Players on the same server with the same name




And I'm wrong. Not the first time, and likely won't be the last. Thank you for correcting me.

So, how to explain the screenshot? Back to square one...



The exalted server was hammered, with a newish name reserving system.

That's how I would explain it. Not too much a strech to reserve two names.

How they could also log in at the same time without the server going Bamf is the puzzle.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Yes. I was under the impression that crossing the streams was bad.



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
The exalted server was hammered, with a newish name reserving system.

That's how I would explain it. Not too much a strech to reserve two names.

How they could also log in at the same time without the server going Bamf is the puzzle.
Pure "luck."

Note the back and forth tells happen to look like I'm sending tells to myself. Neither of us had logged out by that time - we were on steam or TS or something and had a "OK, I've got her name reserved." "Wait, what? I have it reserved." "No way. Did you put in a space or something?" conversation, then made sure to get away from everyone to compare.



Reminds me of a player that I group with now and then who we call Bar Code. Their name is actually something like: IIIlIlII1ll

Not exactly, but you get the idea.



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
And I'm wrong. Not the first time, and likely won't be the last. Thank you for correcting me.

So, how to explain the screenshot? Back to square one...
Is the l in one of the "Valkyrie"'s a capital I?



Originally Posted by Lucretia_MacEvil View Post
Is the l in one of the "Valkyrie"'s a capital I?
No. Friend's character name is Vakyrierising. We were just happening to try to snag it for her at the same time. So we would have no reason to misspell it.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I may actually *have* said screen shot. I'd have to look. (A friend and I were both trying to reserve another friend's name, since she was having some issue trying to log on... surprisingly *cough.*)

Note that we'd coordinated after to try and see if it could happen again - couldn't get it to.

Hahaha... What's funny about the screenshot is I was thinking that one of you was being a wiseass by mimicking what the other one sent in a tell... then I suddenly realized that a tell sent to someone with the same name would come to you... haha... crazy.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No. Friend's character name is Vakyrierising. We were just happening to try to snag it for her at the same time. So we would have no reason to misspell it.
(I fully believe that neither of you misspelled it at the time, but this was just humorous enough to point out)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post

(I fully believe that neither of you misspelled it at the time, but this was just humorous enough to point out)

And I say again, :P

... ok, yes, that is amusing, but still.