Personal Opinion Time! (whats the best server?)
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
Like already said - Freedom/Virtue have the highest populations. Plenty of good folks on their (and a few doofuseseses) but they don't define the server.
I've also really enjoyed playing on Champion. It's like the entire server is a big SG in certain ways, several active global channels but the iTrials are a bit of a pain to form. Usually only one going at a time, so if end-game is your thing it'll be a slow road.

Seriously, to answer the OP:
Hi, i used to play this game back when it was p2p, and now im back! I just got some paragon points for my b-day and before i start buying extra character slots n such i just wanted to make sure im in the "right" server
Second, as mentioned above, the "right" server is the one where you're going to have fun.
- If you have any friends already playing the game, check with them,
- I would also suggest checking the section of the forums dedicated to each server, as I firmly believe that the people most present on these forums are also the most active in-game.
I crossed a few servers off my list (and moved some characters elsewhere) after running across some unsavory forum dwellers...
looking for English, decent amount of people but still with light load time, any help would be appreciated thanks.
- We're not the most-heavily populated, but that just means you're going to come across less doofuses per square mile than on, say, Freedom (the percentage of said doofuses are roughly the same across servers, only the number and density differ)
- From my experience, we have no shortage of game-savvy and helpful people (the Mentor Project originated from Protector...)
- We have a fair number of active and thriving Global Channels (see 1st link above)
- We haz (had?) a Puma !
There are servers out there where getting into the specific iTrial you want, or TF you want may take a week or 2 of waiting.

Lemme guess... you only play on the Test server ?
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
First, a warning: if you're not familiar with "Global Character Slots" and "Server Character Slots", you may want to read this thread first - it might save you some aggravation later.
Second, as mentioned above, the "right" server is the one where you're going to have fun.
Never forget that you're playing the game to have fun; if you aren't enjoying yourself then there's no reason to play.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Like already said - Freedom/Virtue have the highest populations. Plenty of good folks on their (and a few doofuseseses) but they don't define the server.
I thought the high population there would be a place where I could transfer my alts and get some iTrials in during the morning hours when my server wasn't so busy. I got into a BAF - it failed. The leader then proceeded to queue us for a UGT without even asking who had clarion - and we didn't even get past the first AV. I lead MoUGT on my server on a regular basis, lol. Then it was a failed BAF again! That was all it took to let me know to stay away from Freedom. It's fine for general missions, I'm sure, as there's nothing too tough below incarnate level. But, the sheer foolishness of leaders not scoping out team composition and lack of direction was just sad. The league was like 23 soloists all on the same map.
I scoped out Infinity - where I came across some of the nicest people anyone would ever meet. They weren't that up on tactics - at least not at that early hour, but they were good people to spend time with.
Liberty has Mo iTrials, MSRs and Hami Raids on a regular basis. (as I'm sure most other servers do as well.
Wherever you go, do a channel search and join that servers global channels - at least until you make some friends.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
I pick Virtue. I'm not a RPer myself, but I've never felt left out or ostracized because of that. Teams are pretty easy to come by, as well as an occasional request for a TF,SF, or incarnate trial which pop up quite frequently. The people there are friendly and have been extremely helpful, especially when it came to questions about builds and concepts. I now consider it home.
Freedom?....Well, it was my first pick, but I had difficulty finding any sort of team for anything other than farms or DFB in general (seriously, I saw alot of that on their help channel.) First time I asked a build question, I was told to "run DFB till 50". So, yeah bad first impressions
@Ukaserex - Player notes are your friend. I play on freedom, and I know there are a lot of idiots on the server, but there are lots of genuinely great folks playing too - like anywhere. A good SG goes a long way too.
@Rufus - It's not a server for the tenderhearted.
But seriously though, I have 30+ toons on Freedom and play it much more than I play anywhere else. It's nice to be able to get a TF/iTrial together in 5-10 minutes (and often less). With a higher population for a player-base comes a higher amount of trolls. Can't have one without the other...and it's easy enough to disregard the folks that just want to take away from my happy-fun-pretendy-superpower time.
@Ukaserex - Player notes are your friend. I play on freedom, and I know there are a lot of idiots on the server, but there are lots of genuinely great folks playing too - like anywhere. A good SG goes a long way too.
![]() @Rufus - It's not a server for the tenderhearted. ![]() But seriously though, I have 30+ toons on Freedom and play it much more than I play anywhere else. It's nice to be able to get a TF/iTrial together in 5-10 minutes (and often less). With a higher population for a player-base comes a higher amount of trolls. Can't have one without the other...and it's easy enough to disregard the folks that just want to take away from my happy-fun-pretendy-superpower time. |
As a reformed PKer from another NCsoft MMO, I know what it's like when someone tries to ruin your game and cause grief. I don't wish that on anybody

@Ukaserex - Player notes are your friend. I play on freedom, and I know there are a lot of idiots on the server, but there are lots of genuinely great folks playing too - like anywhere. A good SG goes a long way too.
![]() @Rufus - It's not a server for the tenderhearted. ![]() But seriously though, I have 30+ toons on Freedom and play it much more than I play anywhere else. It's nice to be able to get a TF/iTrial together in 5-10 minutes (and often less). With a higher population for a player-base comes a higher amount of trolls. Can't have one without the other...and it's easy enough to disregard the folks that just want to take away from my happy-fun-pretendy-superpower time. |
Mind you, that's just my experience. Infinity has some very wonderful people on it as well. Or perhaps, I've just been very fortunate on those few occasions when I log in to that server.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Everytime I hear people claiming there's no teaming problems on their low pop server ever, all I can hear is: USA! USA! USA! USA!
Like it or not, some of us are (gasp!) foreigners or may not play at peak hours. When there's, literally, one or two dozens level 41-50 characters on through search, half of them already teamed up in a TF or trial, a few AFK and a few soloing, no matter how proactive you are you will not get enough warm bodies to start a Manticore TF or a Dr Keyes trial. ****, even starting ITFs, RSFs or BAFs is hard on some servers at times. And by "at times" I mean "most of the day" on something like Vigilance.
(Admittedly, being willing to wait one hour to start an ingame activity is already complete insanity by my standards. A ten minute wait already qualifies as way too long when your playtime is something you try to sneak in between your social life.)
Triumph the Insult Comic Server is best.........
(no, I'm not going to finish that sentence. =P )
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I see a big downside to low population servers in waiting for building teams/trials/TFs.
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server