My Two Cents on SBEs




Hey, I read a bunch of the replies to the SBE (Store Bought Enhancements for those of you who are like me and can't keep up with all the acronyms) discussion in TwoHeadedBoy's Peacebringer build thread, and I wanted to put in my two cents.

However, since his thread was specifically about his Peacebringer build, I figured I'd go ahead and made a thread specifically for this discussion, because I find it highly interesting and because I was tired of having everyone post an opinion directly followed by "sorry about thread derailment"

One particular thing jumped out at me in that thread:

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I don't get this sentiment. You "beat the game" your way, and someone else just paid to unlock it. He shortchanged himself out of what you would enjoy. It doesn't take anything away from your accomplishments. He doesn't post videos of a warshade soloing level 54 AVs. Even if he does, he can't boast the "I earned all this stuff the 'hard' way."

Nothing they do can take away from what you have done.
This is pretty much my sentiment. It isn't the enhancements that suddenly make a character good, although it helps. It is the PLAYER. I've always said that if I let some other inexperienced City of Heroes player jump on my Warshade (my fiance, for example) and try to play it, I guarantee you she wouldn't be able to be nearly as effective with it as I am.

Why? Because I'm an elitist and I think I'm better than everyone else? Well...maybe, but that's beside the point. No, it's because I've put over 2,000 hours on that single character alone (not including time spent on the other Kheldians I've created). Nothing beats experience. Nothing. That's what I want THB to realize. Sure, it may "cheapen" your experience if someone else buys all the same enhancements that you have and make the same "carbon copy" of a toon that you've made, what? All of those enhancements are available to everyone in the playerbase anyway. They'll get it via illegal means if they don't get it via NCSoft. Believe me, someone who is that set on copying you and trying to "act" like their toon is just as good as yours will do it. What they can't "automatically acquire" is the experience you have playing that AT. They can't automatically acquire the ability to solo lvl 54 AVs like THB has done. That takes experience, which is the result of time and practice.

I totally get where THB's are coming from, believe it or not... Technically, I could have been just as upset as him about the incarnate system when they released it... Why? Because it "cheapened" a lot of the accomplishments I had made with my human-only WS build up to that point. Taking on Malta, Arachnos, and Carnies with a human-only build used to be a pretty big accomplishment before Clarion, Lore pets, Reactive, and other iPowers, and I used to enjoy posting videos about being able to handle them before most people could. Now everyone can do that. Easily.

But...then I realized that the important thing wasn't that "only I" could do those things. It was the experienced gained from doing them before it became easy. No one else gets that--except for the people who purposefully challenge themselves to do it without "I win" powers... And those are the kind of people I want on my team.

My 20+ billion influence Warshade would probably play like crap in the hands of someone who didn't know what they were doing. And, I can take comfort in the fact that NCSoft will never be able to put "AlienOne's 2000+ hours experience on his Warshade" up for sale in the market.

However, if they do, then I better get a cut.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



On topic. I care about how people are when teamed with me. I care not for how they got there, not for what they do in their own personal time or even what they had for breakfast. I know people may feel robbed of their time for having to do things the time consuming way but the market is reliant on people paying for things from having to spend time going to work and doing stuff, maybe the prices aren't reflective, maybe they are.

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
My 20+ billion influence Warshade would probably play like crap in the hands of someone who didn't know what they were doing. And, guess what? I can take comfort in the fact that NCSoft will never be able to put "AlienOne's 2000+ hours experience on his Warshade" up for sale in the market.
I'm trying to get an idea of the average output of Dark Extraction can I watch you farm.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
On topic. I care about how people are when teamed with me.
I bet you that how they are when they're teamed with you will be more dependent upon their experience playing that character than it will how many purple sets they have slotted...

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I'm trying to get an idea of the average output of Dark Extraction can I watch you farm.
Are you on Freedom? If so, then, yeah, that's cool. If not, would a timed copy of my combat log from one run help in any way?


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I am on the same side as you Alien. Not to mention as a casual player (10 to 20 hours in a week tops) I find thst this kind of options being better and as I said before many times I don't think anyone who is not dedicated to this game will buy SBE's anyway since there are many gold farmers around the corner which just gives inf cheap.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
This is pretty much my sentiment. It isn't the enhancements that suddenly make a character good, although it helps. It is the PLAYER...Nothing beats experience.
Hmm...for some reason I thought of this.

Just because you wear the jersey and put on the kicks doesn't make you M.J.

Feel free to modify the lyrics while making application to COH.




Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I bet you that how they are when they're teamed with you will be more dependent upon their experience playing that character than it will how many purple sets they have slotted...
Gamers just have to use their noddle. People from other not too dissimilar games, table top games. They can read the figures, get the idea for themselves and seeing as your on Freedom turn into one of the best farmers ingame within a week, just ask my nephew :P

I should be able to trace you ingame unless you're on hide or somit XD

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



True story. I have met a variety of people in the game and I can tell you hands down that the people who are always bragging about how "expensive" their character is are the worst people to play with. Oddly enough, with all of the "prices" being so low lately, I bet those people who spent 30 Billion on enhancements are crying because everyone else can now afford to buy those formerly expensive things.

I find it sad that the whole concept of "experience" needs to even be stressed. But, I suppose it comes with the territory of having a long-running game like this. New people want to be able to come right in and rumble with the big dogs. Then they find out the hard way they need to go back to school.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



The way I look at it... long as more money is going to NCsoft to keep this game going...I'm happy.



I guess the reason the SBE's bother me is that selling gear is a line I've never seen any other MMO cross. (There may be others out there that have, and I just don't know about them, but none of the ones I've ever tried out/looked into did.) There's a variety of reasons why this could be a bad move, but I admit that I may be overreacting with regard to CoH. I don't like it, but it may turn out to be OK after all, given this particular game's culture and history.

So for the moment I guess you could say I'm concerned.



Originally Posted by DrGemini View Post
Oddly enough, with all of the "prices" being so low lately, I bet those people who spent 30 Billion on enhancements are crying because everyone else can now afford to buy those formerly expensive things.
I imagine that could be a factor in many peoples minds, whether consciously or unconsciously. It would hardly be the first time such a thing as happened.

As for myself...

I just don't see the addition of purples to the paragon market really changing much at the end of the day. Let's assume they put every purple on the market--hell, let's assume they put the PVP ones too. There are three things standing in the way of this turning into the Newbz with teh Shiniez scenario some are afraid of:

Availability: Purples (and PVPs) will naturally be more expensive than the currently rare priced recipe sets that have been released already. By how much? I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but let's say a full set costs 1,200-1,500 paragon points. That's roughly $15 for one set. One set will not make a noticeable difference, of course, so that person will have to obtain the rest of the purple sets he/she needs to get the rest of those juicy recharge bonuses. Which means he/she will have to plunk down $60 more for 4 other purple sets, or find some other way to obtain them. I just don't see that many people shelling out that much cash that often. Sure, some would, but not enough to really matter.

Competitiveness: Enhancement Converters now exist, and can be used to convert "junk" purples that one gets to both make money, and/or acquire the purple a person needs. Already prices have started moving in the market. These new purple SBEs offer nothing unique or better in contrast with the existing purple enhancements--indeed, they can be argued as inferior due to the inability to boost them.

Ability: Say one of those people with more money than playtime managed to pay up for all those purples. How are they better off? Let's assume they have a build. Would they know how to make full use of said build, if they didn't have a lot of time with their character to know how to play it efficiently? Doubtful. Question: How does a noob poorly playing a character affect anyone beyond the team that gets stuck with them? Answer: They don't. If the person in question HAS spent a lot of time playing the character (say it's a character they've had for years, but they suck at playing the market and just can't two pieces of influence to rub together to get it the old fashioned way) and they know how to play it in and out. Who do they hurt in outfitting their beloved character? Again, no one.

And so, with all the other options one has at ones disposal, one more option is hardly a tidal wave of badness that some are making it out to be. Those who disagree with the SBEs can vote with their wallet by abstaining to buy them (because quitting the game will prove nothing to the devs, they won't notice how or why you're gone--but they WILL datamine SBE sales), and those of the inclination to buy them in bulk will be providing money to keep my favorite game running for years to come. And neither group will affect my game (apart from keeping it running, of course ).



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I totally get where THB's are coming from, believe it or not... Technically, I could have been just as upset as him about the incarnate system when they released it... Why? Because it "cheapened" a lot of the accomplishments I had made with my human-only WS build up to that point.
Reminds me of some of the comments heard when another (non-superhero) game I play raised their level cap. People were upset about basically the same thing, but I looked at it more as opening up a different set of crazy things to be done. (Wouldn't really be how I look at it for anything in CoH though; that tends not to be how I find my fun here.)

Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I guess the reason the SBE's bother me is that selling gear is a line I've never seen any other MMO cross.
It's actually not that uncommon. Of the two other games I play, one has some moderately useful perks one can get by paying extra over their subscription, but they don't have an actual combat effect. Another is pretty much the opposite, nearly everything you can buy could be called gear, and some has significant advantages over options that don't involve anyone spending cash on them. (There's also one game I once played that was -really- weird. It wasn't F2P - that hadn't even become a seriously considered market model at the time - but whenever you bought gametime you received a whole pile of stuff. Most of which I was never sure how to use anyway. Well, except for the quantity of ingame cash, which has obvious applications.) And as for games I haven't played... well, there's some real doozies out there.

Even if they don't touch anything about the way procs work, I'd still call CoH a very mild example of the phenomenon. Nothing that gives a gamebreaking advantage, nothing you have to keep buying again and again to use. (Yeah, there're consumables, but that's different. I once heard about a game where cash bought equipment would break over time, on top of it being staggeringly more powerful than anything else.)


Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
I should probably also note that some of the more popular rare recipe sets are not (from the last time I looked) available full time to buy (either in set form or otherwise).
Ehhhh... you *sure* about that? I'm pretty sure in the discussion in beta on this someone said that none of the have ever been removed. And I know all the ones I can remember are still there. The only gaps I'm seeing are for enhancements that have never had SBEs in the first place. (And I've really gotta wonder when they'll get Explosive Strike in there...)




I actually think SBEs are good for this game. It takes away the power of the "black market" by giving people a way to legally buy things. And, it puts more of that money in the pocket of the game developers rather than going to a bunch of people who are really doing it illegally.

Also, keep in mind that the store-bought enhancements are "attuned" and are account bound. It isn't like you can go spend your points on them and turn around and make a profit on them.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



Originally Posted by Morganite View Post
Ehhhh... you *sure* about that? I'm pretty sure in the discussion in beta on this someone said that none of the have ever been removed. And I know all the ones I can remember are still there. The only gaps I'm seeing are for enhancements that have never had SBEs in the first place. (And I've really gotta wonder when they'll get Explosive Strike in there...)
Hmm, how odd. I could have sworn they'd taken down the LotG and kin combat sets the week after they dropped. Perhaps they put them back up at some future point? Regardless, they're sure to be expensive, so the rest of my point stands. I'll edit my post to remove that last bit.



Originally Posted by DrGemini View Post
I actually think SBEs are good for this game. It takes away the power of the "black market" by giving people a way to legally buy things.

You Wentworth heroes are all the same. Filthy creatures. Leave the Black Market alone!



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You Wentworth heroes are all the same. Filthy creatures. Leave the Black Market alone!
I'm pretty sure you know that's not what I mean by "black market".

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



Originally Posted by DrGemini View Post
Oddly enough, with all of the "prices" being so low lately, I bet those people who spent 30 Billion on enhancements are crying because everyone else can now afford to buy those formerly expensive things.
I once built a SG base for my lesser played toons, filled it with untold billions of inf worth of IO's and orange salvage and then over time one by one dropped every toon but one out of the SG, then accidentally deleted that toon!

So I lost out on more than 30 billion and was very close to crying lol.

On topic: I find it hard to care either way about SBE's, as long as no advantage is being sold (IE: As long as they fix the PPM formula).

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post