So I finished the Praetorian Resistance Warden storyline... ((SPOIIIIIIIILERS))

Agent White



I was very sad when Aaron died. :<

I almost expected Savage to die, too. I'm also impressed by the final decision; it was honestly a difficult choice for me, and not at all a black or white situation.

Are the other arcs (loyalist, crusader, etc) as enjoyable? (Please don't spoil them, the only spoilers here should be Warden Spoilers!)

So.. yeah. General discussion Praetoria go.



The loyalist responsibility arcs are somewhat similar in content, while the loyalist power and resistance crusader arcs are rather a different tone.

If you've done all the warden arcs with a character, you might want to take that character to First Ward and do the stories there too.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



The crusader arc has some difficult choices in my opinion. Sure it is black and white and the options would normally be easy to choose, but the build up to those decisions and what's at stake is what makes it hard.

I suppose it's easier to choose if you decided to side with a particular alignment, but that doesn't mean you have can't switch back. Some aren't strictly Loyalist or Resistance though and can still be rather grey.



Actually I found all of the stories to be like that. They're pretty well written and all have a particular tone, which is then thrown off by the final choice that usually makes you want to sideswitch. It's kind of clever and evil because usually the choice to stay loyal makes you feel at least a lil skeezy.



Originally Posted by Inquisitor_NA View Post
I was very sad when Aaron died. :<

I almost expected Savage to die, too. I'm also impressed by the final decision; it was honestly a difficult choice for me, and not at all a black or white situation.

Are the other arcs (loyalist, crusader, etc) as enjoyable? (Please don't spoil them, the only spoilers here should be Warden Spoilers!)

So.. yeah. General discussion Praetoria go.
Yes particularly if you start on the other side first and make a switch to do undercover work for your native side. Then you can get all the extra dialogue from your starting allegiance contact. There's a couple of dialogue changes for making various switches around Praetoria.

I also ran all the content on one character just to see how things changed. There's a good dialogue option change if you do the Nova Crusader line and then pick loyalist for the moral choice

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Towards the end it becomes clear that the Loyalist stuff was added later, especially if you play Warden.

If you look at it, after the first moral choice, you aren't so much choosing between loyalist and resistance, but Warden and Crusader, with the crusader choice keeping you resistance.

Especially when it comes to the final choice. Not blowing up the water plant, which will cause at the very least people to get sick, and probably kill weaker members of the population, just because a guy from another planet asks you to. Seems pretty much a clear cut Warden answer, but that makes you loyalist :-/

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



The final Crusader mission was the biggest gut punch for me. It forshadowed events from the UG and put "Mr. I have guns and kung fu" on my permenent beatdown list.