Statesman TF - 1PM EST Sat Mar 3

Ad Astra



For the second time, our schedule matches up with the Weekly Strike Target. Next week, we head back out to the Shadow Shards.

Saturday, March 3 at 1PM Eastern

Statesman Task Force
Level 45+
Requires 8 to start.
Contact is in Independence Port.

1. Ironblade - not sure who I'll bring
2. Elllls - Stormheart (storm/ice defender)
3. Taxibot Belle - Taxibot Belle (kin defender)
4. Asgardian Blade - Drizzt's Tribute (scrapper)
5. Saint Jon - Heated Exchange (blaster)
6. Doctor Proctor - various options
7. Doctor's brother - also various options
8. Angelica Venger - Angelica Venger (blaster)
9. Ad Astra - (probably a blaster)
10. GATE-keeper - dunno

The final fight in this task force is quite difficult and Capt Tom Tachyon isn't level-shifted yet, so I'll probably bring someone else.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I think I'll bring Stormheart (Storm/Ice Blastfender)



Ooh, I want to come! I'll bring my camera!

Yay, Infinity Taxis!!!
Try my City without Taxis story (1679) if you get a chance and let me know what you think!



We'll be there with:

Asgardian Blade: Drizzt's Tribute (DB/WP scrapper)
Saint Jon: Heated Exchange (Fire/Fire blaster)

Certified: Altaholic as defined by Memphis_Bill since 2005

Coming to you from a galaxy far, far away...



I would like to come. Can bring my FF Defender, my fire/ice blaster, or my DB/WP brute, whatever is most helpful to the team.

Uze DaBladez - 50+2 - DB/WP Brute - Infinity
Uze DaSchwartz - 50+2 - Fire/Ice Blaster - Infinity
Uze DaFarce - 50 - Invuln/Mace Tank - Infinity
Psy Bub - 50 - FF Defender - Infinity



My brother would like to come as well. He can his Invuln/EM Tank (Magic Hands) or his Fire/Fire Blaster (Dr. Flamer) both are level 50.

Uze DaBladez - 50+2 - DB/WP Brute - Infinity
Uze DaSchwartz - 50+2 - Fire/Ice Blaster - Infinity
Uze DaFarce - 50 - Invuln/Mace Tank - Infinity
Psy Bub - 50 - FF Defender - Infinity



Angelica Venger fire/ice blaster will attend. If not her then one of her cohorts.

Every day I wake up is a good day.



I will bring someone to see if there is a second team.

Probably a blaster, although I have a level 47 Corr (Scorching Wrath, fire/therm) who is almost alignment-shifted enough to make this.

Decisions, decisions....

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
The final fight in this task force is quite difficult and Capt Tom Tachyon isn't level-shifted yet, so I'll probably bring someone else.
With no snark intended whatsoever, why would you bring someone else just due to not having a level shift?

My first 50 (an Ice/Rad Corruptor) leveled from 45 to 50 during issue 8 doing only LRSF runs, and I accidentally got a MoSTF - I never noticed that the TF was set for it - on my first heroside 50 (a Cold/Ice Defender) long before Incarnate content existed using only level 30-35 common IOs. Now if you're not 50 yet you may want someone else to have the star just so the whole team's level isn't under 50, but it's not like fighting a couple of +4 AVs is impossible. Or even really all that difficult.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I'd like to change to my Dominator, Neuropotence (Mind/Psi) I really need the stuff for her, and forgot this was the Strike target.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Cool. It's only Monday and we already have 8 people.
Let's get 8 more!
My brother and I both would love to do a second one as well with our other chars, if we are not taking a slot from someone else who needs one, and can't make the first.

Uze DaBladez - 50+2 - DB/WP Brute - Infinity
Uze DaSchwartz - 50+2 - Fire/Ice Blaster - Infinity
Uze DaFarce - 50 - Invuln/Mace Tank - Infinity
Psy Bub - 50 - FF Defender - Infinity



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
The final fight in this task force is quite difficult and Capt Tom Tachyon isn't level-shifted yet, so I'll probably bring someone else.
Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
With no snark intended whatsoever, why would you bring someone else just due to not having a level shift?
I wouldn't and I didn't say that.
I said the final fight is hard *AND* Capt Tom Tachyon isn't even level shifted. It's a contributing factor. Also, I'm taking into account further incarnate slots. Bringing someone with a level shift and all tier 4 incarnate powers will improve the performance of the team more than Tachyon. I'm not just joining a TF that someone is running, I'm the one running it. On the hard task forces, I'll bring whoever is most useful and Tachyon can sit this one out and get his Notice/salvage/whatever some other day.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I'll be there, just not sure who with.

Most likely Olivia Neutron-Bomb (Rad/MM Blaster), but if we wind up needing a deboofer I can bring N-TREPID (Rad/Sonic Defender) instead.

(Normally I would wait to sign up once I had decided, but with a min team size of 8 and one team already full, I'm sure you would prefer to get commitments in advance.)

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I wouldn't and I didn't say that.
I said the final fight is hard *AND* Capt Tom Tachyon isn't even level shifted. It's a contributing factor. Also, I'm taking into account further incarnate slots. Bringing someone with a level shift and all tier 4 incarnate powers will improve the performance of the team more than Tachyon. I'm not just joining a TF that someone is running, I'm the one running it. On the hard task forces, I'll bring whoever is most useful and Tachyon can sit this one out and get his Notice/salvage/whatever some other day.
It's certainly not worth arguing about, but the wording could be read that way easily - it's hard to tell if there is a single clause with two parts separated by "and" or two separate clauses that are leading into the subject of the sentence. In any case, the whole point was "bring who you want" and don't worry about performance - which the mention of difficult encounters and lack of level shifts, whether as a combined issue or separate issues, earlier and the highlighted part above seems to indicate that you're worried about.

Besides, in a purely performance-based look at it, a decent buffer/debuffer is worth more as a force multiplier to the team than an otherwise "pure damage" AT with a level shift and t4 incarnate powers. Swapping may have the opposite of the intended effect, where your individual performance is greater and the rest of the team's performance drops to more than offset the difference... but in any case, the whole point was "don't worry about performance, play who you want, and there isn't really a need at all to list a reason".

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
It's certainly not worth arguing about, but
But maybe it is, after all, huh?

Besides, in a purely performance-based look at it, a decent buffer/debuffer is worth more as a force multiplier to the team than an otherwise "pure damage" AT with a level shift and t4 incarnate powers.
Now you're stating the blindingly obvious. I do have some clue how various AT's contribute to a team.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Really wish I could join you all for this, especially because you'll probably walk out of it with a master-of badge. Starting last Saturday and continuing for the next month or so, I'm introducing friends to COX from 1-3, so I'll be online but will miss these tfs. Am building some new alts for future tf teaming, so the time will not be wasted. Hope to see everyone around at other times.

-my wife's character



Hey everyone! I'm sorry it took me so long to post these! I've been a pretty busy Taxibot the past couple of days, but I finally got some time tonight to get all of my pictures together and put them in an album. So with no further ado, here they are! Like always, they are on Facebook. You don't have to be a member of Facebook to see them, but if you are and you like our page (The Paragon Taxi Service, yay!!!), you will also see other pictures and news when I post them.

I hope you enjoy them!

This is our team! From left to right: N-TREPID (back), Fallen Warrior Angel (front), Dr. Flamer, Taxibot Belle (me!), Uze DaBladez (back), Bubble Bee (front), Gata Azule, and Flux Overlord. When a group of heroes goes to Grandville, you have to get some pictures!

This is probably my favorite picture this week. The team, undeterred by the heavy resistance put up by the forces Arachnos in Grandville, continues on. Even with a cracked helmet, you can see the determination in Flux Overlord!

As always, thanks for letting me tag along! (And be sure to check out the rest of the pictures!)

Yay, Infinity Taxis!!!
Try my City without Taxis story (1679) if you get a chance and let me know what you think!



Thanks to all the players who stayed on for a second run after the first ones finished. I was able to get 2 different characters through this, and as a result, my fire/therm corr Scorching Wrath is just inches away from hitting 50!

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."