What the?!? We still are below dominators and Masterminds?!?




What the heck!

We still have lower numbers then dominators and masterminds.

See the numbers on the side of the forum sections.

We need to change that.

We need next issue to be the age of the Stalker.

I am going to admit...I am actualy trying to get players to play stalkers because I am tired of all the blasters and scrappers and stuff.

So far a few vocal players have gotten scared....with their threads that they need more enhancement for blasters scrappers and brutes...which makes me laugh.

But I am hoping anyone who reads this will go out...and actively promote Stalkers.

Its time we become higher then 5th from the bottom.

By the way...most new Stalkers I do play with....I tend to give them a piece from the Stalker's guile set....I bought alot of pieces because I could...so its my way of supporting Stalkers as a whole.

And because even non-vips can use them....and even if you cant drag one to them or trade one...you can still send them...via ingame email....so i found a way around.



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
We still have lower numbers then dominators and masterminds.

See the numbers on the side of the forum sections.
Do you mean the number of posts? Even with a massively revived interest in Stalkers, it's still been only one month of catching up against years of head start.



Well with enough numbers....that wont matter for long.

Thats why we need to be higher.

We need to make this game city of Stalkers!!!

Down With The Tyrant Other Archtypes! o_o



I don't think it's that bad, honestly. We're the only ones capable of some serious burst damage, and besides, our strength lies not only in our basic stats, but the weapons we have at our disposal.

Not really surprised about being weaker than Masterminds, considering they're harder to play and have strength in numbers, but the Dominator part....Hmm....

I gotta check this out.



This kind of thing really needs to stop.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
This kind of thing really needs to stop.
The comparison between different ATs because everyone's aiming for the number one spot of Best AT? Yeah, it does, but it's what keeps us going!



Originally Posted by Synesence View Post
The comparison between different ATs because everyone's aiming for the number one spot of Best AT? Yeah, it does, but it's what keeps us going!
Comparisons are fine but this is nothing more than thinly veiled lobbying just like the other threads of this type. I did get a note that made it clear these types of threads get all the attention they deserve....that made me a bit happy inside.

Lobby away.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



well go figure.

They have alot more of these types of threads on the other archtype boards.

But you do bring up a good point Darth...in one way....

Someone needs to clean up this forum section a bit.

Some of the stickies at the top are super dated.

And the top one....needs a serious update.

There are some top notch builds players have been making that are just not easily found.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
This kind of thing really needs to stop.
Thank you.