!

3.) Shape shifting. If you just aren't into the forms, then this build is not for you. Nova is extremely useful for causing wide-spread pain across multiple enemies, where as human form is fantastic for single target with a radiant strike, bolt, gleaming blast attack chain. Some people find Dwarf form to close to useless, but I beg to differ. Solar Flare is a great way to mitigate damage. When enemies are on their bottoms, they aren't swinging at you. Also, the Dwarf heal is quite extraordinary. And a short cooldown to boot!

The idea is that (I'm quoting Dechs once again) "You are all forms at all times. Thinking anything else will cripple you without you even realizing it." Basically; switch into the form you deem worthy to meet the situation so that you can prevail and scream upon the corpses of your enemies "I'M THE MFING PEACEBRINGER!"... Huh? There's no MFing Peacebringer guide yet? Pft, I'm sure he gets the point. ()

So how do you go about switching forms swiftly and effectively? Macros, good sir. Macros. Here are some that I use. (inspired by... guess who? I'll give you a hint. His name starts with a D and ends in Kaison. )

/bind R "powexectoggleon White Dwarf$$gototray 9$$bind shift+lbutton powexecname white dwarf step"

This macro switches you into White Dwarf form and changes your FIRST power tray to 9. You can now place all of your White Dwarf powers in Tray 9.

/bind Z "powexectoggleon Bright Nova$$gototray 8"

This macro switches you into Bright Nova form and changes your FIRST power tray to 8. You can now place all of your Bright Nova powers in Tray 8.

/bind alt+q "powexectoggleoff Bright Nova$$powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$gototray 1"

This power turns OFF your forms and brings you back to your original power tray. (1)

These are just a few handy dandy macro's that make your life as a triformer all the more easier and efficient.

All in favor of Dechs creating a MFing Peacebringer guide say "Aye!"
Seems there's an error downloading your file there. :/



Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
This is all great. Since this would be my first PB/Kheld, I'd go with whatever's best. Haha. I mean, I'll take all the help I can get. I'll go ahead and look at all the builds you all wanna throw at me. Kinda... Wanna see what's best, who agrees on what, which path to take, etc etc. But this is all looking good.
The thing about Kheldians is that there isn't precisely ONE correct way to play them. Besides Human Form only or Triform, there is Biform. There is also subcategories within those categories. Basically, one could boil it down to a choice between support/offense with each type. And, personally, I think all categories themselves are just as efficient as the other. It's really all about how much your invest into your build.

I support Triform mostly because I love shapeshifting. But there are a lot of statistical reasons I like Triform more as well. For Warshades, I feel like Dwarf adds a lot with the second Mire, which adds up a LOT of damage. For Peacebringers, Nova offers AoE damage human form really doesn't have and Dwarf form offers a third uber 1337 self-heal thats on a short cooldown. Plus, it gives Dwarf Flare, a place to slot armageddon. (You could do that with Solar Flare in human form, but Dwarf gives you mez protection, a heal, two melee powers to slot kinetic melee, AND a PBAoE to slot armageddon. catch my drift?).

Honestly, I'm about ready to write up a Peacebringer (triform) guide myself

Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
Seems there's an error downloading your file there. :/
Hmm... Did you try copying the crazy random numbers/letters and then importing them? The LINK "" itself is NOT the download for my build. It's the download for the program itself ^_^. If the import itself isn't working, I'll try posting my build again when I get home.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Okay okay. So I guess my next question would be... Instruct me on Tri-Form? Seems the conversation is swaying more to that side (Plus, I've worked with plenty PBs and WSs and I like all the shapeshifting, too) and I'm seeing it being quite... Fun.



Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
Okay okay. So I guess my next question would be... Instruct me on Tri-Form? Seems the conversation is swaying more to that side (Plus, I've worked with plenty PBs and WSs and I like all the shapeshifting, too) and I'm seeing it being quite... Fun.
I'm glad you've asked! The only question is... Where to begin? (I -really- need to write up a "MFing Peacebringer" inspired guide!)

Here is what the Peacebringer can bring to the table (besides Peace):
-2409.5 Capped health.
-85% resistance to everything besides psi-damage.
-Three amazing Self-Heals that, when slotted, each heal for over 50%, two with a short cooldown of 15 seconds or less.
-Incredible role versatility, able to successfully DPS and Tank, allowing just enough room for subtle off-healing.
-Perma'd Build Up.

The big thing that I find Triforming useful for is the utility it brings to the AT. Nova really makes up for the lack of (efficient) AoE damage in Human/Dwarf form. Dwarf form provides a fantastic self-heal, 2 powers to slot Kinetic Combat 4/5, one PBAoE power to slot Armageddon that can also keep enemies on the floor, and provides a taunt for you to tank/pull mobs with.

I've boiled the forms down into three categories:

-Human: Used for single target damage and to provide buffs such as Inner Light (Build Up on steroids) and Light Form (you're 85% resistance cap to everything but Psi-damage.) Also has two great self heals, one that increases maximum health, and provides energy discount buff that can be extremely useful to builds that perma Light Form. You can also toss out some decent ally single target heals in human form as well.

-Nova: Used to deal massive AoE damage from a ranged stand point. The Nova Gleaming Blast and Bolt aren't worth slotting, but just put a hami-origin acc/damage enhancement in both of them and they should be efficient enough.

-Dwarf: Used for healing and pulling mobs. I find that I don't use dwarf all too much simply because the damage output is relatively low. Instead, I switch over to taunt enemies off friends or to use the potent self heal it offers. But don't disregard Dwarf Flare as useless. Knocking enemies on their **** is a very good way to mitigate damage, and most people don't realize this. If the enemy is on the floor, they aren't swinging at you.

One thing I'd like to point out right away is this: Do NOT EVER think of yourself as a AT that shifts form to fulfill the role that a team needs. I said this above in my previous posts as well; this cripples you without you even realizing it. The whole idea is that you switch forms constantly, using whichever one that benefits you most to come out of the battle on top of the corpses of your enemies.

One thing you'll notice as a triformer is that all your toggles turn off whenever you switch forms. What does this mean? It means don't get toggles! But in reality, there are few toggles worth taking, even fewer worth mentioning. The Shields are an example of toggles NOT to get. Light Form provides all the resistance you need. I do find toggles such as combat jumping, manuevers, stealth, and the inherent combat flight to be useful when fighting AV's/GM's. You mostly stay human form for those battles anyways, so the added Defense on top of you're already epic resistances is very, very useful. Defense is perhaps the second best stat for a Peacebringer, only a tad bit behind Recharge Bonuses in my opinion.

As a triformer, I truly enjoy the fast paced playstyle of switching forms repeatably to handle the situations at hand. It offers a unique experience unlike any others I've felt in CoX.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Something to keep in mind as you're reading this, too, is the vastly different experiences we've all head with our khelds (and when we started.) I started back in I3, saw my first Kheld while my blaster was waiting outside a door in the Hollows and went "Oooh, want." I don't tend to build or plan with set bonuses in mind (though this is slowly changing.) I have nothing "perma," capped, folded, spindled or mutilated. Though I do have PBs from 4 or so to 50+. Love playing 'em. (Heck, I did the Incarnate unlock mission on SOs/HOs... not just with my khelds.)

Diggs, there, is a young whippersnapper who doesn't know how good he has it now. I'd say keep his plans in mind for longer term/stretch goals - because they'll need to be. You've got some buying and planning to do.

With your kheld, since this IS your first one:

1. Run the respec trials as they come up.

You're *going* to be respeccing to shuffle slots around (remember the earlier comment about shuffling slots into the forms early - form attacks, to be clear.) You'll want respecs. I'd almost say preserve the second build for your late/final build, but since that basically starts "from level 1," you don't get to do that.

2. Buy early and often.

Some stuff (like the -KB IO I mentioned earlier - and lightform or no, you still have many levels between 7, when you can get it, and 38 when LF comes up) you'll use right away. Other stuff, you can bid and just let the bids sit and wait 'til they get filled.

3. Other IO considerations.

We have converters. Buy stuff you may not use later to frankenslot when you have fewer slots. Converters drop - use them to convert the "vendor trash" IOs into something useful, and use or sell them.

Also, if you don't mind spending money/points, as much as I kind of hate to say it, you can just outright *buy* some of these sets at the paragon market. The biggest benefit, IMHO, is that you can slot them as early as possible for the set and keep them - they won't stay at "low level" effectiveness, since they're attuned and level with you (as I recall.) Of course, you can't sell them off later.



Hmm... So here's what I've gotten so far: Play with my PB until 50, use some respecs to swap around some slots, IO the crap outta him with said IO sets from you all, and then rule the world? Does that uh, does that about cover it all? Haha.

No, I get what you're all saying. Respecs are no problem. I have plenty saved up, and I'll probably run the trials anyway. (For levels, badges, whatever) I have some influence I can throw around from another toon of mine. (He's just hoarding all the goodies) IOs... Well, can't say I've ever used any but I guess this would be a good start. Assuming I figure out which to use. (I also have some ATIOs lying around in my emails so... Maybe slot that set?) Everything here seems pretty cutthroat, all the info I mean. Just gotta start playing now and have some fun, eh?

1 final question, not that anyone has to, but... To see what I'd be heading for/setting a goal for, would someone mind creating a quick build for me on Mids and showing me what ALL THE INFO from this thread would look like in the end?

Thank you,
Polypro Ninja



Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
1 final question, not that anyone has to, but... To see what I'd be heading for/setting a goal for, would someone mind creating a quick build for me on Mids and showing me what ALL THE INFO from this thread would look like in the end?
No. No one can do that. Because your PB will not look like anyone else's. That's half of what these guys are saying.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Diggs, there, is a young whippersnapper who doesn't know how good he has it now.
Hey now, ive been around since issue 1! I was just to young in age to comprehend how to use AT's correctly then . I do remember the problems PB used to have though lol.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
Hmm... So here's what I've gotten so far: Play with my PB until 50, use some respecs to swap around some slots, IO the crap outta him with said IO sets from you all, and then rule the world? Does that uh, does that about cover it all? Haha.

No, I get what you're all saying. Respecs are no problem. I have plenty saved up, and I'll probably run the trials anyway. (For levels, badges, whatever) I have some influence I can throw around from another toon of mine. (He's just hoarding all the goodies) IOs... Well, can't say I've ever used any but I guess this would be a good start. Assuming I figure out which to use. (I also have some ATIOs lying around in my emails so... Maybe slot that set?) Everything here seems pretty cutthroat, all the info I mean. Just gotta start playing now and have some fun, eh?

1 final question, not that anyone has to, but... To see what I'd be heading for/setting a goal for, would someone mind creating a quick build for me on Mids and showing me what ALL THE INFO from this thread would look like in the end?

Thank you,
Polypro Ninja
Regarding respecs: You'll want to do one on leveling to 6 and picking Bright Nova, for the exact same reason in Dechs' MFing Warshade guide.



Originally Posted by Mister Gerald View Post
Regarding respecs: You'll want to do one on leveling to 6 and picking Bright Nova, for the exact same reason in Dechs' MFing Warshade guide.
This isn't quite true, though. If using the Gleaming Bolt in your attack chain or obtaining essence boost or even Gleaming Blast, you could put slots there as well. You could also put a slot in Health for Numina +Health/Rec and Miracle +Rec.

But slotting Nova is also a wise way to go. I think it's more a matter of preference.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
This isn't quite true, though. If using the Gleaming Bolt in your attack chain or obtaining essence boost or even Gleaming Blast, you could put slots there as well. You could also put a slot in Health for Numina +Health/Rec and Miracle +Rec.

But slotting Nova is also a wise way to go. I think it's more a matter of preference.
I forgot to say "assuming you want a triformer," but I thought it was understood as I referred him to a triformer guide. Mea culpa, but human AoEs don't have the same oomph as Novas do, and especially not with the KG Form Empowerment. Slots are at a premium on all triformers, especially while leveling up.



Originally Posted by Polypro Ninja View Post
1 final question, not that anyone has to, but... To see what I'd be heading for/setting a goal for, would someone mind creating a quick build for me on Mids and showing me what ALL THE INFO from this thread would look like in the end?
Consider a Kheld a Jack of all Trades, Master of None but in leveling up and/or seeing what other people are doing you might then wish to specialize in doing one thing or a couple of somethings, that's what people can do for you really but even then you should round things off with your own touches.

It's entirely possible to remain be a Jack of all Trades and be pretty viable, still farm 54s*8, still tank STFs, still solo AVs, be a duct tape defender or blapper, just perhaps not as exceptional at any one thing as those that focus on a speciality.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Mister Gerald View Post
Regarding respecs: You'll want to do one on leveling to 6 and picking Bright Nova, for the exact same reason in Dechs' MFing Warshade guide.
I'm actually not quite as big on this for a PB (despite mentioning it elsewhere) for one simple reason - Essence Boost at 4. Warshades don't really get anything quite so important so early. So at most you'd be shuffling two slots.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'm actually not quite as big on this for a PB (despite mentioning it elsewhere) for one simple reason - Essence Boost at 4. Warshades don't really get anything quite so important so early. So at most you'd be shuffling two slots.

I'll take my 6 slotted Orbiting Death over your flying sushi any day of the week.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'm actually not quite as big on this for a PB (despite mentioning it elsewhere) for one simple reason - Essence Boost at 4. Warshades don't really get anything quite so important so early. So at most you'd be shuffling two slots.
Me either, for much the same reason - it only shuffles two slots around, and with
Inherent Health, Fitness, EB, there's plenty of places to put them early anyway --
unless you're a person who *likes* doing respecs (personally, I *hate* em)

To the OP:

For your first PB, I'd recommend playing it far enough to take both Nova and Dwarf.

My reason? Experience.

Experience how each form behaves, and get a sense of what they're good for,
and what fits your particular playstyle. As others have noted, there are a LOT
of ways to build and play a PB -- all of them viable, but different in terms of
playstyle, tactics, etc. Your fun probably differs from my fun or Bill's fun.

You'll want to get a sense of how you want to play your PB, and having tried
the various forms is important for that (imho). Respecs are easy once you know
what you want and of course, you have multiple builds to use as well.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You want to read The MFing Peacebringer guide.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'm actually not quite as big on this for a PB (despite mentioning it elsewhere) for one simple reason - Essence Boost at 4. Warshades don't really get anything quite so important so early. So at most you'd be shuffling two slots.
To each their own, of course, but if you're going triform, those two extra slots in Nova blasts will help early on.



Just a recap for any other would be PBs out there. The human only build I posted in this thread is now 50+3. The only change is I went with Ageless instead of rebirth, because I have found that my PB is more sturdy than any tank/brute I have played, I dont need the extra regen.

Perma light-form with 2khps, and a big heal every 20 seconds mean I have never had issues with survivability. So I went with ageless to give me even more room on high recharge powers and some extra end when the AOEs start going.

Single target attack chain is Radiant -> Gleaming blast -> Gleaming bolt. Find a boss use this chain on them and then blast the others with photon seakers, solar flare and luminous detonation. All dead after a few rounds of this. The knockback is actually fun because 2 of the 3 powers are ranged so you dont lose too much in DPS chasing the target around. But it feels OOhh so powerful when you juggle the boss.

This toon is the closest I can get to Iron man in the game. High defense, ranged blasts, good melee powers, flying, and a couple of nukes.

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