Terra Nova Cancelled




Originally Posted by Flafty View Post
The whole premise of the show made my brain hurt. You have an ongoing ecological disaster and your Plan A is TIME TRAVEL? What the heck was Plan B that made Plan A the more plausible solution?

Scientist: So the time travel plan is on the table. Any other suggestions?

Flunky: Plan B! Set FIRE TO THE SUN!

Scientist: ...plan A it is then.
No the official story is that they stumbled upon the time rift by accident, which may actually be true.

And sadly it may have been more realistic than space colonization or terraforming Mars. Pretty sure that the environmental collapse was beyond fixing.

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The show had its faults, but it was a fun ride. I'm actually far more disappointed that so many people seem so gleefully happy to see it gone, along with any other show that isn't their perfect cup of tea. Folks just have their expectations set too high for TV and movies these days. It's just video entertainment, and there's been bad stuff on for as long as there's been TV and movies.

I think it has a lot to do with on-demand programming availability... Now that people can choose what to watch and when, everyone seems to get the idea that any show that doesn't fulfill their every desire is just worthless and should never have been made... Kinda the way a lot of folks can't stand the idea of devs "wasting time" working on any content for the game that isn't specifically geared toward their personal agenda.

Everyone should just take a step back and allow themselves to be filled with wonder that there are amazing stories being told in a magic box, and if that's not good enough to keep them interested, then they should just go outside and play with other people...

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.




Originally Posted by Starhammer View Post
The show had its faults, but it was a fun ride. I'm actually far more disappointed that so many people seem so gleefully happy to see it gone, along with any other show that isn't their perfect cup of tea. Folks just have their expectations set too high for TV and movies these days. It's just video entertainment, and there's been bad stuff on for as long as there's been TV and movies.

I think it has a lot to do with on-demand programming availability... Now that people can choose what to watch and when, everyone seems to get the idea that any show that doesn't fulfill their every desire is just worthless and should never have been made... Kinda the way a lot of folks can't stand the idea of devs "wasting time" working on any content for the game that isn't specifically geared toward their personal agenda.

Everyone should just take a step back and allow themselves to be filled with wonder that there are amazing stories being told in a magic box, and if that's not good enough to keep them interested, then they should just go outside and play with other people...
I think the point is that there's so much out there that's actually worthwhile to watch that there's really no point in wasting precious time watching things that have proven themselves to be sub-par.

I gave Terra Nova a chance. In fact unlike most people I think I suffered though almost every episode they made trying to see the "good" in it so I think I can speak with some experience when I say that in its presented form it deserved to either be cancelled or massively overhauled for improvement. Fox chose the former.

I wanted an enjoyable show out of this and I didn't get it. It happens. I think the only real reason people are "gleefully happy" it got the axe is that for once it seems like a show that actually -deserved- to be cancelled got cancelled. Far too many better shows have been unjustly subjected to the same fate over the years.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I think the only real reason people are "gleefully happy" it got the axe is that for once it seems like a show that actually -deserved- to be cancelled got cancelled. Far too many better shows have been unjustly subjected to the same fate over the years.
That and the relentless hype over this button-pushing genre series from a big name producer (Dinosaurs! Time travel! Spielberg! All the suspense of Lost without the dangling mysteries! Don't worry about the family and teen drama that's sneaking in!). It's one thing to have one's tastes catered to; it's another to be pandered to.

Originally Posted by Starhammer View Post
Everyone should just take a step back and allow themselves to be filled with wonder that there are amazing stories being told in a magic box, and if that's not good enough to keep them interested, then they should just go outside and play with other people...
Or, in the best of both worlds, we can play with other people via a magic box telling us amazing stories, such as in City of Heroes, to name only one of many MMORPGs out there on our personal computers.



I'm not gleefully happy that people lost jobs or that another genre show failed. Far from it. But I'm not surprised it tanked either. Bad writing, bad direction and bad acting don't make for a pleasant TV experience. Like Lothic, I gave it a chance. Several in fact. Until one episode the DVR ate the episode. I figured 'oh I'll just catch it online before the next weeks episode'. By the time the next episode had come around I'd realized I hadn't watched the one I'd lost. Why? Because I didn't care. I didn't care because the show just wasn't very good.

I hear a lot of people pan it for the teen plot/drama. I could even handle that if it was well written teen drama. I could handle it being a family show. If it was a well written family show. And so on and so on. On paper the show looked and sounded great. In execution it was a big ole massivley mediocre mess.

I feel for anyone on the cast or crew that is out of work. I even feel for people who will miss the show. We've all had quickly canceled series that we miss. I take no pleasure in the show being gone. But I don't miss it either.

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Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I could even handle that if it was well written teen drama. I could handle it being a family show. If it was a well written family show. And so on and so on. On paper the show looked and sounded great. In execution it was a big ole massivley mediocre mess.
Quite so, except that currently, television and movie producers insist on adding teen drama and family adventure to genre projects, no matter how rotely written, in order to capture the elusive mainstream audience. Naturally, the bigger the budget, the more anxious they are to "four-quad" a project by attempting to appeal to multiple audience demographics at once. It's as though they don't trust audiences to appreciate a high-concept idea without "relatable" surrogates.

It makes one positively nostalgic for the old days of sci-fi b-movies in which all the characters were cardboard and the moster was rubber. At least there was no pretense back then.



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
My son will be crushed. This was his favorite show on TV. I agree with the sentiment that it was a terrible show, but when I saw it through my 9 year old's eyes I saw magic.

* Dinosaurs
* Dinosaurs
* Dinosaurs
* Dinosaurs
* Dinosaurs
..fixed that for you.

Having now seen more of Terra Nova, it's very very pretty - sure the concept artists had a wail of a time - but even the trailers are unnecessarily leaden on the dialogue.

But if you liked that, have you tried Primeval? It was ITV's attempt at creating a Saturday teatime show to rival the Dr. Who revival... with some degree of success, it has to be said. The plot's rather thin and revels in its own silliness, but is nicely paced, with snappy dialogue, and has some wonderful ideas for setups. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yM96...eature=related

Was another casualty of the 2009 ITV share price crunch that took out a lot of their better shows and even whole departments. *looks sadly at last crumbs of redundancy cheque and wanders off, muttering about incompetent morons and crushing them to fine pink powder again*

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Dollhouse deserved it.
*prepares to savage BrandX in Whedonesque fangurl fury... then sits down, nods and agrees. Except for Alan Tudyk and Enver Gjokaj, who were both unutterably awesome.*

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Dollhouse deserved it.
Whedon brought it on himself by attempting to turn his cable-grade concept into a network-friendly series. The pilot showed a much more complex and intriguing execution of its decidely adult themes. That said, Fox gave Dollhouse a second season mainly because sexy outfits for Eliza Dushku are cheaper than dinosaur CGI.

Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
*prepares to savage BrandX in Whedonesque fangurl fury... then sits down, nods and agrees. Except for Alan Tudyk and Enver Gjokaj, who were both unutterably awesome.*
Don't forget Fran Kranz and Miracle Laurie. (Dollhouse is probably the only show in which the cast's names are more unusual than their characters'.)