Saturday, March 24- All Kheldian Keyes trial on Freedom




Thanks Stone. Looks like we're down to one spot, I'll put together a reserve list in case there are some who can't make it and we end up with more wanting to participate.



Just something come to my mind after todays itrial runs in defiant.

I think it is also important to post which destiny and interface we all have. Destiny for not stacking same kind of buffs too much and interface for same reason for debuffs.

If i am not mistaken 3 or 4 people with same interface is enough to max stack all the time on AV's.

Importan interfaces:

1) Reactive: If nothing else it has that tasty damage resistance debuff to all and if my memory serves right it has the best DoT among interface procs.

2) Degenerative: With new fix this proc does -1000 max HP to AV class enemies with each stack. On normal content AV's this means a %3.25 reduction and this means an equivalent of %3.25 damage resistance debuff (due to how max HP buff/debuff works) and a %3.25 regen debuff (for last fight in Keyes though I don't know how much debuff this proc does or how much it effects Anti-Matter). This one also does a toxic DoT which is second best rate amont procs.

3) Paralytic: Defense and damage debuff's all in same place %2.5 defense debuff and %5 damage debuff for each stack.

4) Diamagnetic: Even with high regen debuff protection AV's have this one still be useful since incarnate AV's have high HP and in return high regen.

5) Any other interface with a DoT would be useful.

For Destinies;

1) Rebirth +regen: For obvious reason and max HP one is pretty useless IMO.

2) Barrier: Both barrier would be good for having that defense buff those who are tri-form and resist buff for WS and rez one getting fallens back quicker.

3) Incandescence: Our last Mo Keyes run showed us this destinies healing buff stacks and its a good destiny to escape from green patches if all league has their teleport prompt disabled and there is 6 people who have this.

4) Well ageless and clarion are not bad ones but I doubt they will be extremely useful in keyes.



We aren't going for a Mo run or anything. Honestly I think this will be pretty simple without Incarnate power list compiling assuming that everyone knows what they're doing/follows instructions, which I've made some handy macros to pump out.



I'm going with Pre-emptive Interface on my Peacebringer, for the Energy DoT (and End Debuffing, but that's incidental) to mix with my Storm Elementals Lore Pets. For Destiny, I'm going to be going Clarion (of course). Still trying to decide what I want to do for Judgement.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



If that list is accurate and there is still one spot left, I'll grab it; the warshade is Jonathan Cross. It's been a little while since I've touched him, what with getting all excited for Stalker Changes, but I want to say he's either +2 or 3. I'll double check on that and get the answer later on.


Scratch the name. My kheldian's have been in limbo for so long I decided they needed a character refresh, and then I realized I had someone else who would make a perfect 'shade. Correct name would be Adrian Sable, if the league spot is still free.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
I [will] be there with Autumn Turning my (now) 50+[3] Peacebringer.
Blasted through a bunch of iTrials this past week and managed to unlock everything and get myself into Tier 4 Alpha and Interface, along with Tier 3 Lore and Destiny. Still need to do something about Judgement, but there's no level shifting from slotting that up, so it's taking a back seat right now. Should be able to get Tier 4 All by the time March 24 rolls around.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Okay, it looks like we are full, but just in case some people aren't able to make it I'd like to have some more on the reserves list. If you'd like to join feel free to post or otherwise let me know, there could very well end up being a spot for you.



*Hums a tune as he goes through his list of to-do's*

-Get Rebirth; Check!

-Get Tier 4 Spiritual; Check!

-Prepare specific folder for recording the event; Check!

-Make the almighty Degenerative Interface Incarnate Ability, of which I've failed to notice its very existence; ...

53 Warshade, LF any trial!!

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
*Hums a tune as he goes through his list of to-do's*

-Get Rebirth; Check!

-Get Tier 4 Spiritual; Check!

-Prepare specific folder for recording the event; Check!

-Make the almighty Degenerative Interface Incarnate Ability, of which I've failed to notice its very existence; ...

53 Warshade, LF any trial!!

Lol i may have to copy your to-do's >.< Im running a bit behind on Destiny/Interface options lol



Okay it seems freedom already have a Blackstalker (I should have known) so I am forced to change my WS's name after transfering. It is Demonstrider now instead of Blackstalker.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Okay it seems freedom already have a Blackstalker (I should have known) so I am forced to change my WS's name after transfering. It is Demonstrider now instead of Blackstalker.
Updated the OP. I hate losing names too, but at least you had an equally cool backup name.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Updated the OP. I hate losing names too, but at least you had an equally cool backup name.
Actually I think new one is cooler but shhsss its between us :P. Joke asside I tried 4 or 5 names and all were taken I was afraid this one was taken too but hopefully it is mine now :P



@Debtlover, Warshade +3 would like to be added to the reserve list.



Just a reminder to everyone that this is coming up this weekend. When you get to Pocket D either send me a tell (my Warshade is Septipheran) or shout out in broadcast for an invite. I would like to launch the trial at 8:30 pm est so try to arrive 15-20 minutes early if possible. See you guys soon.



Well my computer crapped out on me last week (just in time 2xp too) so I'm getting it looked at right now. I hope to have it back sometime this week, but the guy hasn't given me a firm date yet. If the prognosis is bad enough, I may just break down and credit purchase a new one this week, but I am thus far keeping my fingers crossed it won't come to that.

I suppose downgrading my slot to an alternate would be the best thing to do for the time being. I'm ok with giving my slot up to someone else who is already an alternate and is for sure going to be available come staurday.



Aw man, it's a bummer that you two can't make it. Good luck with your non-Kheldian activities.



Hope everyone hasn't forgotten about this... I've been looking forward to it with great anticipation! We want to try and jump on Ventrilo (I have a server) or Skype? Just say the word...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



May poke my nose in... though I'd have to transfer a kheld. Nothing on Freedoom high enough. Fridays ... well, I work evenings, unfortunately. >.< And would have to transfer or (oh no, not another alt!) roll a Kheld on Protector for it anyway.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Hope everyone hasn't forgotten about this... I've been looking forward to it with great anticipation! We want to try and jump on Ventrilo (I have a server) or Skype? Just say the word...

I wish my mic wasn't broken. I'll look around for another but I can't promise anything. I did make a tray full of instruction macros so assuming everyone pays attention to league chat we should be alright.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
May poke my nose in... though I'd have to transfer a kheld. Nothing on Freedoom high enough. Fridays ... well, I work evenings, unfortunately. >.< And would have to transfer or (oh no, not another alt!) roll a Kheld on Protector for it anyway.
If you want to move a Kheldian over to Freedom for tonight, there's a good chance that we have a spot available. We had 2 cancellations (we'll be displaying a Microsignal in Mr. Microcosm's absence) and I haven't heard from one of the 2 reserves so I'm assuming that spot will be open.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Just a reminder to everyone that this is coming up this weekend. When you get to Pocket D either send me a tell (my Warshade is Septipheran) or shout out in broadcast for an invite. I would like to launch the trial at 8:30 pm est so try to arrive 15-20 minutes early if possible. See you guys soon.
I'll be there nice and early! I can't decide if i want to bring my peacebringer or my 'shade >.<



Not have any VoC and don't have any intention to get one. One of my top priority reason that I am still playing CoH is that it doesn't need a VoC that interferes with my play.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post

If you want to move a Kheldian over to Freedom for tonight, there's a good chance that we have a spot available. We had 2 cancellations (we'll be displaying a Microsignal in Mr. Microcosm's absence) and I haven't heard from one of the 2 reserves so I'm assuming that spot will be open.
All right, one (with a bit of level shifting) transferred.

PB in the other thread - Therra Paladina



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Not have any VoC and don't have any intention to get one. One of my top priority reason that I am still playing CoH is that it doesn't need a VoC that interferes with my play.
No one says you "have" to join in... It's just that some of us prefer the opportunity to literally be able to converse with others via voice and fellowship that way because, you know, playing with others is kinda the whole point of an MMO.

If I were adverse to playing with other people, I would never have begun playing this game in the first place. I'd probably still be playing something like Myst. XD


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)