Help! Not Enough Buttons! (Fire/Dual Blades)




Take anything you don't use often and relegate to a tray that you can click on. Most armors, mission transporter, etc.

Decide which buttons you hit regularly or need to be able to hit quickly frequently. Even on my dominator I find that isn't much maybe 14-16 max.

Number the powers you chose from 1-whatever with the order of use

List the keys you use for your power in order of comfort to use. Eg which keys can your hand reach most easily, which are a bit of a stretch.

Match the two lists. I personally would learn to turn with a mouse for more precise control as well but that's just an aside to, how do you bind your powers.

I'd say you have a lot of powers you really don't need on the tray or, you really don't necessarily need bound so you can immediately hit the button.



Originally Posted by slythetic View Post
Take anything you don't use often and relegate to a tray that you can click on. Most armors, mission transporter, etc.

Decide which buttons you hit regularly or need to be able to hit quickly frequently. Even on my Dominator I find that isn't much maybe 14-16 max.

Number the powers you chose from 1-whatever with the order of use

List the keys you use for your power in order of comfort to use. Eg which keys can your hand reach most easily, which are a bit of a stretch.

Match the two lists. I personally would learn to turn with a mouse for more precise control as well but that's just an aside to, how do you bind your powers.

I'd say you have a lot of powers you really don't need on the tray or, you really don't necessarily need bound so you can immediately hit the button.
Well, yes, that's basically what I've done already. The location for each power (on the first two trays) has evolved over time. I didn't just toss them in at random... Tray 3 IS slightly random - those two Dual Blades attacks are in completely random spots.

2, 3, 4, & 5 are the buttons that I have always used most. 6 is a stretch, but still critical sometimes, since that's where my Heal is. Ditto for Alt-6, that's Consume - for 'healing' my Blue bar.

1 is for Sands of Mu, which I use whenever the situation warrants. For instance, if I have a nice cone lined up, or I'm waiting another couple seconds for one of my main attacks to come up.

Alt-1 is for pulling (Blackwand) and Alt-2 for nailing that Runner (Nemesis). I might not need 'pulling' in such a high-priority spot, but I do need to be able to cap that runner swiftly. The other thing I use those powers for, is pulling bad-guys off of 'my' squishies - "You Leave My Squishie Alone!!" <Bonk!>

Remember, Taunt is shorter range, than either of the wands.

I'm not sure which powers you think I 'really don't need', but which are taking up space that I could otherwise use. Still, I need to figure out a new layout, if I'm going to get stuff to where I can use it.

Be Well!



It's mostly guessing. I wasn't trying to offend. I personally use a different setup so I have to kind of guess and just gave a general recommendation to binding. Generally looking at an mmo players screen I probably consider about 1/2 to be too cluttered, that might be a me thing, I'm a minimalist when it comes to screen real estate.

For example, I'd toss all your grey buttons, I'd pull with taunt when it was required or I'd make someone snipe it if a true pull was needed. Again, I'm not saying your way is wrong, only that I hate buttons with very situational uses.

You have jump pack and super jump, why? An honest question, how often do you use rest especially on a fire. Do you really need another melee attack that is unslotted for sands? Your answer to all these might be "YES I NEED!" but they're good sorts of questions to ask when thinking about cleaning up your ui.

Shrug, anyway. It was really just answering in general how to clean up your tray. And like the guy with a garage he can't put his car in I always suggest that people not hoard and decide what they really need. That is mostly up to you.

Depending on your key set up you might want to try moving any button you just rarely click on ala rest, maybe your portals, to a side bar and your toggles to another one. Kind of of like blacks screen. That way you've filed your abilities so to speak.

Your screen, what you feel comfortable with. Just my 2c



I had a similar issue back when I was playing a Ranger on Aion (my basic rotation had about 13 abilities, and then there were the situational and buff abilities on top of those, plus targeting keys and consumables). I changed my gaming setup to the following:

Keyboard: Wolf King Warrior

Mouse: Razar Naga

My Aion Ranger came very close to needing more buttons than this setup allowed, but nothing since has even come close to taxing the number of buttons I have in my setup.

Unfortunately, as I was searching for links for my setup, I found out that not only is the Wolf King Warrior off the market, the company doesn't even exist anymore. There are still some out there in online shops, but they've jacked the price up several fold (original MSRP was $30 USD). I don't know offhand what other gaming keyboard options are on the market right now, but that may be a viable avenue in your search for more buttons.



What I do is the ones I use the most IE attacks/travel/taunt I have in trey 1, the toggles for def i put in trey 2 anything else that i do not use often I put in trey 3, I do not have a Screen Shot of it atm but I will later tonight after work. But it works out great for me.



Everyone seems to have their own set-up. I use my mouse to steer by holding down the right button, while using only W and S for forward and back movement. Then I have easy reach to the number buttons for my main attacks on 1-7 in Tray 1.

I also have a Razer Naga Mouse with 17 buttons, so I bind powers on long recharges to buttons on the mouse. I use CityBinder to manage my binds, which makes it easy to set up a standard pattern for my binds. Since I use the mouse to steer, all of the buttons on the mouse gives me easy access to 11 buttons for powers (I save three for travel powers).

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Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Looking at that tray, you've got a lot of things in the primary trays that you don't need immediate keyboard access to. Use the little "+" next to 'Recipes' to create a fourth tray; make it vertical, and stick it to the right edge of your screen. Start by moving the 'occastional' powers into it -- Pocket D VIP Pass, Jump Pack, Base Transporter, Ouroboros Portal. Move Super Leap and Combat Jumping there and make one or more keybinds to switch them on and off. Move your vetpet and Mystic Fortune there as well. Move your toggle defenses to tray 3, and Sands of Mu to tray 3, slot 3. Move Rest to tray 1, slot 0, Sprint to tray 3, slot 0. Healing Flames to Tray 1, slot 9, Consume to Tray 2, slot 9. All your Dual Blade attacks move to Tray 1, pushed left to have them in sequence. Taunt, Build Up, and Burn go in Tray 2 after the three vetpowers.

This puts your toggle powers -- the ones you typically activate and ignore -- in tray 3 where you can get to them easily if they drop to restart them. All your DB attacks are in tray 1 (with room for Thousand Cuts), for easy combo access. Rest is off to the right where it can be got at quickly, with Healing Flames and Consume as '9' and 'alt-9'. Taunt, Build Up, and Burn are in the middle of the alt tray where you can reach them easily. And you've got empty real estate in the first three trays for future powers like Eye of the Magus or Elusive Mind.

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Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
Looking at that tray, you've got a lot of things in the primary trays that you don't need immediate keyboard access to. Use the little "+" next to 'Recipes' to create a fourth tray; make it vertical, and stick it to the right edge of your screen. Start by moving the 'occastional' powers into it -- Pocket D VIP Pass, Jump Pack, Base Transporter, Ouroboros Portal. Move Super Leap and Combat Jumping there and make one or more keybinds to switch them on and off. Move your vetpet and Mystic Fortune there as well. Move your toggle defenses to tray 3, and Sands of Mu to tray 3, slot 3. Move Rest to tray 1, slot 0, Sprint to tray 3, slot 0. Healing Flames to Tray 1, slot 9, Consume to Tray 2, slot 9. All your Dual Blade attacks move to Tray 1, pushed left to have them in sequence. Taunt, Build Up, and Burn go in Tray 2 after the three vetpowers.

This puts your toggle powers -- the ones you typically activate and ignore -- in tray 3 where you can get to them easily if they drop to restart them. All your DB attacks are in tray 1 (with room for Thousand Cuts), for easy combo access. Rest is off to the right where it can be got at quickly, with Healing Flames and Consume as '9' and 'alt-9'. Taunt, Build Up, and Burn are in the middle of the alt tray where you can reach them easily. And you've got empty real estate in the first three trays for future powers like Eye of the Magus or Elusive Mind.
Hmm, that's actually not bad... It wouldn't quite work as a 'universal' layout for all of my toons, but quite good for the Fire/DB. Gonna have to mess with this.

Be Well!