Seems rather dead, both in the forums and on the server.
I recently came back to COH after a long hiatus and made my first character on Exalted.
Since he is mostly going to solo anyway it shouldn't be a problem but it is a shame to see such a lack of a player base here. Maybe it's just a misconception on my part.
Anyway I am looking to find some in game friends since all the ones in my Global have apparently left, never to return again. It would be nice to know there is life out there...............................somewhere!
There's still life on this server. It's just that after the transfers of higher characters and the rush rush rush to get some others to 50, all that's left are the ones who level their characters semi-naturally by soloing like me, and since the server is new and the solo grind does take a while and nothing's really pushing us to do it that fast. My highest level character here is still only 28 atm and I still have a lot of lowbies since any new characters I make for concept or whatever are still fairly low. My main servers are still Freedom and Virtue, so there's that, too. We're all here still enjoying the game and that journey to 50 is still what it's all about, no rush, really. The server is still new, and so the average level of a character here is still fairly low, that's all. As the server matures, so will the average level and the total number of characters here. Heck, I don't even know what the main global chat room names are here yet. *runs off to check*
The Server is alive and well,
We're all still here and kicking.
Hope to see you around,
Feel free to say hi,
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

I'm there too, when I don't have screaming 2 year old boy of destruction to watch +.+
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
No posts here since the 4th Figured I give Exalted thread some life....Hi All!