Sounds like a good idea
I generally tend to spend most of my time on lower level toons anyway. Partly, because I only have 4 lvl50s after 6 years. (Actually, this probably also explains why I only have 4 of them). The Incarnate stuff is interesting, but it's not something I'm interested in doing too frequently. (Each to their own though )
Sundays are probably easier for me, in terms of commitment.
Cheers, @RoboTank
Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster
Sent from my HAL 9000
cool Robo
Let's hope we can get some more interest

Thelonious Monk
If I wasn't already in 4 theme teams plus my regular duo with Mrs M I would be in. But as it is I'm fully booked teamed 6 nights a week, whats "real life". Good luck anyway.
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
I would be interested in this, but the only night that I could run (out of the ones you listed) would be Sunday. I currently do not have any characters on Defiant, but it might be fun to meet some new people.
Hum what about Dark theme? since it is a newer power set for trollers and doms and semi new to blasters? (I still need to incarnate my lvl 50 dark/dark cor)
Nemorin you'd be welcome to join us on Defiant. Sunday's a very good night (local time) invariably there are plenty of things going on, usually kicking off with a Mothership Raid and a lot of other activities
LSK I've just made several dark toons so I'd be well up for that theme. (See my "Ultimate Debuffer" thread for more info!) But yeah I'd be more than happy for "Defiant Darkness" to rule the Rogue Isles (something different doing it redside I figure)

Thelonious Monk
Hi Scarlet I have 2 regular lvl 50's Flush & Skinz who do iTrials with Dues & Misstress Dawn, but I to also strugle to find lowbie teams, I have 2 alts WS - Blush lvl 30 and Ill/Kin controler Spectra Phantom lvl 36 (I think) who I would like to find regular team mates to level up with, also some lowbies & 2 spare slotts to make new alts for new themes (If needed)?
I normally play around 4-5pm GMT till late most nights (If i am not working a night shift).
Were you thinking of starting a new alt to lvl to 50 as I think this would be a good idea to do on this DXP weekend?
Let me know plz, thanks ;-)
My Alt's:-
Ps. Which theme will we be going with?
Could you explain the theme in more detail plz, ie. Class, looks, Powersets ect..
My Alt's:-
Theme is up for debate. I'm happy with anything, but Dark could work well cuz there's a dark set across the board now for every AT I believe.
Once we got something formed we can decide on theme.
Add me @Riffster if you want to catch me in game

Thelonious Monk
Is there still interest in this ?
Dark is a good theme - as you say Riff, most ATs have a Dark set now I think. Perhaps we could push the theme a bit more, and decide an alternate customised colour for the dark powers ?
I've not been online much since last w/end though, so I figure I may have already missed the start of this ?
Cheers, @RoboTank
Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster
Sent from my HAL 9000
I'd be interested in this sort of thig if you haven't already started, set teams can be nice.
We still got some interest I reckon.
Let's give some thought to themes and think about forming on Sunday after the MSR?
Some possible suggestions:
Darkness: One or more
Any other suggestions welcome of course

Thelonious Monk
I'd definitely be up for a regular theme team
I'm happy to roll whatever is needed, but I do have a preference for a darkness theme at the mo
looks like there's a lot of interest in a dark theme... so how about we go with that and say at least one of your sets has to be dark in theme. You can mix and match (I'm seriously thinking of a thermal/dark defender or failing that a something/dark troller.
First run this sunday?

Thelonious Monk
Sunday should be good for me, dependant on the time. Evening and onwards suits me better, although I know there's already a lot that happens on a sunday evening.
I was thinking of a dark tank or meele type. Are we gonna level these up from 1, or a few levels in?
More importantly, where, and what time?
Cheers, @RoboTank
Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster
Sent from my HAL 9000
Sunday evenings suit me fine, I'll make sure I'm around later
I think I'll be rolling some sort of dark/ troller or domi if thats ok?
I've ended up with plans today... forgot it was Easter haha! It's looking like I'll be unable to make it this evening, but I'll definitely be there next Sunday and look forward to it
I seem to be saying this more often than I would like, but apologies for dissapearing earlier on.
Had great fun on this, and hopefully we'll be able to continue the team next Sunday. I got to level 12, hopefully I won't be too far behind everyone else next w/end (I can make up some levels in between if it helps)
Cheers, @RoboTank
Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster
Sent from my HAL 9000
Thanks to everyone who turned up we had a lot of fun and we all got some good levels. I think we're roughly about 15-16 now - we ran a couple of Drowning in Blood trials with just a few of us.
I'm looking forward to running this team next week so if you didn't make it this time, never fear there's still space for you then. Just make sure you're 15 and we'll run a couple of DiBs then maybe move on to Posi or something

Thelonious Monk
Has the theme team started and what is the theme if it has?
I have had a lot of fun playing on a all VEAT team and would like to get on another team. I was thinking of doing an all elemental shield team(Tanker, Brute and Scrapper). With the use of Phalanx Fighting and Grant cover it will help the team out in over all defense kinda like the VEAT team with maneuvers. As for the elemental aspect I think your attack, shield graphics and APP/PPP powers should match. For example a Dark/ Shield (W/ Dark graphics) will get Soul Mastery and become the team debuffer, a Shield (w/ Fire Graphics)/Fire Melee will get Pyre Mastery, etc....
I have been a part of a few Tanker Tuesdays that other servers host and I think I will make a toon on this server if we start a Melee Monday with a shield team.
lvl 50 - Elec/WP/Mu Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - Dark/EA/Soul Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - EM/Nin/Soul Mastery Stalker
New Toons
lvl 21 - StJ/WP Stalker
We're planning to run the same team again this Sunday. Keep a listen out on the Defiant Events (EU) channel for details nearer the time.
Cheers, @RoboTank
Robotank Inv Tank
Cloudwalker MA Scrapper
Shadowcall Dark Stalker
Stone Death Stone Controller
Solaise Fire Blaster
Confession Dark Blaster
Sent from my HAL 9000
I made a Dark/Dark Brute and leveled her to 11 yesterday, Ill probably try to get her to 15 buy Sunday, names Dark-Flush.
I can play Monday & Sunday as these are the only 2 days I have off work but from what i have read it looks like it will be a Sunday Superteam?
What time do we start forming the team? So i can be online rdy & waiting?
P.s. Any 1 els in superteam plz send me a global message (superteam) and a global friend invite plz, this will make it easier to know who every1 is that I dont yet know (Riff your on my Global and have been for years) ;-)
Cya L8ter - @Flush-VIP
My Alt's:-
Has the theme team started and what is the theme if it has?
I have had a lot of fun playing on a all VEAT team and would like to get on another team. I was thinking of doing an all elemental shield team(Tanker, Brute and Scrapper). With the use of Phalanx Fighting and Grant cover it will help the team out in over all defense kinda like the VEAT team with maneuvers. As for the elemental aspect I think your attack, shield graphics and APP/PPP powers should match. For example a Dark/ Shield (W/ Dark graphics) will get Soul Mastery and become the team debuffer, a Shield (w/ Fire Graphics)/Fire Melee will get Pyre Mastery, etc.... I have been a part of a few Tanker Tuesdays that other servers host and I think I will make a toon on this server if we start a Melee Monday with a shield team. |
I believe we have space and we're aiming to kick off from about level 15 this sunday so if you want to join us see if you can get to 15 and we'll run from there.
You can reach me in game @Riffster or shout out on the Defiant Events EU channel.
Hey Riff, sorry I couldnt make it last week as you know I have a 3 week old son who is taking up most of my time atm.
I made a Dark/Dark Brute and leveled her to 11 yesterday, Ill probably try to get her to 15 buy Sunday, names Dark-Flush. I can play Monday & Sunday as these are the only 2 days I have off work but from what i have read it looks like it will be a Sunday Superteam? What time do we start forming the team? So i can be online rdy & waiting? P.s. Any 1 els in superteam plz send me a global message (superteam) and a global friend invite plz, this will make it easier to know who every1 is that I dont yet know (Riff your on my Global and have been for years) ;-) Cya L8ter - @Flush-VIP |

Thelonious Monk
Bummer, I'm travelling back to uni now on Sunday and my train doesn't get in until 10pm. I'm sorry to be a let down again, especially as I missed last weeks!
If you count me out for now as things keep popping up last minute for me to commit.
I have rolled a Darkness/Fire Dominator (Seven Devils), so should I make it another week then I'll give a shout out on Defiant Events channel.
Sorry to be a pain again,
Have fun guys
Dunno about you chaps, but I'm running out of peeps I want to get incarnated - and because Deus and Stone and chaps are so good at running trials (thanks guys, seriously) it's sometimes tough to get a lowbie team going.
That's compounded by the fact that I have a few nights where I have to break off to do other things
So I figured the best thing to do is grab a team, hit it over the head with a theme and get 8 (or more) to run missions from 1-50 and presto, we've got new 50s to run Incarnate content with.
Anyone interested? Best nights for me are Monday, Thursday, Sunday, and I've thought of themes like "elemental" or "weather" or "monochrome" would be fun to run, but very open to suggestions.
Thelonious Monk