Good news.




Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
Well if any recall i made a "Grave news" thread a while back, .
Q2: How dose one choose a color for there room. I'm trying to think what i want and how to do it but can't narrow it down it seems. Form a basic color for all or going a little art like and doing some "tricks"(like waves or clouds, etc).
Planetarium Blue works for me, but I have a Celestial theme in my bedroom. It's not for everyone. Victorian Garnet is also a favorite of mine and it's less stressful on the eyes.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
I live in North Carolina (North-Eastern area) and I have TWC's Roadrunner. Customer service over the phone/internet is utter garbage (speaking from experience) but all of their service technicians that have come out have been knowledgeable and very helpful. If the price is within your budget I'd go with them as the signal is pretty reliable most of the time.
I used to have Time Warner when I lived in SC. Getting them to do anything over the phone was a miracle. You have my sympathies.



Originally Posted by Aleusha View Post
I used to have Time Warner when I lived in SC. Getting them to do anything over the phone was a miracle. You have my sympathies.

I've been with them ever since they absorbed the Adelphia office here... I forget how many years its been, but I have yet to receive my free e-mail addresses from them. Adelphia was the same way.



I know this may be a strange concept in this day and age, but talk to your new neighbors.

When I moved a few years ago I met two neighbors who gave me a lot of good information about the area and warned me that Comcast Cable went to heck any time it rained. Saved myself a lot of head aches. One of them even became a friend, but only Local not Global.



This link may be helpful. I know the Pennsylvania version was invaluable while we were house hunting (almost bought acreage with a beautiful view and great location but absolutely no broadband solution aside from satellite). In PA, providers were required by law to accurately report their coverage and this map feeds off that data. Not sure if the same applies to NC.

Use tools-->identify provider to select all available providers for a selected spot.