City Of Heroes Freedom Friday: 2/24/12 - Soon!er Than Last Week's Soon!




Michael Ishmael Rodriguez I: bow quivers as a backpack accessory?

City Of Heroes: This is a very popular suggestion that we have heard.


Logan Strickland: Where are Chimera, Black Swan, Infernal, and Dominatrix in the Incarnate trials?

City Of Heroes: You'll find out.


Douglas McCullough: Why does it take you 2 hours to eat lunch?

City Of Heroes: We really only take an hour lunch. We break for two hours to complete other tasks; also today at 11am PST (7pm GMT) there is the Failed Hero/Villain Costume Contest on Virtue in Pocket D, so we need to break for that.


Mike Davenport: I have been seeing more requests for more "city like" activity (especially by me) in the open world. Any chance we will see more things like buses, taxis, people shopping and the like?

City Of Heroes: It's common knowledge in Paragon City not to wait around for the buses. (There are no plans to add them in at this time)


Dale Yaddow: Do they still have plans to hold a player made character for the new Freedom Phalanx?

City Of Heroes: We'll be talking more about that soon.


Brannon Sherry: Will it be possible to customize the appearance of patron/ancillary powers and/or regular pool powers in the next year?

City Of Heroes: We know that Power Pool customization is something our players really want, and we are exploring the possibility.


Christopher Daniel Collins: Will there be an animal like power set? With powers like maybe a pounce and bite or swipe? Something a bit on the feral side of things.

City Of Heroes: There is the upcoming Beast Mastery Power Set for Masterminds, currently on VIP Beta. This Power Set lets you summon wolves, insects, lions, and a dire wolf to fight alongside you!


Sean O'Donnell: Any more progression to the constructions in Steel Canyon & Port Oakes that were started a couple years ago?

Dave Greenlaw: I agree with Sean, will those construction projects *EVER* be finished? Then again, maybe they're like all government contracts. (But even then, 3-4 YEARS is really pushing it. LOL)

City Of Heroes: Much like real construction, construction in Steel Canyon and Port Oakes has had a lot of delays over the years.

Tim Lehnerer: If the construction projects are sticking around, what about making a Construction Worker day job out of them?

City Of Heroes: That's actually an interesting idea!


Ellen Pretorius: any plans to do something about how hasten looks? really don't like running around with my hands on fire when i'm an ice blaster. and when you play the doggie travel power, your butt is burning D

City Of Heroes: Changing the look of Hasten, and other Power Pool powers, is something that our FX team has heard player requests on.


Daphne Clem: Two questions, actually: Will the website that the Mac NCSoft Launcher pulls its new from be updated? It still reflects the winter event/gunslinger info. Other question/idea: how about a control/domination powerset that involves polymorphing? Like, a controller opens up and turns a mob into bunnies, or random objects, or something humorous. :P Or buff-wise, turn the team into all Snakes, or Romans, or something.

City Of Heroes: We are aware of the Mac launcher not displaying the current news, and we are working on a fix for it. Thanks for your patience! As for your second question, it sounds like a Power Set based off the "Alakazamreact" emote. It's an interesting idea.


Steven Forrest: How hard would it be to make a Hasten inspiration?

City Of Heroes: Being able to pop a Hasten has the potential to be detrimental to game balance. We have no plans to create a Hasten inspiration for this reason.


Oz Otero: 1. Will the team look at /poison again
2. Where is Shadow Hunter
3. Will we get a third Epic ArchType
4. Will Praetoria get more love (More contacts, missions, maps, badges, content that lines up with the trials)

City Of Heroes: Praetoria will see more content. The story of that parallel dimension has yet to finish. There's nothing to report on another EAT at this time, but if we do decide to create one in the future, you won't miss the announcement.


David Baldwin: Are "Alfred-like" butlers/maids a possibility for bases in the future? It would be kinda nice to be greeted by an NPC when I return to my base after a long day of fighting crime...

City Of Heroes: Having NPCs in bases takes up server resources; this is not something we plan to do at this time.


Duncan Wardlaw: Has a supergroup managed the Supergroup Badge for completing the Cathedral of Pain 100 times legitimately?

City Of Heroes: I'm not sure! Anyone reading Freedom Friday whose SG has received the badge?


Tim Lehnerer: There's an enemy in a CoV tip mission called "T3h L34n3r3r". Is it just a coincidence that my last name showed up in a mission, more or less?

City Of Heroes: I'll leave it up to you to decide whether that was a coincidence or not.


Mike Speer: The one feature I would really like to see is a complete in game badge list. Its a terrible pain trying to figure out what your missing because some badges dont show up in the collection tab until after you have collected them, a la the gladiator badges that are not connected to a defeat badge. Any plans for this? While there are a couple good websites to help it would be nice just to open a tab on my interface

City Of Heroes: It's a good idea. I would suggest making a thread suggesting it on the forums.


Duke Von Deuce: Also, on the Praetoria subject, I agree wholeheartedly. I haven't really even played in Praetoria very much, due to the fact that I KNOW that eventually I'll be forced to leave it and nothing will be remembered about it. It needs the ability to go to 50 and then the choice as to leaving or staying as a PEAT (my suggestion would be as a Resistance Recruiter or Loyalist Spy).

City Of Heroes: Although players eventually leave Praetoria, I would suggest taking a look at the content there. There are a lot of memorable missions and set pieces.


Edgar Mena: Does the Windfall power apply only to Inf?

City Of Heroes: Windfall increases inf, as well as drop rates for certain rewards. It does not boost reward drops in PvP zones, and inf is diminished if you're in SG mode.


Tim Lehnerer: Are there any plans for a sword-and-pistol melee power? I think it'd work nicely for piratical, steampunk, or Puritan characters. I've been reading some Solomon Kane stories lately. And, unless I remember wrongly, there was a tricorner hat briefly on test or Beta. Throw together a suitable Colonial outfit with a sabre and a flintlock, and you have Awesome Time-Displaced Puritan Dude.

City Of Heroes: I believe this was explored, but there may have been technical limitations. The signature character Spark Blade was to wield a pistol and a katana.


Thomas Fantigrossi: What is the chance that we are ever going to see Rularuu the Ravager in the game? Not the (relatively) small aspects of him, I mean the real thing that is taller then that statue of Atlas in AP...

City Of Heroes: In-story, this is another "wait and see" question. But, you may see Rularuu before that, if ever one of the devs or community team changes into him...


Mike 'Rudie' Howles: Its not any sort of constructive input to the conversation, but I want to thank the City of Heroes team for always being so receptive and inviting with regard to player input. Its one of the main reasons I have stuck around so long, even though I don't have time to play as much as I'd like. Thanks! And its wonderful to see so many great ideas on here!

City Of Heroes: Getting feedback from our players is one of most, if not the most, important ideals of Paragon Studios. The community helps make the game what it is, and we want to listen to our players and incorporate some of that feedback.


Damien Pursey: Will i22 be next week?

City Of Heroes: It will be Soon™.


Mike Speer: a lunar moon base zone has been rumored for a long time. Any word on this? I need to fight some evil in space!

City Of Heroes: No word on the often-asked-for moon base at this time. Sorry!

Oz Otero: ok what about a water base.

City Of Heroes: No plans for a water base at this time either. We do know that underwater and outer space are two of the most requested types of zones that aren't currently in City Of Heroes.


Andrew Gipson: Have you guys considered running Official PVP Tournaments? I would like that a lot!

City Of Heroes: We have not run any official PvP tournaments, but it might be an idea for the future! Would this be something other players would like to see?


Damien Pursey: One last question, is it on the plans that more incarnate slots get unlocked this year?

City Of Heroes: Can't say, unfortunately.


Andrew Williams: Will Nightwidows ever get the correct black metal tint to there costume instead of the purple/black tint we have at the moment ?

City Of Heroes: This may be something to ask in one of the "All Things Art" threads on the boards.


Justin Young: I'm loving the new power sets and proliferation and all, but just wondering if there is maybe a ranged attacks primary/melee shields secondary being talked about around the shop? I only ask because I really want it mostly for concepts and stuff haha. But! I'm sure it's worth looking into! :3

I'm sure it's been mentioned tons of times, too lol

City Of Heroes: It is something we've heard from players, namely "melee shields."


Justin Young: Any talk of a new archetype with both of them combined? I'd give my right arm for that, been dying to have it since Dual Pistols came out

City Of Heroes: Nothing to report at this time.


Corey Delby: Now that statesman & presumably sister psyche are now dead, how does that change the lrsf. Also why haven't we seen LR response to States dying?

City Of Heroes: Any changes to TF/SFs will be announced. As for Recluse's response...hmm...


Epochil Lach Icessi: With Statesman TF being the WST starting on 02/28/12, can we be safe in betting that it is the last time it will be the WST?

City Of Heroes: The Statesman TF will continue to run, however a new contact will hand out the Task Force post-Issue 23. This does not mean that it will be the last time it is the WST.


Angelo Pampalone: Would be possible to have a url were one can look at all the details of a character? liek the in game info option but via web?

City Of Heroes: This has been something that's been requested, however there would be a lot of moving parts behind designing something like that. At this time, it is not feasible to create an out-of-game character viewer.


Malcolm Harris: Any chance of new low level gangs?

City Of Heroes: Possibly!


Dave Van Domelen: Can we have a separate co-op zone (maybe accessible from a door next to the doors to Recluse's Victory?) specifically for forming Incarnate Trial leagues? Right now, for instance, it's really hard to get Valentine missions going on some servers, because Pocket D is dominated by Incarnate Trial mustering. And Mothership Raids can be hampered on servers where RWZ is the chosen spot. (The "market" has spoken, people aren't going to just solo into LFG to make trials, so it's better to have a consistent place dedicated to the team-forming process.)

City Of Heroes: Players have requested an area specifically to form up incarnate Trials, so that Pocket D and Rikti War Zone aren't crowded with people looking for Trials. We are aware of the request, however at this time there is no plan to create a zone specifically for grouping to do Incarnate Trials.


Sergio Morales: Hi! Can you give us information (just a small clue) about what powersets we would see in Issue 23? We got Beast MM, Dark Doms, Staff Fighting... and what's next?

City Of Heroes: Those Power Sets will be coming in the timeframe of Issue 22. We haven't mentioned anything from Issue 23 yet.


Carol Moore Craigo: and what about Sister Psyche TF? Will that also be handed out by a different contact?

City Of Heroes: As with the Statesman Task Force, changes will be coming with Issue 23.


Lorraine Chevrier: Will the Trials ever be crossed server??

City Of Heroes: Cross-server play is something we're exploring.


Keith Murphy: This is probably not the right place for this, but I have enough credits that I should have had access to the invention and auction house systems automatically. I didn't have them, and purchased a token with real life cash to get them. Only after the fact did I notice that I should have had access already. I requested a refund over a week ago, and haven't heard. Since I'm not a VIP, I am at the mercy of the message system. Is there no way to escalate?

City Of Heroes: You can request your ticket be escalated.


Jeremy Thompson: I can't use my AT Enhancements on Beta. I can slot them but I can't use Catalysts on them and once I log out, they aren't in my build anymore. I would like to fiddle with my build on a testing server. I don't think they work on Test either. Is this an issue with me or is Beta not letting AT Enhancements be used? Just want to try out before altering my build on Live.

City Of Heroes: It is possibly an issue. Please bug it if you have not already. Thanks!


Mark J. Brown: I sorta asked this question before....but I want to be a bit more clear.

Can we get better "skin" options? I mentioned metal, stone, transparent ice, fire...etc.

I know it was mentioned we have those....but not quite!! The new ice/fire is linked to the ppl have to wait a long time or buy a lot of stuff.

The metal skin REQUIRE you to take a specific's baked into the head option.

Another example: bioluminescent skin. I WANTED to take this on my stalker...but the color of the skin is baked in (I'm pretty sure I tried to change that color...maybe I'm wrong.) Plus, the face is baked stalker is very pale and uses the supernatural face with eyes closed-- because he reads bioelectric signals better than what he can visually see.

Any point, the face on bioluminescent is baked in. So I don't use that option. Though I'd like just looks like a different character when I use that option.

This, again, goes hand in hand with improving character models, I guess.

Any chance for skin/character model upgrades?

City Of Heroes: I do remember the question; I see what you mean now. It's definitely something you can request in one of the All Things Art threads. The things you're proposing definitely aren't off the table for the future. Our artists do check those threads regularly, so I suggest making the suggestion!


Christopher Erik Burgess: How about a celestial skin pack for the MM? We have a demon summoning... Something that would summon angels or holy beings of some sort. Could be a great support type. for healing regeneration and the lot. also. Can you make the flaming whip it's own power set please..

City Of Heroes: Suggestions noted.


Taylor Lux: What's the chances that Pain Domination will be given to Controllers and Defenders and Empathy will be given to Corruptors and Masterminds. If I remember the original statements why it was needed was to give Villains access to an Empathy like power set; however that's been ruined since Going Rogue has come out.

City Of Heroes: If it makes sense to be proliferated, we will definitely proliferate it.


Beej Lemm While: looking at the new AT Enhancements I noticed that they tend to enhance the "classic" way of playing the AT's. For example the Blaster and Defender bonuses are: more damage, range and Ranged defense. The Defender also has the PBAoE Heal enh and a 6% Heal bonus. Is there any plans to do AT Enhancement "Sets" that add bonuses for those who don't play their AT's in the "classic" way, such as Electric Blasts "Short Circuit" which is PBAoE?

City Of Heroes: We'll announce more about future ATOs at a later date.


Stephen Kramer: Chances of getting the "swords crossed" chest emblem look more like fancy French rapiers instead of crossed short-thick-fat-swords, and "mushroom cloud" be 2-color tintable and, honestly, more "DOOOM!"y looking??

City Of Heroes: So a fencing emblem, like a duelist might have? Not a bad suggestion! As always I would point you towards the All Things Art threads on the forum. This is actually a neat idea for a chest emblem that I could see being used by many different characters.

Stephen Kramer: Mmmmmmm..(thanks for answering!)...well, I was meaning modifying the "swords crossed" emblem available from the Astral Merits contact in Ouroboros. I suggested the "swords crossed" and "mushroom cloud" options originally, and was nothing short of floored when my suggestions suddenly appeared. But the swords are really thick and short...what I was envisioning was 3-Musketeer style rapier. And the mushroom cloud, while I'm happy they made it, is just...not...doom-y enough. Needs to be wider and more "aaaaaaaaaaaah! run away!"...color tinting would help with that too, I think -- but definitely make the cloud bigger. Thanks for the point-to-thread answer -- just thought it'd be more direct going this route.

City Of Heroes: Ah, I see. It'd still be good to suggest in the All Things Art threads, as those also deal with alterations to existing costume options.


Eric Horvath: Will there ever be a lower tier of VIP? Like a say $7.50/mo package that gives incarnates and one or two other things. Because most of the VIP perks I can really do without.

City Of Heroes: There are no plans for different levels of VIP. We want to make the benefits of each level clear, and adding sub-tiers would complicate the system for many players.


Christopher Erik Burgess: What about a throwing weapons power set. Throwing knifes, stars, blades, hatchets, and

City Of Heroes: No plans for a Power Set dedicated solely to thrown melee weapons.


Kaitlyn Montenegro: When I shoot the baddies with the shoulder-mounted hamster launcher... Will they squeeeee?

City Of Heroes: Hamsters are usually quiet animals. This is, however, under normal circumstances; I don't know if they squee when being fired out of a shoulder cannon at high speeds. All of our testing has been done in sound-proof rooms.


Taylor Lux: Curiosity, are there more armors and support sets in the works?

City Of Heroes: We have heard players' requests for defensive sets. While there has been a focus recently on melee sets, we definitely aren't shifting our focus away from other types of Power Sets.


Patrick Wheeler: Just out of curiousity....
I think I have seen this asked before
(but since I am at work right now I cannot remember the answer)
Is there a timetable for possible customization for Epic/Patron Powers? LOL

City Of Heroes: No timetable. Sorry!


Taylor Lux: I'd like to mention that I would love the idea of the Shadow Shard becoming a co-op zone and giving it a bit more love than it has right now, or love since the last time it got some. Not sure when that was though.

City Of Heroes: Players will be able to make their case regarding zone revamps at the 2012 Spring Player Summit; if you're attending, that could be a good place to ask for changes to the Shadow Shard!


Kaitlyn Montenegro: Ok... A request for the store: the facepalm emote. They were given on contests only for NA an EU players... How about at least allowing purchase of it for the rest of the world?

City Of Heroes: There are currently no plans for making the facepalm emote available in the store. Sorry! We'll investigate the possibility of doing some giveaways for our players who aren't in NA or EU.


Dezz Doe: Whats the prefered file format for the Player Summit badges?

City Of Heroes: .jpg or .png will be fine.


Taylor Lux: When is the ETA for i22 anyhow?

City Of Heroes: I22 ETA: Soon™.


Greg Clem: Will we ever get the Sybil/Sister costumes from Cimerora?

City Of Heroes: No plans at this time. Sorry!


James Patrick Phillips: I refrain from asking questions that will be answered with the inevitable "Soon ™" response. So, what are some of the ideas floating around for future costume packs? Post Imperial Dynasty of course.

City Of Heroes: Aside from the Retro Sci-Fi Costume Set, that you the players helped design and vote on, I can't give any specifics on upcoming sets but I will say this: we've got some AMAZING stuff planned that even makes me excited. I hope you all stay tuned for it!


Tim Lehnerer: When new weapon-based sets get made, is anyone in charge of looking at old unlockable weapon sets and making sure the new stuff gets made for, say, Vanguard? We've had pistols and Titan weapons introduced since the Talsorian / Vanguard set was first made, and staves are in the future for it.

City Of Heroes: We do look at other weapon sets. And yes, we do know players want a Vanguard Titan Weapon option.


Jeremy Zharkov: Is the toga ever going to be in the item mall? I literally cannot do the mission to get it (Even my brutes get killed, much less my squishy characters like blasters/dominators) but would love to have it

City Of Heroes: Possible!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Kaitlyn Montenegro: Ok... A request for the store: the facepalm emote. They were given on contests only for NA an EU players... How about at least allowing purchase of it for the rest of the world?
I'm pretty sure that's not true. They were given as a Facebook promotion. Anyone could log in to Facebook and get them, regardless of where they lived, wasn't it?

Jeremy Zharkov: Is the toga ever going to be in the item mall? I literally cannot do the mission to get it (Even my brutes get killed, much less my squishy characters like blasters/dominators) but would love to have it
Sounds like a PEBCAK issue, because I have never once had trouble with it that wasn't solved by a) more inspirations, or b) invite friends.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Tim Lehnerer: If the construction projects are sticking around, what about making a Construction Worker day job out of them?
I'm killing you with my mind right now! Right friggin' now!!!!
No more friggin' DJ badges, dagnabbit!!!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I didn't get my answer. I wanted to know if they'd ever make it possible to skip the "run to the PvP zone liaison" missions and "Run to the Hollows/Striga/etc" missions without burning an autocomplete. I can see how these help new players, but, good god, as a 7 year vet, I don't need to waste time on every damn new character I make for a fedex run with no rewards that's required to get further missions from that contact. I suggested perhaps using the new contact popup to introduce these folks instead.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I didn't get my answer. I wanted to know if they'd ever make it possible to skip the "run to the PvP zone liaison" missions and "Run to the Hollows/Striga/etc" missions without burning an autocomplete. I can see how these help new players, but, good god, as a 7 year vet, I don't need to waste time on every damn new character I make for a fedex run with no rewards that's required to get further missions from that contact.
It's not a real fix, but at least with Wincott & Peebles you can cut your travel time by immediately going to the Find Contact button when you hit 5 & 20 and choosing Teleport to Contact, then talking to them.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I'm pretty sure that's not true. They were given as a Facebook promotion. Anyone could log in to Facebook and get them, regardless of where they lived, wasn't it?
Yeah, the EU/NA was part of the remaining divide with the account 'location' on the billing system since the MCSoft accounts still think it's either NA or EU.

Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
I'm killing you with my mind right now! Right friggin' now!!!!
No more friggin' DJ badges, dagnabbit!!!
Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I didn't get my answer. I wanted to know if they'd ever make it possible to skip the "run to the PvP zone liaison" missions and "Run to the Hollows/Striga/etc" missions without burning an autocomplete. I can see how these help new players, but, good god, as a 7 year vet, I don't need to waste time on every damn new character I make for a fedex run with no rewards that's required to get further missions from that contact. I suggested perhaps using the new contact popup to introduce these folks instead.
Y'know what irks me? This could've been a better question to answer than the TWO questions about ANCILLARY/PATRON/POOL POWER CUSTOMISATION. I'm surprised no-one asked a bases question to complete the 'easy-answer' ones. And there was the token issue release date question and one about the Mac launcher which thankfully had a second part to it.

They really need to start these with:
Issue XX soon
Bases are being given limited attention due to the undocumated system mechanics
Pool/ancillary/patron customisation is not on the cards yet

.... and then add to the list with questions that amount to 'make a thread in suggestions'.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
I didn't get my answer. I wanted to know if they'd ever make it possible to skip the "run to the PvP zone liaison" missions and "Run to the Hollows/Striga/etc" missions without burning an autocomplete. I can see how these help new players, but, good god, as a 7 year vet, I don't need to waste time on every damn new character I make for a fedex run with no rewards that's required to get further missions from that contact. I suggested perhaps using the new contact popup to introduce these folks instead.
I've been asking them to fix this for years.

Also, "go see the hazard zone security chief" missions.

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