Prestige issues when base editing
I've never experienced it personally, but I've heard of other people having that issue.
Strange. Moreso because it was such a large difference. The only time I've had base prestige go negative is when I've spent most all of it, and my membership dropped (below 20), loosing me the "first 20" joining bonus for that toon.

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I believe this is just a display error; your prestige should still be at ~82k or whatever you had left over.
I may be wrong, but I seem to remember that this could be fixed by selling an object to jump the system. Otherwise, I guess just wait for it to fix itself. :\
The Sixth Column
"Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue."
Izaak Walton
Try logging all the way out and see if it doesn't sort itself out. Sometimes I had to wait a little bit before trying again. Normally I only run into this on edit binges or large value purchase/delete sessions.
I've done a lot of building lately and seen the prestige issue several times, most recently today on the beta server. It's more than a display error, because it often takes me into the red so I can't do anything, but I've stopped giving it much thought as I seem to remember reading it was already bugged and is self-correcting anyway as soon as the system checks itself. It has been taking anywhere from 5-15 minutes for that to happen for me, no matter whether I sell, or alter prestige in other ways. Anyhow, it all comes back, so don't fret.
I believe this is just a display error; your prestige should still be at ~82k or whatever you had left over.
I may be wrong, but I seem to remember that this could be fixed by selling an object to jump the system. Otherwise, I guess just wait for it to fix itself. :\ |
I've seen this several times. I think it's got something to do with placing expensive items/rooms. It always seems to be subtracting the cost twice.
145+50 for the room and mainframe = 195.
113+82 = also 195.
My theory checks out with the story.
It seems to correct itself after a while.
Tonight I was editing my modest base. I had saved up ~280k prestige, bought a control room for 145k and a mainframe for 50k. I was left with around 82k prestige in the group account. I exited the base builder because I was thinking to save up to buy an enhancement storage, but decided to go back and see if I could add an oboros portal thing. When I reopened the editor my prestige was dropped to -113k. I logged on with the leader to see if it wasn't just a problem with the character and the prestige was still -113k. So I sent a petition and logged off in a bad mood. I just logged on again a minute ago and sure enough I was back to 82k prestige.
Anyone else experiencing anything like this?