Liger Pet Problems




Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
Point taken. ;-)

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Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
It's apparently based on some movie called Napoleon Dynamite I never heard of, not real ligers. Which is unfortunate.
You'd never heard of Napolean Dynamite? I wish I was that lucky.




Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
Well, the whole MOVIE is unfunny, so... But actually putting in an April Fool's reference to it? Comic gold.
Making it an April Fool's joke was great. Actually putting it in game, not so much. I'd rather have had the Bee Bark.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Making it an April Fool's joke was great. Actually putting it in game, not so much. I'd rather have had the Bee Bark.
Oh, I'd have paid double for the bee bark.

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

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Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
Oh, I'd have paid double for the bee bark.

I got the jungle pack thing because well, maybe a mad scientist would like that horrible thing.

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Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
Well, the whole MOVIE is unfunny, so... But actually putting in an April Fool's reference to it? Comic gold.

Forumites falling all over themselves to critique anatomy of feline hybrids as the joke whooshes over their heads? Comic UNOBTANIUM.
It's about as funny as someone taking a dump in your lunch box.


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Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
You know, if they were going to include a cat with a scorpion tail... couldn't they have just gone the extra little bit? Make the face human like, and call it a Manticore pet!
Manticores have wings

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Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
Well, the whole MOVIE is unfunny, so... But actually putting in an April Fool's reference to it? Comic gold.

Forumites falling all over themselves to critique anatomy of feline hybrids as the joke whooshes over their heads? Comic UNOBTANIUM.
Has to do with the fact that I put a block on my memories of that movie. Thanks for undoing years of therapy. You monster.

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Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
Manticores have wings

Here's a link to the Medieval Bestiary.

You will notice a distinct lack of 'Wings' mentioned. Near as I can figure, Wings didn't come into play until modern Pen and Paper Role Playing Games.

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